// GENESIS SETUP FILE silent -1 //int modulation_depth= 15 //float g_gaba = 11.76 //float g_ampa = 1.71 //float g_sks=2.0 //float g_skd=0.6 float rundur = 79 str modelName = "64comp" //initialize parameters //include ../../commonDCNred/actpars.g include ../../commonDCNred/read_par_row_active.g include ../../commonDCNred/cn6c_chanconst_dj26.g include ../../commonDCNred/cn6c_pconst9.g //str finame = "/home/selva/artificial_spike_trains/rate_dist_moddep_20_varreg_varnuminput/" @"rate_dist_reg" @ {reg} @ "_moddep_20_nummodinp_" @ {modulation_depth} @"_"@ {rept} @"/" // echo {finame} /* COMMENT ALL intrinsic model params have now been initialized and set. They can be safely overwritten any time between now and the calling of the make_GP_library file. Once the library has been created, parameter values are set and cannot be changed except with explicit calls to setfield. */ include ../../commonDCNred/input_variation/cn6c_const_heck2_inputctvar.g include ../../commonDCNred/cn_chan_dj36.g include ../../commonDCNred/cn_dj1_syns.g include ../../commonDCNred/input_variation/cn_makesyns_heck2_inputctvar.g include ../../commonDCNred/cn_comp_dj10_cor.g //include ../../commonDCNred/cn_fileout_dj5_bin include ../../commonDCNred/ericsFunctions.g //outfilesim = "/home/selva/ehendric_selva/dcnmodel/parameter_search_trial/parameter_search_dcn_trial_isihist/par_search_code/algorithms/matlabScripts/" int i str tstr, hstr, readcompartment setupClocks {1e-5} {1e-3} {rundur} // make the prototypes in the library if (!{exists /library}) create neutral /library disable /library end ce /library make_cn_chans make_cn_syns make_cn_comps //load compartments with ion channels readcell ../../commonDCNred/dcn_64comp.p {cellpath} -hsolve create spikegen /CN_cell/soma/spike setfield /CN_cell/soma/spike thresh 0 abs_refract 0.001 output_amp 1 create asc_file /outasc_v1 useclock /outasc_v1 1 setfield /outasc_v1 flush 1 leave_open 1 addmsg /CN_cell/soma/spike /outasc_v1 SAVE lastevent ce {cellpath} add_soma_syns add_dend_syns ce soma ce NaFs //showfield -a //showmsg /CN_cell/p1[0] //showfield /CN_cell/p1[0]/AMPAd -a setupCurrentInjection_1comp {cellpath} setupHinesSolver {cellpath} doPreparations {cellpath} {2} //do current injections str pulseToUse = "/pulseSoma" str outdir = "../output" //injectCurrent_saveLocally {-100} {pulseToUse} {cellpath} {modelName} injectCurrent_saveLocally {0} {pulseToUse} {cellpath} {modulation_depth} {rept} {g_ampa} {g_gaba} {g_sks} {g_skd} {reg} {rundur} //injectCurrent_saveLocally {100} {pulseToUse} {cellpath} {modelName} quit