function a_md = updateModel(a_md, model_f, props)
% updateModel - Simulate and save new model into object.
% Usage:
% a_md = updateModel(a_md, model_f, props)
% Parameters:
% a_md: A model_data_vcs object.
% model_f: (optional) param_func or subclass object that holds the new
% model function. If not given, existing model is simulated.
% props: A structure with any optional properties.
% (passed to voltage_clamp/simModel)
% Returns:
% a_md: Updated object.
% Description:
% Simulates the model to update the model_vc contained.
% Example:
% >> a_md = model_data_vcs(model_f, data_vc)
% >> a_md = updateModel(a_md, new_model_f))
% See also: model_data_vcs
% $Id$
% Author: Cengiz Gunay <>, 2010/10/14
props = mergeStructs(defaultValue('props', struct), get(a_md, 'props'));
a_md.model_f = defaultValue('model_f', a_md.model_f);
a_md.model_vc = simModel(a_md.data_vc, a_md.model_f, props); % simulate model