function cip_fold_db = mergeMultipleCIPsInOne(db, names_tests_cell, ...
index_col_name, props)
% mergeMultipleCIPsInOne - Merges multiple rows with different CIP data into one, generating a database of one row per neuron.
% Usage:
% a_db = mergeMultipleCIPsInOne(db, names_tests_cell, index_col_name, props)
% Description:
% It calls invarParam to separate DB into pages with different CIP level
% data. Then uses the names_tests_cell to choose tests from each page to be
% merged into the final database row. The tests will be suffixed with the
% field name so that they can be distinguished. RowIndex columns will be
% automatically included, and one of them can be chosen with index_col_name
% that has values for all cells. The suffixed for needs to be used to choose
% index_col_name, such as 'RowIndex_H100pA', assuming 'H100pA' was the field
% name in names_tests_cell that corresponds to page -100 pA.
% Parameters:
% db: A params_tests_db object.
% names_tests_cell: A cell array alternating suffix names and test column vectors.
% The order of names correspond to each unique CIP level in db,
% with increasing order.
% index_col_name: (Optional) Name of row index column
% (default is 'RowIndex' suffixed with the first field name).
% props: A structure with any optional properties.
% cipLevels: In case db is missing some levels, provides a list of
% cip levels that correspond to names_tests_cell db. Missing
% levels are replaced with NaN values. DB is filtered to
% remove other CIP levels.
% Returns:
% a_db: A params_tests_db object of organized values.
% Example:
% >> control_phys_sdb =
% mergeMultipleCIPsInOne(control_phys_db,
% struct('_H100pA', [1:10], '_D100pA', [1:10 16:18]),
% 'RowIndex_H100pA')
% See also: invarValues, tests_3D_db, corrCoefs, tests_3D_db/plotVarBox
% $Id$
% Author: Cengiz Gunay <>, 2005/01/13
% Copyright (c) 2007 Cengiz Gunay <>.
% This work is licensed under the Academic Free License ("AFL")
% v. 3.0. To view a copy of this license, please look at the COPYING
% file distributed with this software or visit
if ~ exist('props', 'var')
props = struct;
if dbsize(db,1)==0
if isfield(props, 'cipLevels')
cip_levels = props.cipLevels;
if diff(size(cip_levels)) > 0
cip_levels = cip_levels';
% if specified, only keep these cip levels
db = onlyRowsTests(db, anyRows(onlyRowsTests(db, ':', 'pAcip'), cip_levels), ':');
% Fold into multiple pages, according to cip values
cip_fold_db = swapRowsPages(invarParam(db, 'pAcip'));
if isfield(props, 'cipLevels')
% align given cip levels
% use mean as means to remove NaNs ;)
db_cip_levels = ...
squeeze(get(mean(onlyRowsTests(cip_fold_db, ':', 'pAcip', ':'), 1), 'data'));
% match one by one
num_cip_levels = length(props.cipLevels);
new_cip_fold_data = ...
repmat(NaN, [dbsize(cip_fold_db, 1), dbsize(cip_fold_db, 2), num_cip_levels]);
for cip_level = 1:num_cip_levels
db_page = find(props.cipLevels(cip_level) == db_cip_levels);
if ~ isempty(db_page)
new_cip_fold_data(:, :, cip_level) = ..., :, db_page);
cip_fold_db = set(cip_fold_db, 'data', new_cip_fold_data);
% Read names and tests into separate cell arrays
page_suffixes = {names_tests_cell{1:2:end}};
tests_cell = {names_tests_cell{2:2:end}};
% Rewrite and convert from column numbers to test names for using in cip_fold_db
orig_test_names = fieldnames(get(db, 'col_idx'));
for page_num = 1:length(tests_cell)
tests_cell{page_num} = { orig_test_names{tests2cols(db, tests_cell{page_num})} };
num_pages = dbsize(cip_fold_db, 3);
if length(page_suffixes) ~= num_pages
error(['Number of items in names_tests_cell does not match with ' ...
num2str(num_pages) ' unique CIP values in the database.']);
% Merge the selected tests from each page
cip_fold_db = mergePages(cip_fold_db, tests_cell, page_suffixes);
% default index
if ~ exist('index_col_name', 'var')
index_col_name = [ 'RowIndex' page_suffixes{1} ];
% Get the parameters back (except pAcip)
wo_cip_params = true(1, db.num_params);
wo_cip_params(tests2cols(db, 'pAcip')) = false(1);
cip_fold_db = ...
joinRows(onlyRowsTests(db, ':', wo_cip_params), cip_fold_db, ...
struct('indexColName', index_col_name, 'multipleIndices', 1));
% Remove the RowIndex columns
test_names = fieldnames(get(cip_fold_db, 'col_idx'));
found_indices = strmatch('RowIndex', test_names);
wo_index = true(1, dbsize(cip_fold_db, 2));
wo_index(found_indices) = false(1);
cip_fold_db = onlyRowsTests(cip_fold_db, ':', wo_index);
% TODO: give a better name?
cip_fold_db = set(cip_fold_db, 'id', [ get(db, 'id') ' mult CIP' ]);