// search for parameter island that may be resilient to perturbations
create soma
create resistor_near
create capacitor_near
create neurites_far
create axon
access soma // make soma the default section
soma {
connect resistor_near(0), 1
connect axon(0), 1
resistor_near {
connect capacitor_near(0), 1
capacitor_near {
connect neurites_far(0), 1
// geometry
soma {
L= 6.3407356878645703e+002 // um, length
diam= 4.0172070898427108e+001 // um, diameter
nseg=1 // compartmentalization parameter
resistor_near {
L= 5.6372590500769781e-001 // um, length
diam= 5.6465364347491598e-001 // um, diameter
nseg=1 // compartmentalization parameter
capacitor_near {
L= 2.2339749474466097e+002 // um, length
diam= 5.3332778335997841e+002 // um, diameter
nseg=1 // compartmentalization parameter
neurites_far {
L= 1.0290937340940929e+004 // um, length
diam= 1.7007780296616840e+001 // um, diameter
nseg=1 // compartmentalization parameter
axon {
L= 3.5454421750475530e+002 // um
diam= 3.5428095561959343e+000 // um
// universal properties
forall {
cm= 1.0000000000000000e+000 // uF/cm^2
Ra= 1.0000000000000000e+002 // ohm*cm
// make a SectionList for the soma/neurites
objref sn
sn = new SectionList()
soma sn.append()
capacitor_near sn.append()
neurites_far sn.append()
// make a SectionList for the neurites
objref neurites_all
neurites_all = new SectionList()
capacitor_near neurites_all.append()
neurites_far neurites_all.append()
// the mechanisms for all the soma/neurites cyls
forsec sn {
insert leak
insert kd
insert af
insert as
insert h
e_h=-25 // mV
insert caint
Pbar1_caint=1.1675 // um^3/s
vol1_caint = 6.49 // um^3
insert ca
insert kca
insert pr
e_pr = -10 // mV
ek=-80 // mV
axon {
insert leak
insert na
insert kda
insert aa
ena=55 // mV
ek=-80 // mV
Ra = 100
forsec neurites_all {
insert synab
e_synab = -70 // mV
insert synpd
e_synpd = -80 // mV
insert synpy
e_synpy = -70 // mV
// set globals
celsius=10 // degC
cai0_ca_ion=0.57e-3 // mM
cao0_ca_ion=13 // mM
dt = 0.02
steps_per_ms = 1/dt
tstart = 14000
tstop = 20000
dt_rec = 2
NP = 17
objref transvec,varvec,minvec,maxvec, tg, tg_std
transvec = new Vector(NP)
varvec = new Vector(NP)
objref m, p_mag,f
f = new File("./lp_model_mag.dat")
p_mag = new Vector()
f = new File("./lp_model_base_1292.dat")
m = new Matrix()
// set the synaptic strengths
objref r[NP]
//highindex = 11
//lowindex = mcell_ran4_init(500)
highindex = 15
lowindex = mcell_ran4_init(300)
/****** please change here set the variation steps***********************/
objref var_step
var_step = new Vector(NP)
var1 = 0.1 //for soma and neurites
var2 = 0.1 //for axon
n_var = 100
for (j=0;j<=NP-1;j+=1){
r[j] = new Random()
r[j].MCellRan4(highindex+j*2^24) // Multiple independent streams are possible, each associated with a separate highindex with different starting values but the difference between highindex starting values should be greater than the length of each stream.
objref pc
pc = new ParallelContext()
func distscale() { local key, p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p12,p13,p14,p15,p16,p17 localobj returnvec
key = $1
p1 = $o2.x(0)
p2 = $o2.x(1)
p3 = $o2.x(2)
p4 = $o2.x(3)
p5 = $o2.x(4)
p6 = $o2.x(5)
p7 = $o2.x(6)
p8 = $o2.x(7)
p9 = $o2.x(8)
p10 = $o2.x(9)
p11 = $o2.x(10)
p12 = $o2.x(11)
p13 = $o2.x(12)
p14 = $o2.x(13)
p15 = $o2.x(14)
p16 = $o2.x(15)
p17 = $o2.x(16)
returnvec = new Vector()
returnvec = single_comp(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p12,p13,p14,p15,p16,p17)
return key
obfunc single_comp() {local meanSPB,freq_wave,mid,ISI_fast,freq localobj burster_vec,apc1,apc2,spkt,spkt1,wave,vol,vol2,isi,IBI,IBI_ind,first_spiketimes,fastISI,Nspikelet,ISIwave, periods
//function to calculate the max deflection due to a single synapse
cai0_ca_ion=0.57e-3 // mM
cao0_ca_ion=13 // mM
forsec sn {
e_leak= $1
gbar_leak= $2
gbar_kd= $3
gbar_af= $4*0.885
gbar_as= $4
Pbar_caint= $5
Pbar_ca= $5
if ($5<1e-8) {
Pbar_caint= 1e-8
Pbar_ca= 1e-8
gbar_kca= $6
gbar_h= $7
gbar_pr= $8
theta_pr= $9
// set the synaptic strengths
forsec neurites_all {
gbar_synab= $10
gbar_synpd= $11
gbar_synpy= $12
// set the params for all the axon cyls
axon {
e_leak= $13
gbar_leak= $14
gbar_na= $15
gbar_kda= $16
gbar_aa= $17
spkt1 = new Vector()
axon apc1 = new APCount(0.5)
apc1.thresh = 10
vol = new Vector()
vol2 = new Vector()
// spkt.printf()
// from here we get the statistical results for final analysis
spkt = new Vector()
spkt.where(spkt1, ">=", tstart) // skip the initial tstart simulation results, so that models reach a stable state
burster_vec = new Vector()
meanSPB = 0
DC = 0
freq_burst = 0
if (spkt.size()>2) {
isi = spkt.c.remove(0)
isi = isi.c.sub(spkt.c.resize(spkt.size()-1)) //here at least 2 spikes are required in spkt, its size should be n-1,say 3 spikes 2 ISIs, 0,1,2, n-2
mid = (isi.max()+isi.min())/2
IBI = isi.c.where( ">=", mid)
IBI_ind = isi.c.indvwhere(isi.c, ">=", mid) //find the index of interburst interval in the ISI vector
IBI_ind.add(1) // potentially in the range of 1,...n-1, so fine. even the last burster is not completed within the time range we compare
first_spiketimes = spkt.ind(IBI_ind)
fastISI = isi.c.where(isi.c, "<", mid) // the thing is what about all isis are exactly the same
Nspikelet = spkt.c.where(spkt.c,"[)",first_spiketimes.x(0),first_spiketimes.x(first_spiketimes.size()-1)) // to make this part work, we need at least 2 isi and 3 spikes
if (first_spiketimes.size()>1) {
meanSPB = Nspikelet.size()/(first_spiketimes.size()-1) // the mean number of spikelets ber burst, until here, it seems to work
periods = first_spiketimes.c.remove(0)
periods = periods.c.sub(first_spiketimes.c.resize(first_spiketimes.size()-1))
} else {
meanSPB = Nspikelet.size()
periods = first_spiketimes.c // this is not technically right, but ok, if there are 3 spikes, at least here is not empty
period = periods.mean() // mean burst duration
if (period>0) {
freq_burst = 1000/period
DC = (period - IBI.mean())/period // mean duty cycle, not technically correct, but fine.
phase_on = (first_spiketimes.x(0)-15016.2)/period
} else {
freq_burst = 0
DC = 0 // mean duty cycle, not technically correct, but fine.
phase_on = 0
burster_vec.append($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,meanSPB, DC,freq_burst,phase_on, vol.max(),vol.min(),vol2.max(),vol2.min())
} else {
burster_vec.append($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,0, 0,0,0,vol.max(),vol.min(),vol2.max(),vol2.min()) // slow wave by last
// print meanSPB
return burster_vec
strdef tmpstr, outDir, cmd
objref outfile, vec_ret
outfile = new File()
vec_ret = new Vector()
objref grid_ind
proc grid_search() {
sprint(cmd, "system(\"mkdir -p %s\")",outDir)
for cu = 0, $1 {
for j = 0, 99 {
mmtag=cu*1e5 + j // n_var<1e5
grid_ind = new Vector()
a1 = m.x[cu][0] //+r[0].repick()*p_mag.x[0] //eleak
a2 = (m.x[cu][1]+r[1].repick()*p_mag.x[1])*10 //gleak
a3 = (m.x[cu][2]+r[2].repick()*p_mag.x[2])*10 //gkd
if (a3<0) {a3=0}
a4 = (m.x[cu][3]+r[3].repick()*p_mag.x[3])*10 //ga
if (a4<0) {a4=0}
a5 = (m.x[cu][4]+r[4].repick()*p_mag.x[4])*10 //pca
if (a5<0) {a5=0}
a6 = (m.x[cu][5]+r[5].repick()*p_mag.x[5])*10 //gkca
if (a6<0) {a6=0}
a7 = (m.x[cu][6]+r[6].repick()*p_mag.x[6])*10 //gh
if (a7<0) {a7=0}
a8 = (m.x[cu][7]+r[7].repick()*p_mag.x[7])*10 //gpr
if (a8<0) {a8=0}
a9 = m.x[cu][8] //+r[8].repick()*p_mag.x[8] //theta_pr
a10 =(m.x[cu][9]+r[9].repick()*p_mag.x[9])*10 //gsyn_ab
if (a10<0) {a10=0}
a11 = (m.x[cu][10]+r[10].repick()*p_mag.x[10])*10 //gsyn_pd
if (a11<0) {a11=0}
a12 = (m.x[cu][11]+r[11].repick()*p_mag.x[11])*10 //gsyn_py
a13 = m.x[cu][12] //+r[12].repick()*p_mag.x[12] //eleak_ax
a14 = (m.x[cu][13]+r[13].repick()*p_mag.x[13])*10 //gleak_ax
a15 = (m.x[cu][14]+r[14].repick()*p_mag.x[14])*10 //gNa_ax
if (a15<0) {a15=0}
a16 = (m.x[cu][15]+r[15].repick()*p_mag.x[15])*10 //gkd_ax
a17 = (m.x[cu][16]+r[16].repick()*p_mag.x[16])*10 //ga_ax
if (a17<0) {a17=0}
pc.submit("distscale",mmtag,grid_ind) //send out the error calculations
//collect error values
while (pc.working()) {
key = pc.retval() //retrieve the tag
pc.look_take(key) //remove the tag/job from the bulletin
if (key%1000==0) {
printf("%d parameter sets have been searched\n", key+1)
p_id = int(key/1e5)
p_tr = key-p_id*1e5
vec_ret = pc.upkvec() //unpack the error value associated with the tag
out_size = vec_ret.size()
out_size = vec_ret.size()
outfile.printf ("%04d %04d %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",p_id, p_tr,vec_ret.x(0), vec_ret.x(1),vec_ret.x(2),vec_ret.x(3),vec_ret.x(4),vec_ret.x(5),vec_ret.x(6),vec_ret.x(7),vec_ret.x(8),vec_ret.x(9),vec_ret.x(10),vec_ret.x(11),vec_ret.x(12),vec_ret.x(13),vec_ret.x(14),vec_ret.x(15),vec_ret.x(16),vec_ret.x(17),vec_ret.x(18),vec_ret.x(19),vec_ret.x(20),vec_ret.x(21),vec_ret.x(22),vec_ret.x(23),vec_ret.x(24) )