#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
void sort_longest (char **ch_main, char **ch_with, int anz) {
char temp_main[512], temp_with[512];
int i, j, longest;
for (i = 0; i < anz; ++i) {
/**find the index of the longest word**/
longest = i;
for (j = i; j < anz; ++j)
longest = (strlen (ch_main[j]) > strlen (ch_main[longest])) ? j : longest;
/**this is because of a former crash if argument line > 128 bytes**/
if (strlen (ch_with[longest]) == 0) {
fprintf (stderr, "\nprae: strlen of one argument is zero!");
fprintf (stderr, "\nargument is %s", ch_with[longest]);
if (longest-1 >= 0)
fprintf (stderr, "\nprevious argument is %s\n", ch_with[longest-1]);
exit (0);
/**put this longest word to the front position i**/
strcpy (temp_main, ch_main[longest]);
strcpy (ch_main[longest], ch_main[i]);
strcpy (ch_main[i], temp_main);
strcpy (temp_with, ch_with[longest]);
strcpy (ch_with[longest], ch_with[i]);
strcpy (ch_with[i], temp_with);
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
FILE *fp;
char zeile[512], *searchword[512], *changeword[512];
int i, j, ct_ch, sel, set_line;
int ct_replace = 0;
int block_this = 0;
fprintf (stderr, "\nprogram prae starting");
if (argc % 3 != 2) {
fprintf (stderr, "\nWrong use of %s\n\n", argv[0]);
exit (0);
fprintf (stderr, "\n%s filename [-set searchword changeword] [...] used as:\n", argv[0]);
for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
fprintf (stderr, "%s ", argv[i]);
fprintf (stderr, "\n");
/**for command line options to become search- changeword's**/
for (i = 2; i < argc - 2; i+= 3)
if (! strcmp (argv[i], "-set")) {
/**memory allocate only for searchword**/
searchword[ct_replace] = (char *)malloc (512 * sizeof (char));
/**fill-in search- and changeword**/
searchword[ct_replace][0] = '$';
strcat (searchword[ct_replace], argv[i + 1]);
changeword[ct_replace] = argv[i + 2];
/**count searchwords**/
ct_replace += 1;
if ((fp = fopen (argv[1], "r")) == NULL) {
fprintf (stderr, "\n%s could not open %s!\n", argv[0], argv[1]);
exit (0);
fgets (zeile, 512, fp);
while (! feof (fp)) {
set_line = 0;
/**get "set searchword changeword"; "set " has to be at the beginning of a line**/
if (strlen (zeile) > 1)
if (! strncmp ("set ", zeile, 4)) {
/**allocate memory**/
searchword[ct_replace] = (char *)malloc (512 * sizeof (char));
changeword[ct_replace] = (char *)malloc (512 * sizeof (char));
/**fill-in search- and changeword**/
searchword[ct_replace][0] = '$';
sscanf (zeile, "set %s %s", searchword[ct_replace] + 1, changeword[ct_replace]);
/**test if searchword already exists (block the new then, keep the old, e.g. from the command line)**/
for (j = 0; j < ct_replace; ++j)
if (! strcmp (searchword[j], searchword[ct_replace])) {
block_this = 1;
fprintf (stderr, "%s is set to %s intead of %s by file %s.\n",
searchword[j], changeword[j], changeword[ct_replace], argv[1]);
/**count searchwords**/
if (block_this == 0)
ct_replace += 1;
block_this = 0;
/**mark line with a "set"**/
set_line = 1;
sort_longest (searchword, changeword, ct_replace);
if ((strlen (zeile) > 1) && (set_line == 0))
/**for each letter in the text**/
for (i = 0; i < (signed int)(strlen (zeile)); ++i) {
sel = -1;
for (ct_ch = 0; ((ct_ch < ct_replace) && (sel == -1)); ++ct_ch)
if (! strncmp (searchword[ct_ch], zeile + i, strlen (searchword[ct_ch])))
sel = ct_ch; /**state that and which word to replace**/
if (sel != -1) {
i += strlen (searchword[sel]) - 1; /**skip the searchword (i counted anyway)**/
fprintf (stdout, "%s", changeword[sel]); /**print the changeword**/
} else {
fprintf (stdout, "%c", zeile[i]); /**print all regular characters**/
fgets (zeile, 512, fp);
return (0);