function [ciptype, on, off, finish, bias, pulse] = ns_CIPform(traceset,trace_index)
% CIPform - Extracts current bias and pulse information from the current channel.
% Usage:
% [ciptype, on, off, finish, bias, pulse] = ns_CIPform(traceset,trace_index)
% Description:
% Parameters:
% traceset: A physiol_cip_traceset object.
% trace_index: Index of item in traceset
% See also: cip_traces, params_tests_dataset, params_tests_db
% $Id$
% Author: Thomas Sangrey, 2005
% Copyright (c) 2007 Cengiz Gunay <>.
% This work is licensed under the Academic Free License ("AFL")
% v. 3.0. To view a copy of this license, please look at the COPYING
% file distributed with this software or visit
% Modified by:
% Jeremy Edgerton, 2005.
% Cengiz Gunay, 2005/08/15. Added property to specify cipList externally.
% Li, Su, 2007/06/10. Parses HDF5 info from the cipList structure.
% - if current level is way off, this script should signal an error. Currently
% there is no way to tell how much it was off.
warning off MATLAB:divideByZero;
warning off MATLAB:polyfit:PolyNotUnique;
%sprintf('data file: %s, trace number: %d', traceset.data_src, trace_index)
% Create list of all available cip step amplitudes.
traceset_props = get(traceset, 'props');
if isfield(traceset_props, 'cip_list')
cipList = traceset_props.cip_list; % get it from props
% static list of cips
cipList = [-200,-150,[-100:10:100],150,200,250,300,400,500];
% cipList = [-200:100:500];
if isstruct(cipList)
% method 1: read cip information from the meta data
if isfield(traceset_props.Trials{trace_index}, 'ChainID')
idx = mod(traceset_props.Trials{trace_index}.InChainIndex, length(cipList.Amplitude)) + 1;
idx = 1; % only one pulse
pulse = cipList.Amplitude(idx);
if pulse ~= 0
on = max(1, cipList.StartTime/traceset.params_tests_dataset.dt);
off = on + cipList.Duration/traceset.params_tests_dataset.dt - 1;
% if no pulse, set the pulse period to the end
on = ...
off = on - 1; % To make it 0 samples
ciptype = sign(pulse);
bias = 0;
current = ns_read(traceset_props.Trials{trace_index}.AcquisitionData{traceset.ichan});
finish = current.Samples;
if ciptype == 0
bias = median(current.Y);
bias = median(current.Y(1:on-10));
% added by Li Su 04/18/08. have to adjust the gain and unit factor.
switch traceset_props.Trials{trace_index}. ...
AcquisitionData{traceset.ichan}.DataUnit, ...
case 'A'
bias = bias * 1e9;
case 'mA'
bias = bias * 1e6;
case 'nA'
bias = bias * 1e3;
case 'pA'
nSD = 10; % number of standard deviations for transition threshold
hfig = 1; % figure number on which to plot
current = 100 * loadtraces(traceset.data_src, ...
num2str(getItem(traceset, trace_index)), ...
traceset.ichan, 1) / traceset.igain;
% method 2, calculate cip from the actual stim trace
% Multiplication by 1000 converts current from nA to pA.
windowsize = 100; % size of sliding window for moving average.
if length(current) < 3*windowsize
error('The current trace does not have enough data points.');
filtcurr = filter(ones(1, windowsize)/windowsize, 1, current);
% remove ends of filtered trace
filtcurr = filtcurr(windowsize + 1:length(filtcurr) - windowsize);
dt = get(traceset, 'dt');
maxc = max(filtcurr);
minc = min(filtcurr);
stdev = std(filtcurr(1:100));
bsln = median(filtcurr(1:100));
if (maxc - minc) < 10 % No cip found.
% sprintf('0 cip')
on = length(current);
off = length(current);
ciptype = 0;
elseif (maxc - bsln) > (bsln - minc) % is +cip trace
% sprintf('+ cip')
tmp = find(filtcurr > (bsln + 0.5*(maxc - minc)));
ciptype = 1;
else % is -cip trace
% sprintf('- cip')
tmp = find(filtcurr < (bsln - 0.5*(maxc - minc)));
ciptype = -1;
% extract pulse start & end times (to nearest 10 msec)
if ciptype ~= 0
on = 1 + windowsize + floor(tmp(1)*(dt*1000/10)) / (dt*1000/10);
off = ceil(tmp(length(tmp))*(dt*1000/10)) / (dt*1000/10);
% diagnostics
% sprintf('maxc: %g, minc: %g, stdev: %g, bsln: %g', maxc, minc, stdev, bsln)
% sprintf('ciptype: %d, on: %g, off: %g', ciptype, on, off)
if on > 1 & on < 10001
warning('Unexpected pulse start time.');
sprintf('ciptype: %d, on: %g, off: %g', ciptype, on, off)
elseif off > 20000 & off < 30000
warning('Unexpected pulse end time.');
sprintf('ciptype: %d, on: %g, off: %g', ciptype, on, off)
% figure(hfig); plot(filtcurr, '-green'); hold on;
% figure; plot(current, '-blue'); hold on; plot(filtcurr, '-green');
if ciptype == 0
bias = round(median(current));
pulse = 0;
% If we don't round here, it may be more accurate -CG
pulse = round(maxc-minc) * ciptype;
% pulse = round(median(current(on+10:off-10)) - bias);
% sprintf('raw pulse: %g', pulse)
tvec = sort([cipList, pulse]);
pulseidx = find(tvec == pulse);
if length(pulseidx) > 1
pulse = tvec(pulseidx(1));
elseif pulseidx == 1
pulse = tvec(2);
elseif pulseidx == length(tvec)
pulse = tvec(pulseidx - 1);
elseif abs(tvec(pulseidx + 1) - pulse) > abs(pulse - tvec(pulseidx - 1))
pulse = tvec(pulseidx - 1);
pulse = tvec(pulseidx + 1);
% sprintf('max - min: %g', (maxc - minc))
% sprintf('on: %g, off: %g, bias: %g, pulse: %g', on, off, bias, pulse)
finish = length(current);