This is the netParams.py file for the SCS Model by L Medlock
from netpyne import specs, sim
from neuron import h, gui
import numpy as np
import json
from __main__ import cfg
from cfg import cfg
# Network parameters
netParams = specs.NetParams() # object of class NetParams to store the network parameters
netParams.defaultThreshold = -25
# Weights for network
netParams.ItoE_weight = -80
netParams.PANtoE_weight = 120
netParams.PANtoI_weight = 120
# Cell Model:
netParams.cellParams['TestCell'] = {
'secs': {'soma':{'geom': {'diam': 10, 'L': 100, 'Ra': 100.0}}}
## Integrate & Fire Models:
# Excitatory Neurons (n=10)
# tau values: [14.1363 15.0774 13.7859 13.8865 14.9932 16.5326 14.2303 15.3714 14.7744 16.1174]
netParams.popParams['ECell1'] = {'cellType':'TestCell','cellModel': 'LeakyIntFire', 'numCells': 1, 'm':-65, 'Iext': 0, 'taum':14.1363, 'Cm':50, 'tauref':0.1, 'tausyn': 3} # GID = 0
netParams.popParams['ECell2'] = {'cellType':'TestCell','cellModel': 'LeakyIntFire', 'numCells': 1, 'm':-65, 'Iext': 0, 'taum':15.0774, 'Cm':50, 'tauref':0.1, 'tausyn': 3} # GID = 1
netParams.popParams['ECell3'] = {'cellType':'TestCell','cellModel': 'LeakyIntFire', 'numCells': 1, 'm':-65, 'Iext': 0, 'taum':13.7859, 'Cm':50, 'tauref':0.1, 'tausyn': 3} # GID = 2
netParams.popParams['ECell4'] = {'cellType':'TestCell','cellModel': 'LeakyIntFire', 'numCells': 1, 'm':-65, 'Iext': 0, 'taum':13.8865, 'Cm':50, 'tauref':0.1, 'tausyn': 3} # GID = 3
netParams.popParams['ECell5'] = {'cellType':'TestCell','cellModel': 'LeakyIntFire', 'numCells': 1, 'm':-65, 'Iext': 0, 'taum':14.9932, 'Cm':50, 'tauref':0.1, 'tausyn': 3} # GID = 4
netParams.popParams['ECell6'] = {'cellType':'TestCell','cellModel': 'LeakyIntFire', 'numCells': 1, 'm':-65, 'Iext': 0, 'taum':16.5326, 'Cm':50, 'tauref':0.1, 'tausyn': 3} # GID = 5
netParams.popParams['ECell7'] = {'cellType':'TestCell','cellModel': 'LeakyIntFire', 'numCells': 1, 'm':-65, 'Iext': 0, 'taum':14.2303, 'Cm':50, 'tauref':0.1, 'tausyn': 3} # GID = 6
netParams.popParams['ECell8'] = {'cellType':'TestCell','cellModel': 'LeakyIntFire', 'numCells': 1, 'm':-65, 'Iext': 0, 'taum':15.3714, 'Cm':50, 'tauref':0.1, 'tausyn': 3} # GID = 7
netParams.popParams['ECell9'] = {'cellType':'TestCell','cellModel': 'LeakyIntFire', 'numCells': 1, 'm':-65, 'Iext': 0, 'taum':14.7744, 'Cm':50, 'tauref':0.1, 'tausyn': 3} # GID = 8
netParams.popParams['ECell10'] = {'cellType':'TestCell','cellModel': 'LeakyIntFire', 'numCells': 1, 'm':-65, 'Iext': 0, 'taum':16.1174, 'Cm':50, 'tauref':0.1, 'tausyn': 3} # GID = 9
# Inhibitory Neurons (n=10)
# tau values: [10.5377 11.8339 7.7412 10.8622 10.3188 8.6923 9.5664 10.3426 13.5784 12.7694]
netParams.popParams['ICell1'] = {'cellModel': 'LeakyIntFire', 'numCells': 1, 'm':-65, 'Iext': 0, 'taum':10.5377, 'Cm':50, 'tauref':0.1, 'tausyn': 3} # GID = 10
netParams.popParams['ICell2'] = {'cellModel': 'LeakyIntFire', 'numCells': 1, 'm':-65, 'Iext': 0, 'taum':11.8339, 'Cm':50, 'tauref':0.1, 'tausyn': 3} # GID = 11
netParams.popParams['ICell3'] = {'cellModel': 'LeakyIntFire', 'numCells': 1, 'm':-65, 'Iext': 0, 'taum':7.7412, 'Cm':50, 'tauref':0.1, 'tausyn': 3} # GID = 12
netParams.popParams['ICell4'] = {'cellModel': 'LeakyIntFire', 'numCells': 1, 'm':-65, 'Iext': 0, 'taum':10.8622, 'Cm':50, 'tauref':0.1, 'tausyn': 3} # GID = 13
netParams.popParams['ICell5'] = {'cellModel': 'LeakyIntFire', 'numCells': 1, 'm':-65, 'Iext': 0, 'taum':10.3188, 'Cm':50, 'tauref':0.1, 'tausyn': 3} # GID = 14
netParams.popParams['ICell6'] = {'cellModel': 'LeakyIntFire', 'numCells': 1, 'm':-65, 'Iext': 0, 'taum':8.6923, 'Cm':50, 'tauref':0.1, 'tausyn': 3} # GID = 15
netParams.popParams['ICell7'] = {'cellModel': 'LeakyIntFire', 'numCells': 1, 'm':-65, 'Iext': 0, 'taum':9.5664, 'Cm':50, 'tauref':0.1, 'tausyn': 3} # GID = 16
netParams.popParams['ICell8'] = {'cellModel': 'LeakyIntFire', 'numCells': 1, 'm':-65, 'Iext': 0, 'taum':10.3426, 'Cm':50, 'tauref':0.1, 'tausyn': 3} # GID = 17
netParams.popParams['ICell9'] = {'cellModel': 'LeakyIntFire', 'numCells': 1, 'm':-65, 'Iext': 0, 'taum':13.5784, 'Cm':50, 'tauref':0.1, 'tausyn': 3} # GID = 18
netParams.popParams['ICell10'] = {'cellModel': 'LeakyIntFire', 'numCells': 1, 'm':-65, 'Iext': 0, 'taum':12.7694, 'Cm':50, 'tauref':0.1, 'tausyn': 3} # GID = 19
# Synchronous Input (Expt - 50Hz)
# with open('SCS_sync_input_50Hz.json', 'rb') as sync_spkt: sync_spkt = json.load(sync_spkt)
# netParams.popParams['50Hz'] = {'cellModel': 'VecStim', 'numCells': 10, 'spkTimes': sync_spkt} # GID = 11:20
# # Asynchronous Input (Expt - 1kHz) -- Remove comments from lines below to run async input
with open('SCS_async_input_1kHz.json', 'rb') as async_spkt: async_spkt = json.load(async_spkt)
netParams.popParams['1kHz'] = {'cellModel': 'VecStim', 'numCells': 10, 'spkTimes': async_spkt} # GID = 11:20
# # Noise input
netParams.popParams['Noise1_E'] = {'numCells': 100, 'cellModel': 'NetStim', 'rate': 100, 'start':0.0, 'noise': 1, 'delay':0}
netParams.popParams['Noise2_E'] = {'numCells': 100, 'cellModel': 'NetStim', 'rate': 100, 'start':0.0, 'noise': 1, 'delay':0}
netParams.popParams['Noise3_E'] = {'numCells': 100, 'cellModel': 'NetStim', 'rate': 100, 'start':0.0, 'noise': 1, 'delay':0}
netParams.popParams['Noise4_E'] = {'numCells': 100, 'cellModel': 'NetStim', 'rate': 100, 'start':0.0, 'noise': 1, 'delay':0}
netParams.popParams['Noise5_E'] = {'numCells': 100, 'cellModel': 'NetStim', 'rate': 100, 'start':0.0, 'noise': 1, 'delay':0}
netParams.popParams['Noise6_E'] = {'numCells': 100, 'cellModel': 'NetStim', 'rate': 100, 'start':0.0, 'noise': 1, 'delay':0}
netParams.popParams['Noise7_E'] = {'numCells': 100, 'cellModel': 'NetStim', 'rate': 100, 'start':0.0, 'noise': 1, 'delay':0}
netParams.popParams['Noise8_E'] = {'numCells': 100, 'cellModel': 'NetStim', 'rate': 100, 'start':0.0, 'noise': 1, 'delay':0}
netParams.popParams['Noise9_E'] = {'numCells': 100, 'cellModel': 'NetStim', 'rate': 100, 'start':0.0, 'noise': 1, 'delay':0}
netParams.popParams['Noise10_E'] = {'numCells': 100, 'cellModel': 'NetStim', 'rate': 100, 'start':0.0, 'noise': 1, 'delay':0}
netParams.popParams['Noise1_I'] = {'numCells': 100, 'cellModel': 'NetStim', 'rate': 100, 'start':0.0, 'noise': 1, 'delay':0}
netParams.popParams['Noise2_I'] = {'numCells': 100, 'cellModel': 'NetStim', 'rate': 100, 'start':0.0, 'noise': 1, 'delay':0}
netParams.popParams['Noise3_I'] = {'numCells': 100, 'cellModel': 'NetStim', 'rate': 100, 'start':0.0, 'noise': 1, 'delay':0}
netParams.popParams['Noise4_I'] = {'numCells': 100, 'cellModel': 'NetStim', 'rate': 100, 'start':0.0, 'noise': 1, 'delay':0}
netParams.popParams['Noise5_I'] = {'numCells': 100, 'cellModel': 'NetStim', 'rate': 100, 'start':0.0, 'noise': 1, 'delay':0}
netParams.popParams['Noise6_I'] = {'numCells': 100, 'cellModel': 'NetStim', 'rate': 100, 'start':0.0, 'noise': 1, 'delay':0}
netParams.popParams['Noise7_I'] = {'numCells': 100, 'cellModel': 'NetStim', 'rate': 100, 'start':0.0, 'noise': 1, 'delay':0}
netParams.popParams['Noise8_I'] = {'numCells': 100, 'cellModel': 'NetStim', 'rate': 100, 'start':0.0, 'noise': 1, 'delay':0}
netParams.popParams['Noise9_I'] = {'numCells': 100, 'cellModel': 'NetStim', 'rate': 100, 'start':0.0, 'noise': 1, 'delay':0}
netParams.popParams['Noise10_I'] = {'numCells': 100, 'cellModel': 'NetStim', 'rate': 100, 'start':0.0, 'noise': 1, 'delay':0}
# netParams.synMechParams['exc'] = {'mod': 'ExpSyn', 'tau': 5.0, 'e': 0}
# netParams.synMechParams['inh'] = {'mod': 'ExpSyn', 'tau': 10.0, 'e': -85}
##-----------------------Noise Connections -----------------------###
netParams.connParams['Noise1_E->ECell1'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'Noise1_E'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell1'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': 1, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['Noise2_E->ECell2'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'Noise2_E'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell2'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': 1, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['Noise3_E->ECell3'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'Noise3_E'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell3'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': 1, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['Noise4_E->ECell4'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'Noise4_E'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell4'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': 1, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['Noise5_E->ECell5'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'Noise5_E'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell5'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': 1, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['Noise6_E->ECell6'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'Noise6_E'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell6'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': 1, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['Noise7_E->ECell7'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'Noise7_E'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell7'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': 1, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['Noise8_E->ECell8'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'Noise8_E'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell8'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': 1, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['Noise9_E->ECell9'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'Noise9_E'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell9'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': 1, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['Noise10_E->ECell10'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'Noise10_E'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell10'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': 1, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['Noise1_I->ICell1'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'Noise1_I'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ICell1'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': 1, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['Noise2_I->ICell2'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'Noise2_I'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ICell2'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': 1, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['Noise3_I->ICell3'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'Noise3_I'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ICell3'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': 1, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['Noise4_I->ICell4'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'Noise4_I'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ICell4'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': 1, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['Noise5_I->ICell5'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'Noise5_I'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ICell5'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': 1, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['Noise6_I->ICell6'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'Noise6_I'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ICell6'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': 1, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['Noise7_I->ICell7'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'Noise7_I'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ICell7'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': 1, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['Noise8_I->ICell8'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'Noise8_I'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ICell8'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': 1, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['Noise9_I->ICell9'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'Noise9_I'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ICell9'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': 1, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['Noise10_I->ICell10'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'Noise10_I'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ICell10'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': 1, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
# # # # # ###------------------------INPUT2ECell Connections -------------------###
netParams.connParams['PAN->ECell1'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': '1kHz'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell1'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': netParams.PANtoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['PAN->ECell2'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': '1kHz'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell2'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': netParams.PANtoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['PAN->ECell3'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': '1kHz'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell3'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': netParams.PANtoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['PAN->ECell4'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': '1kHz'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell4'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': netParams.PANtoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['PAN->ECell5'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': '1kHz'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell5'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': netParams.PANtoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['PAN->ECell6'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': '1kHz'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell6'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': netParams.PANtoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['PAN->ECell7'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': '1kHz'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell7'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': netParams.PANtoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['PAN->ECell8'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': '1kHz'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell8'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': netParams.PANtoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['PAN->ECell9'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': '1kHz'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell9'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': netParams.PANtoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['PAN->ECell10'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': '1kHz'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell10'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': netParams.PANtoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
###------------------------PAN2ECell Connections -------------------###
netParams.connParams['PAN->ICell1'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': '1kHz'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ICell1'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': netParams.PANtoI_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['PAN->ICell2'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': '1kHz'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ICell2'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': netParams.PANtoI_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['PAN->ICell3'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': '1kHz'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ICell3'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': netParams.PANtoI_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['PAN->ICell4'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': '1kHz'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ICell4'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': netParams.PANtoI_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['PAN->ICell5'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': '1kHz'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ICell5'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': netParams.PANtoI_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['PAN->ICell6'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': '1kHz'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ICell6'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': netParams.PANtoI_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['PAN->ICell7'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': '1kHz'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ICell7'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': netParams.PANtoI_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['PAN->ICell8'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': '1kHz'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ICell8'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': netParams.PANtoI_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['PAN->ICell9'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': '1kHz'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ICell9'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': netParams.PANtoI_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['PAN->ICell10'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': '1kHz'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ICell10'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight': netParams.PANtoI_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 0 # transmission delay (ms)
# # # # ###-----------------------I2E Connections ------------------------###
netParams.connParams['ICell1->ECell1'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell1'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell1'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell2->ECell1'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell2'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell1'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell3->ECell1'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell3'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell1'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell4->ECell1'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell4'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell1'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell5->ECell1'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell5'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell1'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell6->ECell1'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell6'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell1'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell7->ECell1'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell7'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell1'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell8->ECell1'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell8'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell1'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell9->ECell1'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell9'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell1'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell10->ECell1'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell10'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell1'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell1->ECell2'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell1'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell2'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell2->ECell2'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell2'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell2'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell3->ECell2'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell3'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell2'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell4->ECell2'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell4'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell2'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell5->ECell2'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell5'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell2'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell6->ECell2'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell6'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell2'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell7->ECell2'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell7'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell2'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell8->ECell2'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell8'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell2'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell9->ECell2'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell9'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell2'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell10->ECell2'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell10'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell2'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell1->ECell3'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell1'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell3'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell2->ECell3'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell2'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell3'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell3->ECell3'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell3'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell3'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell4->ECell3'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell4'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell3'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell5->ECell3'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell5'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell3'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell6->ECell3'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell6'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell3'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell7->ECell3'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell7'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell3'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell8->ECell3'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell8'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell3'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell9->ECell3'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell9'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell3'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell10->ECell3'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell10'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell3'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell1->ECell4'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell1'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell4'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell2->ECell4'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell2'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell4'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell3->ECell4'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell3'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell4'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell4->ECell4'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell4'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell4'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell5->ECell4'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell5'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell4'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell6->ECell4'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell6'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell4'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell7->ECell4'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell7'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell4'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell8->ECell4'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell8'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell4'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell9->ECell4'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell9'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell4'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell10->ECell4'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell10'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell4'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell1->ECell5'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell1'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell5'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell2->ECell5'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell2'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell5'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell3->ECell5'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell3'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell5'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell4->ECell5'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell4'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell5'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell5->ECell5'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell5'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell5'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell6->ECell5'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell6'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell5'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell7->ECell5'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell7'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell5'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell8->ECell5'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell8'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell5'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell9->ECell5'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell9'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell5'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell10->ECell5'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell10'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell5'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell1->ECell6'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell1'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell6'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell2->ECell6'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell2'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell6'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell3->ECell6'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell3'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell6'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell4->ECell6'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell4'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell6'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell5->ECell6'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell5'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell6'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell6->ECell6'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell6'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell6'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell7->ECell6'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell7'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell6'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell8->ECell6'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell8'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell6'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell9->ECell6'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell9'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell6'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell10->ECell6'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell10'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell6'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell1->ECell7'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell1'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell7'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell2->ECell7'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell2'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell7'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell3->ECell7'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell3'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell7'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell4->ECell7'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell4'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell7'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell5->ECell7'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell5'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell7'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell6->ECell7'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell6'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell7'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell7->ECell7'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell7'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell7'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell8->ECell7'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell8'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell7'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell9->ECell7'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell9'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell7'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell10->ECell7'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell10'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell7'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell1->ECell8'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell1'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell8'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell2->ECell8'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell2'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell8'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell3->ECell8'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell3'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell8'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell4->ECell8'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell4'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell8'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell5->ECell8'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell5'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell8'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell6->ECell8'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell6'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell8'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell7->ECell8'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell7'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell8'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell8->ECell8'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell8'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell8'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell9->ECell8'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell9'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell8'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell10->ECell8'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell10'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell8'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell1->ECell9'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell1'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell9'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell2->ECell9'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell2'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell9'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell3->ECell9'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell3'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell9'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell4->ECell9'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell4'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell9'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell5->ECell9'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell5'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell9'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell6->ECell9'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell6'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell9'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell7->ECell9'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell7'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell9'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell8->ECell9'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell8'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell9'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell9->ECell9'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell9'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell9'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell10->ECell9'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell10'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell9'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell1->ECell10'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell1'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell10'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell2->ECell10'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell2'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell10'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell3->ECell10'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell3'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell10'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell4->ECell10'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell4'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell10'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell5->ECell10'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell5'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell10'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell6->ECell10'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell6'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell10'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell7->ECell10'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell7'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell10'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell8->ECell10'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell8'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell10'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell9->ECell10'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell9'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell10'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
netParams.connParams['ICell10->ECell10'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': 'ICell10'},
'postConds': {'pop': 'ECell10'},
'probability': 1, # probability of connection
'weight':netParams.ItoE_weight, # synaptic weight
'delay': 2 # transmission delay (ms)
# # ###############################################################################
# # ###############################################################################
# # ## Stim Source ##
# # netParams.stimSourceParams['IClamp1'] = {'type': 'IClamp', 'del': 2000, 'dur': 1000, 'amp': -100}
# # # Noise (Poisson Stimulation)
# # netParams.stimSourceParams['Noise'] = {'type': 'NetStim', 'rate': 100, 'noise': 0.4, 'start': 0}
# # netParams.stimSourceParams['Noise_E'] = {'type': 'NetStim', 'rate': 100, 'noise': 0.4, 'start': 0}
# # # # ## Stim Target ##
# # netParams.stimTargetParams['IClamp->ECell'] = {'source': 'IClamp1', # Noise to I_tonic 1
# # 'conds': {'pop':'ECell'},
# # 'delay': 0 }
# # netParams.stimTargetParams['Noise->ECell'] = {'source': 'Noise', # Noise to I_tonic 1
# # 'conds': {'pop':'ECell'},
# # 'weight': 1,
# # 'delay': 0 }