function a_params_db = scanParamAllRows(a_db, param, min_val, max_val, num_levels, props)
% scanParamAllRows - OBSOLETE (use instead varyParams) - Scans given parameter range for each row in DB.
% Usage:
% a_params_db = scanParamAllRows(a_db, param, min_val, max_val, num_levels, props)
% Description:
% Produces rows by replacing the desired parameter value, in all rows of DB,
% with num_levels values between the given boundaries, min_val and max_val.
% This results in a DB with num_levels times more rows than the original DB.
% Then, writeParFile can be used to generate a parameter file from
% this DB to drive new simulations.
% Parameters:
% a_db: A params_tests_db object whose first row is subject to modifications.
% param: The parameter to be varied (see tests2cols for param description).
% min_val, max_val: The low and high boundaries for the parameter value.
% num_levels: Number of levels to produce, including the boundaries.
% props: A structure with any optional properties.
% renameTrial: If given, the 'trial' column is renamed to this name.
% levelFunc: Use this function to get the parameter range with
% feval(levelFunc, min_val, max_val, num_levels). Example: 'logLevels'
% Returns:
% a_params_db: A db only with params.
% Example:
% Sets NaF to given range with 100 levels:
% >> naf_rows_db = scanParamAllRows(a_db(desired_rows, :), 'NaF', 0, 1000, 100);
% See also: writeParFile, scaleParamsOneRow, ranked_db/blockedDistances, getParamRowIndices, logLevels
% $Id$
% Author: Cengiz Gunay <>, 2006/02/16
% Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Cengiz Gunay <>.
% This work is licensed under the Academic Free License ("AFL")
% v. 3.0. To view a copy of this license, please look at the COPYING
% file distributed with this software or visit
if ~exist('props', 'var')
props = struct;
if isfield(props, 'levelFunc')
levels = feval(props.levelFunc, min_val, max_val, num_levels);
% O/w use aritmetic series
levels = min_val + (0:(num_levels - 1))' * (max_val - min_val) / (num_levels - 1);
param_name = getColNames(onlyRowsTests(a_db, ':', param));
% Create params DB with desired values
a_params_db = ...
params_tests_db(levels, param_name, [], {}, [ param_name{1} ' DB']);
% Get cross product with original DB with the param removed
a_params_db = crossProd(delColumns(a_db, param), a_params_db);
% Keep order of params
a_params_db = vertcat(onlyRowsTests(a_db, [], ':'), a_params_db);
if isfield(props, 'renameTrial')
a_params_db = renameColumns(a_params_db, 'trial', props.renameTrial);