//genesis //06.29.2015 synaptic conductances were changed by Samira, they should be as input parameters // simulation index int simnum = 1 float PI = 3.14159 int i, j, k int nextseed str outfilev, outfilei, outfilechan, outfilesyn str outfilesyntotal, outfileitotal str pcincomp, mfincomp str hstr str cellpath = "/CN_cell" // total simulation time float tstop = 7.5 // simulation time step float dt = 5.0e-6 // output time step float dtout = 1.0e-4 // passive parameters (Steuber et al. 2004) // assume z-correction factor 1.5 (based on estimated shrinkage of slices after fixation) float CM = 0.0157 float RMs = 3.556 float RMd = 3.556 float RA = 2.353 float CMmy = {CM}*0.01 float RMax = {RMs} float RMmy = 10.0 // leakage reversal potentials float ELEAK = -0.066 float ELEAKax = {ELEAK} // initialization voltage float EREST_ACT = -0.07 // current injection parameters float cipamp = -150.0e-12 float ciponset = 5.0 float cipdur = 1.5 // voltage clamp parameters float vcstep = -90e-3 float vconset = 5.0 float vcdur = 0.5 // temperature - correct this depending on preparation! float TempC = 32.0 // simulation temperature in centigrade float TempK = {TempC} + 273.15 // Kelvin float ZFbyRT = 96480*2/(8.315*{TempK}) float Q10 = 3.0 // from Hille 2001 float TempCchannel = 32.0 // temp for the channel kinetics in cn_chan.g float QDeltaT = {pow {Q10} {({TempC} - {TempCchannel})/10.0}} // ion concentrations and Nernst potentials float CNaO = 150.0 // mM float CNaI = 10.0 // mM float CCaO = 2.0 // mM float CCaI = 50e-6 // mM (= 50nM) float RbyF = 8.6154e-5 float ENa = {RbyF} * {TempK} * {log {CNaO/CNaI}} float ECa = {RbyF}/2.0 * {TempK} * {log {CCaO/CCaI}} float EK = -0.090 float Eh = -0.045 float ETNC = -0.035 // Raman et al. 2000 - could vary between -30mV and -45mV // initial values for prototype compartments, overwritten by readcell float soma_d = 50.0e-6 float soma_l = 0.0 float soma_area = {soma_d}*{soma_d}*{PI} float dend_d = 10.0e-6 float dend_l = 100.0e-6 float dend_area = {dend_l}*{dend_d}*{PI} float axon_d = 10.0e-6 float axon_l = 100.0e-6 float axon_area = {axon_l}*{axon_d}*{PI} // initial values for prototype channels, overwritten by make_cn_comps float Ginit = 1.0 // parameters for tabchannel tables int tab_calcmode = {LIN_INTERP} int tab_2dcalcmode = {LIN_INTERP} int tab_xdivs = 299 int tab_xfills = 300 int tab_x2dfills = 300 float tab_xmin = -0.15 float tab_xmax = 0.1 // parameters for calcium table int tab_ydivs = {tab_xdivs} float tab_ymin = 0.0 float tab_ymax = 0.01 // channel conductances for soma (s), proximal dendrite (pd), distal dendrite (dd), // axon Hillock (axHill) and axon initial segment (axIS) // NaF - Raman et al. 2000 float GNaFs = 250 float GNaFpd = 100 float GNaFdd = 0.0 float GNaFaxHill = 500 float GNaFaxIS = 500 // fKdr - Surmeier Kv3 float GfKdrs = 150 float GfKdrpd = 90 float GfKdrdd = 0.0 float GfKdraxHill = 300 float GfKdraxIS = 300 // sKdr - Surmeier Kv2 float GsKdrs = 125 float GsKdrpd = 75 float GsKdrdd = 0.0 float GsKdraxHill = 250 float GsKdraxIS = 250 // Sk float GSks = {g_sks}//2.2 float GSkpd = {g_skd}//0.66 float GSkdd = {g_skd}//0.66 // CaHVA - permeability in m/s, Gauck et al. 2000 float GCaHVAs = 7.5e-8 float GCaHVApd = 5e-8 float GCaHVAdd = 5e-8 // tonic non-selective cation current float GTNCs = 0.3 float GTNCpd = 0.06 float GTNCdd = 0 float GTNCaxHill = 0.35 float GTNCaxIS = 0.35 // rebound conductances - adjust for model Neuron 1-3 // NaP float GNaPs = 8//6//2 float GNaPpd = 0 float GNaPdd = 0 // h-current - h_slow, inspired by Raman 2000 float Ghs = 2//0.5//2//0.5 float Ghpd = 2*Ghs float Ghdd = 3*Ghs // CaLVA - Gauck et al. 2000 float GCaLVAs = 1.5//4.5//3.5 float GCaLVApd = 2*GCaLVAs float GCaLVAdd = 2*GCaLVAs // Ca2+ pool parameters float shell_thick = 0.2e-6 float catau = 0.07 float kCas = 3.45477e-7 float kCad = 1.03643e-6 // parameters for synapses based on Gauck and Jaeger 2003 // reversal potentials float E_GABA = -80e-3 float E_AMPA = 0.0 float E_NMDA = 0.0 // synaptic time constants float tauRise_AMPA = 5.0e-4 float tauFall_AMPA = 7.1e-3 float tauRise_fNMDA = 5.0e-3 float tauFall_fNMDA = 20.2e-3 float tauRise_sNMDA = 5.0e-3 float tauFall_sNMDA = 136.4e-3 float tauRise_GABA = 0.93e-3 float tauFall_GABA = 13.6e-3 // synaptic peak conductances float G_AMPAd = 1.0/{num_contact}*{g_ampa}*1e-9//0//1.0e-10//2.0e-10//1.0e-10//5.0e-11 float G_AMPAs = {g_ampa}*1e-9//G_AMPAd float G_GABAd = 1.0/{num_contact}*{g_gaba}*1e-9//0//1.0e-10//2.0e-10//1.0e-10//5.0e-11 float G_GABAs = {g_gaba}*1e-9//G_GABAd float fNMDA_ratio = 0.57 float sNMDA_fac = 0.5 float G_fNMDAs = G_AMPAs * fNMDA_ratio float G_sNMDAs = G_fNMDAs * sNMDA_fac float G_fNMDAd = G_AMPAd * fNMDA_ratio float G_sNMDAd = G_fNMDAd * sNMDA_fac // max simulation time to fill synaptic timetables float synmaxtime = 10.0 str MF_infile = "../DCN-Common/cn_dendcomps.txt" str tot_input_comp_mf = "../DCN-Common/" @ "mfcomps_" @ {mfct} @ "input_" @ {num_contact} @ "buton_fullmodel.txt" float MF_prop2 = 0.5 str MF_spkti = "gammaspikes_" str MF_spkti2 = "gammaspikes_" int ex_idx = 20 int no_comp = 485 str PC_infile = "../DCN-Common/cn_dendcomps.txt" str tot_input_comp_pc = "../DCN-Common/" @ "pccomps_" @ {pcct} @ "input_" @ {num_contact} @ "buton_fullmodel.txt" float PC_prop2 = 0.5 str PC_spkti = "gammaspikes_" str PC_spkti2 = "gammaspikes_" int MF_seed = 1234567 int PC_seed = 2345678 // chan adjustment factors float Kdrminfoffset = 0 // to be read from parameter file float Kdrminfslope = 0 // to be read from parameter file float GSCALEF = 1.0 // can be replaced by parameter file .. scales all channel conductances float BCafs = 1 // can be replaced by parameter file .. scales Ca inflow per current factor float BCafd = 1 // can be replaced by parameter file .. scales Ca inflow per current factor