function [tapers,eigs]=dpsschk(tapers,N,Fs)
% Helper function to calculate tapers and, if precalculated tapers are supplied,
% to check that they (the precalculated tapers) the same length in time as
% the time series being studied. The length of the time series is specified
% as the second input argument N. Thus if precalculated tapers have
% dimensions [N1 K], we require that N1=N.
% Usage: tapers=dpsschk(tapers,N,Fs)
% Inputs:
% tapers (tapers in the form of:
% (i) precalculated tapers or,
% (ii) [NW K] - time-bandwidth product, number of tapers)
% N (number of samples)
% Fs (sampling frequency - this is required for nomalization of
% tapers: we need tapers to be such
% that integral of the square of each taper equals 1
% dpss computes tapers such that the
% SUM of squares equals 1 - so we need
% to multiply the dpss computed tapers
% by sqrt(Fs) to get the right
% normalization)
% Outputs:
% tapers (calculated or precalculated tapers)
% eigs (eigenvalues)
if nargin < 3; error('Need all arguments'); end
if sz(1)==1 && sz(2)==2;
tapers = tapers*sqrt(Fs);
elseif N~=sz(1);
error('seems to be an error in your dpss calculation; the number of time points is different from the length of the tapers');