clear all
close all
%% 3 cm (36 nodes). mean across node 10 to 20 . duration of VClamp = 0.02
nodeD = [ 25.4714 36.2389 39.7008 36.6909 ] ;
Ra = [ 75.9137 52.8916 36.2389 24.0240 15.1295 ] ;
nl = [ 23.7391 30.8587 36.2389 39.7132 41.7631 ] ;
fiberD = [8.5979 19.1918 36.2389 58.8677 83.7410 ] ;
%interlength = [ 14.6497 23.9940 36.2389 48.8015 54.1881 49.6869 41.8053 ] ;
interlength = [ 14.6497 23.9940 36.2389 48.8015 54.1881 ] ;
xraxil0_STINLUT = [ 35.3105 35.6374 36.2389 37.0681 37.9589 ] ;
xraxil0_MYSA = [ 22.3968 27.9740 36.2389 46.4852 56.6942 ] ;
t_nodeD = [ -2 0 2 4] ;
t=[-4 -2 0 2 4] ;
t_interlength = [-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8] ;
plot(t_nodeD , nodeD , '-ok' , 'LineWidth' , 1.5 )
hold on
plot(t , Ra , '-ob' , 'LineWidth' , 1.5 )
hold on
plot(t , nl , '-or' , 'LineWidth' , 1.5 )
hold on
plot(t , fiberD , '-og' , 'LineWidth' , 1.5 )
hold on
plot(t , interlength , '-om' , 'LineWidth' , 1.5 )
hold on
plot(t , xraxil0_STINLUT , '-oc' , 'LineWidth' , 1.5 )
hold on
plot(t , xraxil0_MYSA , '-oy' , 'LineWidth' , 1.5 )
legend('Node Diam' , 'Axial resistivity' , 'Number of myelin sheaths' , 'Axon Diam' , 'Internode length' , 'Xraxial[0] Juxtaparanode and Internode' , 'Xraxial[0]Paranode')
ylabel('Conduction Velocity (m/s)')
xlim([-6 6])