function obj = params_tests_dataset(list, dt, dy, id, props)
% params_tests_dataset - Contains a set of data objects or files of raw data varying with parameter values.
% Usage:
% obj = params_tests_dataset(list, dt, dy, id, props)
% Description:
% This is an abstract base class for keeping dataset information separate
% from the parameters-results database (params_tests_db). The list contents
% can be filenames or objects (such as cip_traces) from which to get the raw data.
% The dataset should have all the necessary information to create a db when
% needed. This is an abstract class, thet it it cannot act on its own. Only
% fully implemented subclasses can actually hold datasets. See methods below.
% Parameters:
% list: Array of dataset items (filenames, objects, etc.).
% dt: Time resolution [s]
% dy: y-axis resolution [integral V, A, etc.]
% id: An identification string.
% props: A structure with any optional properties.
% type: type of file (default = '')
% loadItemProfileFunc: Function name or handle to be called as with
% (dataset, index, param_row, props) to load a dataset item during database
% creation and return a results_profile. Changing this property allows creating
% different databases from same dataset. It also
% allows loading a novel dataset through this generic class.
% Returns a structure object with the following fields:
% list, dt, dy, id, props (see above).
% General operations on params_tests_dataset objects:
% params_tests_dataset - Construct a new object.
% params_tests_db - Generate a db by calling readDBItems.
% readDBItems - Loops over all items, reading them with loadItemProfile.
% loadItemProfile - Load raw data traces (needs to be implemented
% in subclass or given in props above).
% testNames - Returns test names for this fileset. Uses
% loadItemProfile to load the raw data.
% paramNames - Returns parameter names for this fileset.
% itemResultsRow - Uses loadItemProfile to load raw data and
% queries it to get parameters and results.
% display - Returns and displays the identification string.
% get - Gets attributes of this object and parents.
% subsref - Allows usage of . operator.
% Additional methods:
% See methods('params_tests_dataset')
% See also: params_tests_db, params_tests_fileset, cip_traces_dataset
% $Id$
% Author: Cengiz Gunay <>, 2004/12/02
% Copyright (c) 2007 Cengiz Gunay <>.
% This work is licensed under the Academic Free License ("AFL")
% v. 3.0. To view a copy of this license, please look at the COPYING
% file distributed with this software or visit
if nargin == 0 % Called with no params
obj.list = [];
obj.dy=1; = '';
obj.props = struct([]);
obj = class(obj, 'params_tests_dataset');
elseif isa(list, 'params_tests_dataset') % copy constructor?
obj = list;
if ~ exist('props', 'var')
props = struct([]);
obj.list = list;
obj.dt = dt;
obj.dy = dy; = id;
obj.props = props;
% then create the object
obj = class(obj, 'params_tests_dataset');