function a_p = plotDataModelSub(a_md, title_str, props)

% plotDataModelSub - Plot model traces subtracted from raw data.
% Usage:
% a_p = plotDataModelSub(a_md, title_str, props)
% Parameters:
%   a_md: A model_data_vcs object.
%   title_str: (Optional) Text to appear in the plot title.
%   props: A structure with any optional properties.
%     quiet: If 1, only use given title_str.
%     zoom: Zoom into activation or inactivation parts if 'act' or
%           'inact', resp.
%     skipStep: Number of voltage steps to skip at the start for zoom (default=0).
%     levels: Only plot these current and voltage levels
%     colorLevels: Cycle colors every this number.
%     axisLimits: Set current traces to these limits unless 'zoom' prop
%     	    is specified.
%     (Rest passed to voltage_clamp/plot_abstract)
% Returns:
%   a_p: A plot_abstract object.
% Description:
% Example:
% >> a_md = model_data_vcs(model, data_vc)
% >> plotFigure(plotDataModelSub(a_md, 'my model'))
% See also: model_data_vcs, voltage_clamp, voltage_clamp/plot_abstract, plot_abstract, plotFigure
% $Id$
% Author: Cengiz Gunay <>, 2010/10/21

if ~ exist('props', 'var')
  props = struct;

if ~ exist('title_str', 'var')
  title_str = '';

skip_step = getFieldDefault(props, 'skipStep', 0);

% zoom to act/inact portions of data
label_zoom = '';
if isfield(props, 'zoom')
  if strcmp(props.zoom, 'act')
    axis_limits = [getTimeRelStep(a_md.data_vc, 2 + skip_step, [-1 30])*a_md.data_vc.dt*1e3 NaN NaN];
    label_zoom = ' - zoom act';
  elseif strcmp(props.zoom, 'inact')
    axis_limits = [getTimeRelStep(a_md.data_vc, 3 + skip_step, [-1 30])*a_md.data_vc.dt*1e3 NaN NaN];
    label_zoom = ' - zoom inact';
    error([ 'props.zoom = ''' props.zoom ''' not recognized. Use ''act'' ' ...
            'or ''inact''.' ]);
  axis_limits = getFieldDefault(props, 'axisLimits', [NaN NaN NaN NaN]); 

if isfield(props, 'quiet')
  all_title = title_str;
  all_title = [ ', ' label_zoom title_str ];

color_num_levels = getFieldDefault(props, 'colorLevels', size(a_md.data_vc.v_steps, 2));

line_colors = lines(color_num_levels); %hsv(color_num_levels);

if isfield(props, 'levels')
  use_levels = props.levels;
  a_md.data_vc = setLevels(a_md.data_vc, use_levels);
  a_md.model_vc = setLevels(a_md.model_vc, use_levels);

a_p = ...
    plot_abstract(a_md.data_vc - a_md.model_vc, '', ...
                  mergeStructsRecursive(props, ...
                                        struct('onlyPlot', 'i', 'ColorOrder', line_colors, ...
                                               'plotProps', struct('LineWidth', 1))));