
A hybrid generative and predictive model of the motor cortex
Cornelius Weber, Stefan Wermter and Mark Elshaw
Neural Networks, 19 (4), 339-353 (2006)

- Create a directory for the files:
  mkdir /tmp/coco
- Run the program:
  ./cococo -file v/CortexDocking
- View the resulting files:
  ./look a w 4 5 6 7
  (In look.tcl, the variable UNAME must be: /tmp/coco
   Note that "look.tcl" only works after the files have been created, i.e. after start of "cococo"!)

global {
 iter         0
 areas        10
 mult         1

 d           "/tmp/coco"

all {
 d_a          0
 d_b          0

/**area 4: place cells**/
area 4 {
set numang    7          /**num_angle (don't put a space before the "set"!)**/
 d_a          112        /**16 * num_angle**/
 d_b          24

/**area 5: critic -- holds value function**/
area 5 {
 d_a          1
 d_b          1

/**area 7: real world coordinates -- x,y,phi**/
area 7 {
 d_a          3
 d_b          1

/**area 6: actor -- steers the agent into N E S W**/
area 6 {
 d_a          1
 d_b          4

/**area 3: the perceived Gaussian in NON-blown-up coordinates**/
area 3 {
 d_a          16
 d_b          24

/**area 8: phi as Gaussian -- HD cells -- angle input for the cortex**/
area 8 {
 d_a          7
 d_b          1

/**area 9: motor cortex -- its input is (i) the perceived location from area 3, (ii) the angle from area 9 and (iii) the motor output from area 6**/
area 9 {
 d_a          16
 d_b          16

set iterWreinforce   1000000       /**1000000**/
set importWreinforce 0

/**Helmholtz Machine**/
set iterWbu          200000        /**200000**/
set importWbu        0
set epsWbu           0.01
set dectimesepsWbu   0.00015

/**Lateral Predictive Weights**/
set iterV            100000       /**100000**/
set importV          0
set epsV             0.01
set dectimesepsV     0.00001

series (1) {
 if ($importWreinforce = 0)
 sw (0; 1; alltime) {
  5(n) {N,w; weight_list_alloc_full; 4    ;   ; -0.01+0.01} /**critic weights**/
  6(n) {N,w; weight_list_alloc_full; 4    ;   ; -0.01+0.01} /**actor weights**/
 if ($importWreinforce = 1)
 sw (0; 1; alltime) {
  5(n) {N,w+d; weight_list_alloc_import; 4;   ;    }
  6(n) {N,w+d; weight_list_alloc_import; 4;   ;    }

 sw (0; 1; order) {
  5(o){R; local_const       ; ,   ; ,   ; 1.0 } /**so that total_init_coord chooses a new position**/

  9(o){O; local_const       ; ,   ; ,   ; 0.0 }              /**    init   **/
  3(o){O; local_const       ; ,   ; ,   ; 0.0 }              /**    the    **/
  6(o){O; local_const       ; ,   ; ,   ; 0.0 }              /**    old    **/
  8(o){O; local_const       ; ,   ; ,   ; 0.0 }              /**activations**/

set sigma  1.5
set sigang 0.5
set maxang 0.78539816  /**PI/4**/
set gamma  0.9

/**training of the reinforcement module to perform the docking**/
/**total_init_coord places the agent to a new starting position whenever R!=0, i.e. when a reward is given or when agent out of boundaries (set by feed_dock_reward).**/
/**The agent coordinates are traced on area 7, from which the input on other areas can be computed.**/
series ($iterWreinforce) {

 sw (0; 1; order) {
  7(o){P  ; local_copy      ; ,   ; Q,  ;      } /****/
  7(t){P  ; total_init_coord; 5   ; R   ;16+24, 50, 0.0} /**init random new (x,y,phi), if R != 0, else leave as is <- make sure orange visible; set phi = 0 for simplicity!**/
  4(t){P  ; total_angl_coord; 7   ;     ;$sigma+$sigang,$numang+$maxang} /**compute the perceived orange**/
  5(o){K,w; weight_list_feed; 4   ; P   ;      } /**Eq.2:  critic activation at time t**/
  6(o){N,w; weight_list_feed; 4   ; P   ;      } /**Eq. before 9: actor inner activation**/
  6(t){M  ; total_rand_winner;    ; N   ;      } /**Eq.9:  choose action stochastically**/
  6(t){M  ; total_winner    ;     ; N   ; 1, 1.0}

  7(t){Q  ; total_move_coord; 6+7 ; M+P ; 0.9+0.1} /**old position P and action M (q_00~velocity,q_01~angularvelocity) -> new position Q**/
  4(t){Q  ; total_angl_coord; 7   ;     ;$sigma+$sigang,$numang+$maxang} /**compute the perceived orange**/
  5(o){R  ; feed_dock_reward; 4,7 ; Q,Q ;15+11,$numang+16+24,2+0,-0.3,8.0} /**set reward R=1 at target pos q_00+q_01, and R = q_30 at boundary; 0.0 for nicer presentation**/

  5(o){L,w; weight_list_feed; 4   ; Q   ;      } /**Eq.2:  critic activation at time t+1             **/
  5(o){L  ; local_mult_const; ,   ; ,   ;$gamma} /**Eq.7:  discount factor gamma                     \    compute **/
  5(o){T  ; local_sub       ; ,   ; L, K;      } /**Eq.7:  difference critic act at t+1 minus at t    |   delta   **/
  5(o){T  ; local_sum       ; ,   ; R,  ;      } /**Eq.7:  add reward                                /            **/
  6(t){T  ; total_spread_xy ; 5   ;     ; 2    } /**                      delta on all action units  **/
  6(o){O  ; local_mult      ; ,   ; T, M;      } /**Eq.10: delta * g_j    delta on active action unit**/
  5(o){N,w; weight_list_hebb; 5, 4; T, P; 0.1  } /**Eq.8:  delta * f_i(p_t)                          **/
  6(o){N,w; weight_list_hebb; 6, 4; O, P; 0.1  } /**Eq.10: (delta*g_j) * f_i(p_t)                    **/

  4(t){R; total_pause     ;     ;     ;  0  } /**in ms**/

 if (iter % 100)
 sw (0; 1; alltime) {
  4(o){P,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  4(o){Q,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  5(o){R,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  5(o){L,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  6(o){N,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  6(o){M,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  7(o){P,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  7(o){Q,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  6(n){N,w+d; weight_list_export; 4;    ;      }
  5(n){N,w+d; weight_list_export; 4;    ;      }

series (1) {
 if ($importWbu = 0)
 sw (0; 1; alltime) {
  3(n) {N,w; weight_list_alloc_full; 9    ;   ; -0.01+0.01}   /****/
  6(n) {N,w; weight_list_alloc_full; 9    ;   ; -0.01+0.01}   /****/
  8(n) {N,w; weight_list_alloc_full; 9    ;   ; -0.01+0.01}   /****/
  9(n) {N,w; weight_list_alloc_full; 3    ;   ; -0.01+0.01}   /****/
  9(n) {N,w; weight_list_alloc_full; 6    ;   ; -0.01+0.01}   /****/
  9(n) {N,w; weight_list_alloc_full; 8    ;   ; -0.01+0.01}   /****/
 if ($importWbu = 1)
 sw (0; 1; alltime) {
  3(n) {N,w+d; weight_list_alloc_import; 9;   ;    }
  6(n) {N,w+d; weight_list_alloc_import; 9;   ;    }
  8(n) {N,w+d; weight_list_alloc_import; 9;   ;    }
  9(n) {N,w+d; weight_list_alloc_import; 3;   ;    }
  9(n) {N,w+d; weight_list_alloc_import; 6;   ;    }
  9(n) {N,w+d; weight_list_alloc_import; 8;   ;    }

/**training of the motor cortex (only HM, i.e. BU/TD, not lateral yet)**/

set scale3 1.0    /**was 1.0**/
set scale6 1.0    /**was 2.0**/
set scale8 2.0    /**was 1.5**/

series ($iterWbu) {

 sw (0; 1; order) {
  3(o){N,w; weight_list_rectify;  9  ;      ; 0.0, 1}  /** all weights W **/
  6(o){N,w; weight_list_rectify;  9  ;      ; 0.0, 1}  /**     are       **/
  8(o){N,w; weight_list_rectify;  9  ;      ; 0.0, 1}  /**   positive    **/
  9(o){N,w; weight_list_rectify;3+6+8; ++   ; 0.0, 1}  /**     only      **/

 sw (0; 1; order) {
  7(o){P  ; local_copy      ; ,   ; Q,  ;      } /****/
  7(t){P  ; total_init_coord; 5   ; R   ;16+24, 50, 0.0} /**init random new (x,y,phi), if R != 0, else leave as is <- make sure orange visible; set phi = 0 for simplicity!**/
  4(t){P  ; total_angl_coord; 7   ;     ;$sigma+$sigang,$numang+$maxang} /**compute the perceived orange**/
  5(o){K,w; weight_list_feed; 4   ; P   ;      } /**Eq.2:  critic activation at time t**/
  6(o){N,w; weight_list_feed; 4   ; P   ;      } /**Eq. before 9: actor inner activation**/
  6(t){M  ; total_rand_winner;    ; N   ;      } /**Eq.9:  choose action stochastically**/
  6(t){M  ; total_winner    ;     ; N   ; 1, 1.0}

  7(t){Q  ; total_move_coord; 6+7 ; M+P ; 0.9+0.1} /**old position P and action M (q_00~velocity,q_01~angularvelocity) -> new position Q**/
  4(t){Q  ; total_angl_coord; 7   ;     ;$sigma+$sigang,$numang+$maxang} /**compute the perceived orange**/
  5(o){R  ; feed_dock_reward; 4,7 ; Q,Q ;15+11,$numang+16+24,2+0,-0.3,8.0} /**set reward R=1 at target pos q_00+q_01, and R = q_30 at boundary; 0.0 for nicer presentation**/

 /**WAKE: TD weights W_(368)9 learn**/
 sw (0; 1; order) {
  3(t){T; total_imag_coord  ; 7   ; P   ;1, $sigma}                     /**compute the perceived orange (on the original "where" area, NOT on the angle-blown-up input)**/
  3(o){T; local_mult_const  ; ,   ; ,   ; $scale3 }                     /**!!!**/
  6(o){T; local_copy        ; ,   ; M,  ;         }                     /**the action**/
  6(o){T; local_mult_const  ; ,   ; ,   ; $scale6 }                     /**!!!**/
  8(t){T; total_imag_coord  ; 7   ; P   ;2, $sigang, $numang+$maxang}   /**the heading direction cells**/
  8(o){T; local_mult_const  ; ,   ; ,   ; $scale8 }                     /**!!!**/

 sw (0; 1; order) {
  9(o){T,w; weight_list_feed;3+6+8;T+T+T;     }

  9(o){Q,w; weight_list_feed; 3   ; T   ;     }                         /** only  **/
  9(o){R,w; weight_list_feed; 6   ; T   ;     }                         /**  for  **/
  9(o){S,w; weight_list_feed; 8   ; T   ;     }                         /**observe**/

  9(o){T; local_mean_01     ; ,   ; ,   ; 64+2.0+0+0+1}

  3(o){S,w; weight_list_feed; 9   ; T   ;     }
  3(o){R; local_sub         ; ,   ; T, S;     }
  3(o){N,w; weight_list_hebb; 3, 9; R, T; $epsWbu}
  6(o){S,w; weight_list_feed; 9   ; T   ;     }
  6(o){R; local_sub         ; ,   ; T, S;     }      /**to plot the TD errors R (continuous) with init on area 6**/
  6(o){N,w; weight_list_hebb; 6, 9; R, T; $epsWbu}
  8(o){S,w; weight_list_feed; 9   ; T   ;     }
  8(o){R; local_sub         ; ,   ; T, S;     }
  8(o){N,w; weight_list_hebb; 8, 9; R, T; $epsWbu}

  3(o){N,w; weight_list_decay ; 9   ;     ; $dectimesepsWbu }
  6(o){N,w; weight_list_decay ; 9   ;     ; $dectimesepsWbu }
  8(o){N,w; weight_list_decay ; 9   ;     ; $dectimesepsWbu }

 /**to plot the TD errors S (continuous) if NO init on area 6, but during testing -- comment this out to plot the training errors, i.e. with correct area 6 init**/
 sw (0; 1; order) {
  9(o){L,w; weight_list_feed    ;3+8;T+T;     }
  9(o){L; local_mean_01     ; ,   ; ,   ; 64+2.0+0+0+1}
  6(o){S,w; weight_list_feed    ; 9   ; L   ;     }
  6(o){S; local_sub         ; ,   ; T, S;     }

/**SLEEP: BU weights W_9(368) learn**/
 sw (0; 1; order) {
  9(t){N; total_topo_gibbs_01;,   ; ,   ; 10+0.75, 1.0+1.0, 1}    /**init sleep phantasy**/
  3(o){N,w; weight_list_feed; 9   ;     ;     }
  6(o){N,w; weight_list_feed; 9   ;     ;     }
  8(o){N,w; weight_list_feed; 9   ;     ;     }
  9(o){M,w; weight_list_feed;3+6+8;N+N+N;     }
  9(o){M; local_mean_01     ; ,   ; ,   ; 64+2.0+0+0+1}
  9(o){N; local_sub         ; ,   ; N, M;     }
  9(o){N,w; weight_list_hebb;9,3+6+8;N,N+N+N; $epsWbu}
  9(o){N,w; weight_list_decay ;3+6+8; ,   ; $dectimesepsWbu}

 if (iter % 100)
 sw (0; 1; alltime) {
  3(o){T,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  6(o){T,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  8(o){T,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  9(o){T,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  3(o){N,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  6(o){N,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  8(o){N,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  9(o){N,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  9(o){M,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  9(o){Q,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  9(o){R,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  9(o){S,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
 if (iter % 500)
 sw (0; 1; alltime) {
  9(n){N,w+d; weight_list_export; 3;    ;      }
  9(n){N,w+d; weight_list_export; 6;    ;      }
  9(n){N,w+d; weight_list_export; 8;    ;      }
  3(n){N,w+d; weight_list_export; 9;    ;      }
  6(n){N,w+d; weight_list_export; 9;    ;      }
  8(n){N,w+d; weight_list_export; 9;    ;      }


 /**lateral attractor weights V (separate relaxation with WAKE data)**/
 /**the relaxation dynamics might solve the problem of conflicting BU inputs from motor, angle and location ... !**/
 /**might relax together with motor output area 6, because the classification is relevant w.r.t. the motor output anyway ... !**/

series (1) {
 if ($importV = 0)
 sw (0; 1; alltime) {
  3(n) {N,v; weight_list_alloc_full; 9    ;   ; -0.01+0.01}   /****/
  6(n) {N,v; weight_list_alloc_full; 9    ;   ; -0.01+0.01}   /****/
  8(n) {N,v; weight_list_alloc_full; 9    ;   ; -0.01+0.01}   /****/
  9(n) {N,v; weight_list_alloc_full; 3    ;   ; -0.01+0.01}   /****/
  9(n) {N,v; weight_list_alloc_full; 6    ;   ; -0.01+0.01}   /****/
  9(n) {N,v; weight_list_alloc_full; 8    ;   ; -0.01+0.01}   /****/

  3(n) {N,v; weight_list_alloc_full; 3    ;   ; -0.01+0.01}   /****/
  6(n) {N,v; weight_list_alloc_full; 6    ;   ; -0.01+0.01}   /****/
  8(n) {N,v; weight_list_alloc_full; 8    ;   ; -0.01+0.01}   /****/
  9(n) {N,v; weight_list_alloc_full; 9    ;   ; -0.01+0.01}   /****/
 if ($importV = 0)
 sw (0; 1; order) {
  3(o){N,v; weight_list_cutself;     ;      ;     }
  6(o){N,v; weight_list_cutself;     ;      ;     }
  8(o){N,v; weight_list_cutself;     ;      ;     }
  9(o){N,v; weight_list_cutself;     ;      ;     }

 if ($importV = 1)
 sw (0; 1; alltime) {
  3(n) {N,v+d; weight_list_alloc_import; 9;   ;    }
  6(n) {N,v+d; weight_list_alloc_import; 9;   ;    }
  8(n) {N,v+d; weight_list_alloc_import; 9;   ;    }
  9(n) {N,v+d; weight_list_alloc_import; 3;   ;    }
  9(n) {N,v+d; weight_list_alloc_import; 6;   ;    }
  9(n) {N,v+d; weight_list_alloc_import; 8;   ;    }

  3(n) {N,v+d; weight_list_alloc_import; 3;   ;    }
  6(n) {N,v+d; weight_list_alloc_import; 6;   ;    }
  8(n) {N,v+d; weight_list_alloc_import; 8;   ;    }
  9(n) {N,v+d; weight_list_alloc_import; 9;   ;    }

series ($iterV) {

 /**begin of copy&paste from above**/
 sw (0; 1; order) {
  7(o){P  ; local_copy      ; ,   ; Q,  ;      } /****/
  7(t){P  ; total_init_coord; 5   ; R   ;16+24, 50, 0.0} /**init random new (x,y,phi), if R != 0, else leave as is <- make sure orange visible; set phi = 0 for simplicity!**/
  4(t){P  ; total_angl_coord; 7   ;     ;$sigma+$sigang,$numang+$maxang} /**compute the perceived orange**/
  5(o){K,w; weight_list_feed; 4   ; P   ;      } /**Eq.2:  critic activation at time t**/
  6(o){N,w; weight_list_feed; 4   ; P   ;      } /**Eq. before 9: actor inner activation**/
  6(t){M  ; total_rand_winner;    ; N   ;      } /**Eq.9:  choose action stochastically**/
  6(t){M  ; total_winner    ;     ; N   ; 1, 1.0}

  7(t){Q  ; total_move_coord; 6+7 ; M+P ; 0.9+0.1} /**old position P and action M (q_00~velocity,q_01~angularvelocity) -> new position Q**/
  4(t){Q  ; total_angl_coord; 7   ;     ;$sigma+$sigang,$numang+$maxang} /**compute the perceived orange**/
  5(o){R  ; feed_dock_reward; 4,7 ; Q,Q ;15+11,$numang+16+24,2+0,-0.3,8.0} /**set reward R=1 at target pos q_00+q_01, and R = q_30 at boundary; 0.0 for nicer presentation**/

 /**WAKE: TD weights W_(368)9 learn**/
 sw (0; 1; order) {
  3(t){T; total_imag_coord  ; 7   ; P   ;1, $sigma}                     /**compute the perceived orange (on the original "where" area, NOT on the angle-blown-up input)**/
  3(o){T; local_mult_const  ; ,   ; ,   ; $scale3 }                     /**!!!**/
  6(o){T; local_copy        ; ,   ; M,  ;         }                     /**the action**/
  6(o){T; local_mult_const  ; ,   ; ,   ; $scale6 }                     /**!!!**/
  8(t){T; total_imag_coord  ; 7   ; P   ;2, $sigang, $numang+$maxang}   /**the heading direction cells**/
  8(o){T; local_mult_const  ; ,   ; ,   ; $scale8 }                     /**!!!**/

 sw (0; 1; order) {
  9(o){T,w; weight_list_feed;3+6+8;T+T+T;     }

  9(o){T; local_mean_01     ; ,   ; ,   ; 64+2.0+0+0+1}
 /**end of copy&paste from above**/

 sw (0; 1; order) {
  3(o){T; local_rectify     ; ,   ; ,   ; 0.8+-1}   /**just for consistency with the 2 lines below**/
  6(o){T; local_rectify     ; ,   ; ,   ; 0.8+-1}   /**because value was previously multiplied by scale6>1**/
  8(o){T; local_rectify     ; ,   ; ,   ; 0.8+-1}   /**because value was previously multiplied by scale8>1**/

 sw (0; 1; order) {
  9(o){P,v; weight_list_feed;3+6+8+9;O+O+O+O; }    /**see 06.gaussequence.enr for average between BU & lateral input -- related to prediction !**/
      {P; local_mean_01     ; ,   ; ,   ; 8+2.0+0+0+0.7}    /**works more robustly with kurt=8 instead of 64 as for BU cells -- 0.7 trick to keep act's high!**/
  3(o){P,v; weight_list_feed; 9+3 ; O+O ;     }    /**see 06.gaussequence.enr for average between BU & lateral input -- related to prediction !**/
      {P; local_mean_01     ; ,   ; ,   ; 8+2.0+0+0+0.7}    /**works more robustly with kurt=8 instead of 64 as for BU cells -- 0.7 trick to keep act's high!**/
  6(o){P,v; weight_list_feed; 9+6 ; O+O ;     }    /**see 06.gaussequence.enr for average between BU & lateral input -- related to prediction !**/
      {P; local_mean_01     ; ,   ; ,   ; 8+2.0+0+0+0.7}    /**works more robustly with kurt=8 instead of 64 as for BU cells -- 0.7 trick to keep act's high!**/
  8(o){P,v; weight_list_feed; 9+8 ; O+O ;     }    /**see 06.gaussequence.enr for average between BU & lateral input -- related to prediction !**/
      {P; local_mean_01     ; ,   ; ,   ; 8+2.0+0+0+0.7}    /**works more robustly with kurt=8 instead of 64 as for BU cells -- 0.7 trick to keep act's high!**/

 sw (0; 1; order) { /**attention: it may not work to learn only at the last step, because the pre-synaptic value might be too small!!!**/
  9(o){N,v; weight_list_decay ; 3+6+8+9;     ; $dectimesepsV }
  3(o){N,v; weight_list_decay ; 3+9    ;     ; $dectimesepsV }
  6(o){N,v; weight_list_decay ; 6+9    ;     ; $dectimesepsV }
  8(o){N,v; weight_list_decay ; 8+9    ;     ; $dectimesepsV }

  9(o){K; local_sub         ; ,   ; T, P;     }
  3(o){K; local_sub         ; ,   ; T, P;     }
  6(o){K; local_sub         ; ,   ; T, P;     }      /**to plot the lat errors K (continuous) with init on area 6**/
  8(o){K; local_sub         ; ,   ; T, P;     }
  9(o){N,v; weight_list_hebb;,3+6+8+9;K,O+O+O+O; $epsV}
  3(o){N,v; weight_list_hebb; ,9+3;K,O+O; $epsV}
  6(o){N,v; weight_list_hebb; ,9+6;K,O+O; $epsV}
  8(o){N,v; weight_list_hebb; ,9+8;K,O+O; $epsV}

  9(o){Q,v; weight_list_feed ; 3   ; P   ;     }                         /** only  **/    /**here  at**/
  9(o){R,v; weight_list_feed ; 6   ; P   ;     }                         /**  for  **/    /**separate time**/
  9(o){S,v; weight_list_feed ; 8   ; P   ;     }                         /**observe**/    /**from above**/

 sw (0; 1; order) {
  9(o){O; local_copy        ; ,   ; T,  ;     }                         /**      the       **/
  3(o){O; local_copy        ; ,   ; T,  ;     }                         /**      old       **/
  6(o){O; local_copy        ; ,   ; T,  ;     }                         /**  activations   **/
  8(o){O; local_copy        ; ,   ; T,  ;     }                         /**for earlier init**/

set rset 9
set rlen 10

 /**only for observe**/
 sw (1; $rlen; order) {
  9(o){P,v; weight_list_feed;3+6+8+9;+++; -1 }
      {P; local_mean_01     ; ,   ; ,   ; 8+2.0+0+0+0.7}
  3(o){P,v; weight_list_feed; 9+3 ; +   ; -1 }
      {P; local_mean_01     ; ,   ; ,   ; 8+2.0+0+0+0.7}
  6(o){P,v; weight_list_feed; 9+6 ; +   ; -1 }
      {P; local_mean_01     ; ,   ; ,   ; 8+2.0+0+0+0.7}
  8(o){P,v; weight_list_feed; 9+8 ; +   ; -1 }
      {P; local_mean_01     ; ,   ; ,   ; 8+2.0+0+0+0.7}

 if (iter % 100)
 sw (0; $rlen; alltime) {
  9(o){O,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  6(o){O,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  3(o){P,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  6(o){P,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  8(o){P,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  9(o){P,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
 if (iter % 100)
 sw (0; 1; alltime) {
  3(o){T,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  6(o){T,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  8(o){T,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }
  9(o){T,d; observe_act     ;     ;     ;      }

 if (iter % 500)
 sw (0; 1; alltime) {
  9(n){N,v+d; weight_list_export; 3;    ;      }
  9(n){N,v+d; weight_list_export; 6;    ;      }
  9(n){N,v+d; weight_list_export; 8;    ;      }
  3(n){N,v+d; weight_list_export; 9;    ;      }
  6(n){N,v+d; weight_list_export; 9;    ;      }
  8(n){N,v+d; weight_list_export; 9;    ;      }

  3(n){N,v+d; weight_list_export; 3;    ;      }
  6(n){N,v+d; weight_list_export; 6;    ;      }
  8(n){N,v+d; weight_list_export; 8;    ;      }
  9(n){N,v+d; weight_list_export; 9;    ;      }