GENESIS functions to read variable parameter names and values from
environment variable and store them in the GENESIS object hierarchy.

Requires the environment variables GENESIS_PAR_ROW for parameter
values and GENESIS_PAR_NAMES for parameter names. If names are not
provided, parameter values can still be accessed via an index.

Example for setting environment variables in Bash:
  export GENESIS_PAR_ROW="1 2 3"
  export GENESIS_PAR_NAMES="a b c"
(which means a=1, b=2, and c=3.)
Then call 
  genesis myscript.g
which must include this file.

In your GENESIS script, initialize first by calling
read_env_params. And access the parameters either by name:
  par_a = {get_param_byname "a"}
or by index:
  par_b = {get_param 2}

Special versions exist for maximal conductance parameters:
  set_gmax_par_byname /soma chanSK gmax_SK
which sets the gmax of /soma/chanSK element from parameter named
gmax_SK. Same can be done with parameter index:
  set_gmax_par /soma chanSK 5
assuming gmax_SK was at index 5 in GENESIS_PAR_ROW.

Cengiz Gunay <cengique@users.sf.net>, 2015-05-13 

// constants
float PI = 3.14159265359 

// Set globals
str parrow
str parnames

// From the parameter string (parrow), return parameter number (num)
function get_param (num)
  return {getarg {arglist {parrow}} -arg {num}}

// Initialization function to read from env variables
function read_env_params
  echo "*********************************************************************"
  echo "Reading environment variable GENESIS_PAR_ROW"
  parrow = {getenv GENESIS_PAR_ROW}

	 // useless check because above line will crash script
  if ({strcmp {parrow} ""} == 0)
    echo "*********************************************************************"
    echo "Error: This script needs to read the parameters from the environment "
    echo "        variable GENESIS_PAR_ROW and GENESIS_PAR_NAMES. Set them prior "
    echo "        to running the script. Aborting simulation."
    echo "*********************************************************************"

	// If we find parameter names, create an element structure with them
	parnames = {getenv GENESIS_PAR_NAMES}

	if ({strcmp {parnames} ""} != 0)
		echo "Reading environment variable GENESIS_PAR_NAMES and creating parameter"
		echo "element /@params with fields corresponding to parameter names and values:"

		int param_num

		// create structure for params, put raw values in there
		create neutral /@params
		pushe /@params
			for (param_num=1; param_num <= {getarg {arglist {parnames}} -count}; param_num=param_num+1)
				str param_name = {getarg {arglist {parnames}} -arg {param_num}}
				addfield {param_name}
				setfield {param_name} {get_param {param_num}}
				echo {param_name} "=" {get_param {param_num}}

// From the /@params element, return parameter by name
function get_param_byname (param_name)
  return {getfield /@params {param_name}}

// returns surface of compartment at path
function calc_surf (path)
  return { PI * { getfield {path} dia }  * { getfield {path} len} }

// returns volume of compartment at path
function calc_vol (path)
  return { PI * {{ getfield {path} dia } ** 2}  * { getfield {path} len} / 4 }

// finds the target field in element
// if tabchannel, then Gbar
// if Ca_concen, then B, etc.
function find_def_field (path)
  str fieldname
  // Is it a tabchannel?
  if ( {exists {path} Gbar} )
    fieldname = "Gbar"
  elif ( {exists {path} B} ) 
    // or Ca_concen?
    fieldname = "B"
  return {fieldname}

// return proper readcell parameter (Gbar, B, etc) value from element at path
function get_gmax (path)
  return { getfield {path} { find_def_field {path}}}

// convert from integer param value to specific gmax value by
// dividing by 50 and then scale by gmax in path (gmax's from P file are the maximal values)
// (already scaled by compartment area)
function get_gmax_spec (path, param_num)
  return { { {get_param {param_num} } / 50 } * { get_gmax {path} } }

// same thing by name
function get_gmax_spec_byname (path, param_name)
  return { { {get_param_byname {param_name} } / 50 } * { get_gmax {path} } }

// Takes specific gmax value and applies to channel 
// No need to scale by compartment area because P file value is already scaled
// removed: { calc_surf { path } }
function set_gmax (path, chan, value)
  setfield {path}/{chan} { find_def_field {path}/{chan} } { { value } }

// Set gmax value from parameter index
function set_gmax_par (path, chan, param_num)
  set_gmax {path} {chan} {get_gmax_spec {path}/{chan} {param_num}}

// Set gmax value from parameter name
function set_gmax_par_byname (path, chan, param_name)
  set_gmax {path} {chan} {get_gmax_spec_byname {path}/{chan} {param_name}}

// Set gmax for all neurites from param
function set_neurites_par (path, chan, param_num)
  set_gmax_par {path}/neurite1 { chan } { param_num }
  set_gmax_par {path}/neurite2 { chan } { param_num }
  set_gmax_par {path}/neurite3 { chan } { param_num }

// Set gmax for all neurites from param name
function set_neurites_par_byname (path, chan, param_name)
  set_gmax_par_byname {path}/neurite1 { chan } { param_name }
  set_gmax_par_byname {path}/neurite2 { chan } { param_name }
  set_gmax_par_byname {path}/neurite3 { chan } { param_name }

// Set gmax for all neurites from value
// (obsolete)
function set_neurites_val (path, chan, value)
  set_gmax {path}/neurite1 { chan } { value }
  set_gmax {path}/neurite2 { chan } { value }
  set_gmax {path}/neurite3 { chan } { value }