// GENESIS SETUP FILE //07.02.2015 modified by Samira silent -1 float rundur = 115.0 str modelName = "Steuber" str spktime_dest_dir = "../ModelData/" mkdir {spktime_dest_dir} //initialize parameters include ../DCN-Common/read_par_row_active.g include ../DCN-Steuber/cn_const.g /* COMMENT ALL intrinsic model params have now been initialized and set. They can be safely overwritten any time between now and the calling of the make_GP_library file. Once the library has been created, parameter values are set and cannot be changed except with explicit calls to setfield. */ include ../DCN-Steuber/cn_chan.g include ../DCN-Common/cn_dj1_syns.g include ../DCN-Common/cn_makesyns_full_AW.g include ../DCN-Steuber/cn_comp include ../DCN-Common/miscFunctions.g int i str tstr, hstr, readcompartment setupClocks {1e-5} {1e-4} {rundur} str basefilename = "PC"@{pcASTfolder}@"_pc"@{pcct}@"_mf"@{mfct}@"_gAMPA"@{g_ampa}@"_gGABA"@{g_gaba}@"_"@{modelName}@"_" // make the prototypes in the library if (!{exists /library}) create neutral /library disable /library end ce /library make_cn_chans make_cn_syns make_cn_comps // read cell morphology from .p file readcell ../DCN-Common/cn0106c_z15_l01_ax.p {cellpath} -hsolve // ce {cellpath} add_soma_syns add_dend_syns ce soma ce NaFs setupCurrentInjection_1comp {cellpath} // doPreparations {cellpath} {2} setfield /out_v filename {{spktime_dest_dir} @ {basefilename} @ "Vm.bin"} //Grab spiketimes output - lifted from Nathan Schultheiss create neutral /DCNspiketimes create spikegen /DCNspiketimes/soma_spikegen setfield /DCNspiketimes/soma_spikegen \ output_amp 1 thresh 0 abs_refract .002 hstr={findsolvefield {cellpath} {cellpath}/soma Vm} addmsg {cellpath} /DCNspiketimes/soma_spikegen INPUT {hstr} create spikehistory /DCNspiketimes/soma_spikehistory setfield /DCNspiketimes/soma_spikehistory \ filename {{spktime_dest_dir} @ {basefilename} @ "spikehistory.asci"} \ initialize 1 leave_open 1 flush 1 ident_toggle 1 addmsg /DCNspiketimes/soma_spikegen /DCNspiketimes/soma_spikehistory SPIKESAVE call /DCNspiketimes/soma_spikehistory RESET echo {showfield /DCNspiketimes/soma_spikehistory *} //do current injections str pulseToUse = "/pulseSoma" str outdir = "../output" // setpulse_sine {0} {0} {0} {pulseToUse} reset step {rundur} -time //move_files //mv {{spktime_dest_dir} @ {basefilename} @ "spikehistory.asci"} "./genesisFiles" //mv {{spktime_dest_dir} @ {basefilename} @ "Vm.bin"} "./genesisFiles" quit