function obj = physiol_cip_traceset(trace_str, data_src, ...
chaninfo, dt, dy, treatments, neuron_id, props)
% physiol_cip_traceset - Dataset of cip traces from same PCDX file.
% Usage:
% obj = physiol_cip_traceset(trace_str, data_src, chaninfo, dt, dy, treatments, neuron_id, props);
% Description:
% This is a subclass of params_tests_dataset. Each trace varies in bias,
% pulse times and cip magnitude.
% Parameters:
% trace_str: Trace list in the format for loadtraces or just a Matlab vector.
% data_src: Absolute path of PCDX data source.
% chaninfo: 4-element array containing vchan, ichan, vgain, igain
% vchan, ichan: Current and voltage channels.
% vgain, igain: External gain factors for voltage channel and current
% channel
% (vgain does NOT include the 10X amplification from the Axoclamp,
% so vgain = 1 would mean no additional amplification beyond the 10X.)
% dt: Time resolution [s].
% dy: Y-axis resolution [V] or [A].
% treatments: Structure containing the names and concentrations
% of compounds.
% neuron_id: Neuron name.
% props: A structure with any optional properties.
% nsHDF5: For NeuroSAGE HDF5 files, processing is faster if the output
% of ns_open_file is given here. Must be defined to allow
% special NeuroSAGE processing.
% profile_method_name: Use this cip_trace method to return a
% profile (Default: 'getProfileAllSpikes').
% cip_list: Vector of cip levels to which the current trace will be matched.
% (All other props are passed to cip_trace objects)
% Returns a structure object with the following fields:
% params_tests_dataset,
% data_src, ichan, vchan, vgain, igain, treatments.
% General operations on physiol_cip_traceset objects:
% physiol_cip_traceset - Construct a new object.
% loadItemProfile - Builds a cip_trace_profile for a trace in the set.
% cip_trace_profile - Load a cip_trace_profile corresponding to a trace.
% CIPform - Get CIP pulse information.
% Additional methods:
% See methods('physiol_cip_traceset'), and
% methods('params_tests_dataset').
% See also: cip_traces, params_tests_dataset, params_tests_db
% $Id$
% Author: Cengiz Gunay <> and Thomas Sangrey, 2005/01/17
% Copyright (c) 2007 Cengiz Gunay <>.
% This work is licensed under the Academic Free License ("AFL")
% v. 3.0. To view a copy of this license, please look at the COPYING
% file distributed with this software or visit
vs = warning('query', 'verbose');
verbose = strcmp(vs.state, 'on');
if nargin == 0 % Called with no params
obj.data_src = [];
obj.vchan = 0;
obj.ichan = 0;
obj.vgain = 1;
obj.igain = 1;
obj.treatments = struct([]);
obj.neuron_id = '';
obj = class(obj, 'physiol_cip_traceset', params_tests_dataset);
elseif isa(trace_str, 'physiol_cip_traceset') % copy constructor?
obj = trace_str;
obj.data_src = data_src;
obj.vchan = chaninfo(1);
obj.ichan = chaninfo(2);
obj.vgain = chaninfo(3);
obj.igain = chaninfo(4);
obj.treatments = treatments;
obj.neuron_id = neuron_id;
if ~ exist('treatments', 'var') || isempty(treatments)
obj.treatments = struct([]);
trace_list = [];
if isstr(trace_str)
trace_list = gettracelist2(trace_str);
trace_list = trace_str;
trace_str = array2str(trace_str); % edited by Li Su.
if ~ exist('props', 'var')
props = struct;
if isfield(props, 'profile_class_name')
error('Prop "profile_class_name" is superceded with "profile_method_name"');
if ~ isfield(props, 'profile_method_name')
props.profile_method_name = 'getProfileAllSpikes';
if isfield(props, 'nsHDF5') || ~isempty(strfind(data_src, '.hdf5'))
if isfield(props, 'nsHDF5') && isstruct(props.nsHDF5)
% it's much faster to do this only once!
ns_h5_info = props.nsHDF5;
ns_h5_info = ns_open_file(data_src, true);
% remove it from props to save space:
props.nsHDF5 = [];
% read in new info
Trials = ns_select_trials(ns_h5_info, trace_list);
% remove some unused fields in Trial info to keep props slim. by Li Su
Trials = cellfun(@(x)rmfield(x,...
{'HDF5', ...
'ExperimentControl', ...
'InstrumentConfiguration', ...
'StimulationData' ...
}), ...
Trials, 'uniformoutput', false);
props.Trials = Trials;
props.cip_list = ns_CIPlist(ns_h5_info, trace_list);
if verbose, props, end
if ~ isempty(trace_list) && isempty(props.Trials)
error('Cannot find any of the above trials with ns_select_trials.');
tr1=trace_list(1); ch=max([obj.vchan 1]);
if ~exist('dt','var') || isempty(dt)
dt = 1/props.Trials{tr1}.AcquisitionData{ch}.SamplingRate;
if ~exist('dy','var') || isempty(dy)
dy = 1; %/pros.Trials{tr1}.AcquisitionData{ch}.SamplingRate;
% reading CIP list from the file
% add sequence name into traceset name. by Li Su
traceset_id = ...
[ 'traceset ' neuron_id ' (' data_src '), trials ' trace_str ];
if isfield(props, 'Trials')
traceset_id = ...
[ traceset_id ' ' props.Trials{1}.SequenceName ];
% Create the object
obj = class(obj, 'physiol_cip_traceset', ...
params_tests_dataset(trace_list, dt, dy, ...
traceset_id, props));