#! /usr/bin/perl -w

## Checks for the existence of a file, given a parameter row on the
## command line.

use strict;

if ($#ARGV < 1) {
  exit -1;

my $num_params = shift;
my @param_names;
my @param_vals;
my $counter = 0;

for ($counter = 0; $counter < $num_params; $counter++) {
  $param_names[$counter] = shift;

for ($counter = 0; $counter < $num_params; $counter++) {
  $param_vals[$counter] = shift;

my $prefix = '';
my $suffix = '.bin';

if ($#ARGV >= 0) {
  $prefix = shift;
  $suffix = shift if ($#ARGV >= 0);

my $n=0;
my $j = 0;
my @idx = grep {$n++; $j = $n - 1 if /trial/} @param_names;

#print STDERR "Found: @idx = $param_vals[$j]\n";

# Do it again, because we destroyed it?
my $filename = "${prefix}_trial$param_vals[$j]$suffix";
#print STDERR "$filename\n";

# Do the existence check
if ( -r $filename ) {
  exit 0;
} else {
  exit -1;

sub usage {
  print << "END";
	$0 num_params param_names param_vals [prefix [suffix]]

 Given the parameters and values, generates a genesis data file and
 checks for its exsitence. optional prefix and suffix strings for the
 data file name can be specified.

 Cengiz Gunay <cgunay\@emory.edu>, 2005/07/01
