clear all
close all
%% 1 axon, connected to ground
clear all
close all
nodeD = [ ] ;
nodeLength = [ ] ;
Ra = [ ] ;
nl = [ ] ;
fiberD = [ ] ;
STINlength = [ ] ;
xraxial0_FLUTSTIN = [ ] ;
xraixal0_MYSA = [ ] ;
t=[-32 -16 -8 -4 -2 0 2 4 8 16 32] ;
plot(t , nodeD , '-ok' , 'LineWidth' , 1.5 )
hold on
plot(t , Ra , '-ob' , 'LineWidth' , 1.5 )
hold on
plot(t , nl , '-or' , 'LineWidth' , 1.5 )
hold on
plot(t , fiberD , '-og' , 'LineWidth' , 1.5 )
hold on
plot(t , STINlength , '-om' , 'LineWidth' , 1.5 )
legend('Node Diam' , 'Axial resistivity' , 'Number of myelin sheaths' , 'Axon Diam' , 'Internode length')
ylabel('Conduction Velocity (m/s)')
xlim([-3 3])
ylim([ 15 65])
title('Average CV')