function [neuron_idx, all_treatments] = scanNeuronsTreats(traceset_list, props)
% scanNeuronsTreats - Count distinct neuron ids and find global list of treatments among tracesets.
% Usage:
% [neuron_idx, all_treatments] = scanNeuronsTreats(traceset_list, props)
% Description:
% Parameters:
% traceset_list: Cell array of physiol_cip_traceset objects.
% props: A structure with any optional properties.
% neuronIdStart: Start counting neuron_id's from this number.
% Returns:
% neuron_idx: A structure that points from neuron names to NeuronId numbers.
% all_treatments: Structure containing all treatments across tracesets.
% See also: physiol_cip_traceset_fileset
% $Id$
% Author: Cengiz Gunay <>, 2008/05/18
if ~exist('props', 'var')
props = struct;
neuron_idx = struct;
if isfield(props, 'neuronIdStart')
neuron_id = props.neuronIdStart;
neuron_id = 1;
all_treatments = struct;
% count neuron_ids and also make global list of treatments
for a_ts=traceset_list
if ~ isfield(neuron_idx, a_ts{1}.neuron_id)
neuron_idx.(a_ts{1}.neuron_id) = neuron_id;
neuron_id = neuron_id + 1;
% collect treatments
all_treatments = mergeStructs(a_ts{1}.treatments, all_treatments);