function writeParFile(a_db, filename, props)

% writeParFile - Creates or appends to text file all the parameter values in a_db.
% Usage:
% writeParFile(a_db, filename, props)
% Parameters:
%   a_db: A params_tests_db object.
%   filename: Genesis parameter file to be created.
%   props: A structure with any optional properties.
%     trialStart: If given, adds/replaces the trial parameter and counts forward.
%     makeParamDesc: If 1, put the parameter names in a parameter description file with
%	  	 with a .txt extension.
%     noAppend: If given, do not append to file even if it exists
% Returns:
%   nothing.
% Example:
%>> naf_rows_db = scanParamAllRows(a_db(desired_rows, :), 'NaF', 0, 1000, 100);
%>> writeParFile(naf_rows_db, 'naf.par')
% Description:
%   Creates a text file that has a set of parameter values for each row. The
% first line is a header that contains number of parameters and total
% rows. If the file exists, the data is appended, but the header is NOT
% updated for efficiency considerations. Optionally, a parameter description
% file can be created that contains one parameter name per row. These files
% can be processed with various utilities to control simulations.
% See also: scanParamAllRows, scaleParamsOneRow,
% $Id$
% Author: Cengiz Gunay <>, 2005/03/13

% Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Cengiz Gunay <>.
% This work is licensed under the Academic Free License ("AFL")
% v. 3.0. To view a copy of this license, please look at the COPYING
% file distributed with this software or visit

% TODO: 
% - read paramRanges.txt to verify parameter sequence
% - run par2db optionally

if ~exist('props', 'var')
  props = struct;

% Add/replace a trial column and count forward
if isfield(props, 'trialStart')
  start_trial = props.trialStart;
  trial_col = (start_trial:(start_trial - 1 + dbsize(a_db, 1)))';
    a_db = addParams(a_db, {'trial'}, trial_col);
    lerr = lasterror;
    % If column already exists, it's ok
    if strcmp(lerr.identifier, 'tests_db:col_exists')
      a_db = assignRowsTests(a_db, trial_col, ':', 'trial');

% Create a parameter description file for database generation
if isfield(props, 'makeParamDesc')
  param_desc_filename = strrep(filename, '.par', '.txt');
  param_names = [strvcat(getParamNames(a_db)), repmat(sprintf('\n'), a_db.num_params, 1)];
  string2File(reshape(param_names', 1, prod(size(param_names))), param_desc_filename);

num_rows = dbsize(a_db, 1);

% Rest contains param values and zeros appended at the end of row
data_rows = [num2str( [get(onlyRowsTests(a_db, ':', 1:a_db.num_params), 'data') ]), ...
	     repmat(sprintf('\n'), num_rows, 1) ];

data_str = reshape(data_rows', 1, prod(size(data_rows)));

if exist(filename, 'file') && ~ isfield(props, 'noAppend')
  % append if exists
  fid = fopen(filename, 'a');
  fprintf(fid, '%s', data_str);
  % First row of par file contains info
  first_row = [ num2str(num_rows) ' ' num2str(a_db.num_params) sprintf('\n') ];

  % create file from scratch
  string2File([first_row, data_str], filename);