function [params_row, tests_row, a_doc] = itemResultsRow(dataset, index, props)

% itemResultsRow - Analyze data from the dataset and return its parameter and test values.
% Usage:
% [params_row, tests_row] = itemResultsRow(dataset, index)
% Parameters:
%   dataset: A params_tests_dataset.
%   index: Index of file in dataset.
%   props: A structure with any optional properties.
%     (passed to loadItemProfileFunc)
% Returns:
%   params_row: Parameter values in the same order of paramNames
%   tests_row: Test values in the same order with testNames
% Description:
%   This method is designed to be reused from subclasses as long as the
% loadItemProfile method is properly overloaded. Adds an Index
% column to the DB to keep track of raw data items after shuffling.
% See also: loadItemProfile, params_tests_dataset, paramNames, testNames
% $Id$
% Author: Cengiz Gunay <>, 2004/09/10

% Copyright (c) 2007 Cengiz Gunay <>.
% This work is licensed under the Academic Free License ("AFL")
% v. 3.0. To view a copy of this license, please look at the COPYING
% file distributed with this software or visit

props = mergeStructs(defaultValue('props', struct), get(dataset, 'props'));

a_doc = [];

% get params from file (if any)
params_row = getItemParams(dataset, index);

% look if custom function defined
prof_func = ...
    getFieldDefault(get(dataset, 'props'), 'loadItemProfileFunc', ...

% Load any profile object
a_profile = feval(prof_func, dataset, index, params_row, props);

% there can be a doc hidden in there
if iscell(a_profile)
  [a_profile a_doc] = deal(a_profile{:});

% If found in profile, update params row vector
if isa(a_profile, 'params_results_profile')
  params_row = cell2mat(struct2cell(a_profile.params)');

% Convert results to row vector
resultCell = squeeze(struct2cell(getResults(a_profile)))';

% if multiple rows returned
num_rows = size(resultCell, 1);
if num_rows > 1
  params_row = repmat(params_row, num_rows, 1);
  % Add the index as last column
  tests_row = [ cell2mat(resultCell), repmat(index, num_rows, 1) ];
  % Add the index as last column
  tests_row = [ resultCell{:}, index ];