function a_plot = plot_stack(plots, axis_limits, orientation, title_str, props)

% plot_stack - A horizontal or vertical stack of plots.
% Usage:
% a_plot = plot_stack(plots, axis_limits, orientation, title_str, props)
% Description:
%   Subclass of plot_abstract. Contains other plot_abstract objects or
% subclasses thereof to be layout in stack format. 
%   Parameters:
%	plots: Cell array of plot_abstract or subclass objects.
%	axis_limits: If given, all plots contained will have these axis
%		limits. In this vector, NaNs are untouched, Infs are
%		replaced by minimal and maximal ranges of the
%		stacked plots.
%	orientation: Stack orientation 'x' for horizontal, 'y' for vertical, etc.
%	title_str: Title to go on top of the stack
%	props: A structure with any optional properties.
%		yLabelsPos: 'left' means only put y-axis label to leftmost plot.
%		yTicksPos: 'left' means only put y-axis ticks to leftmost plot.
%		xLabelsPos: 'bottom' means only put x-axis label to lowest plot.
%		xTicksPos: 'bottom' means only put x-axis ticks to lowest plot.
%		titlesPos: 'top' means only put title to top plot.
%		relaxedLimits: Add 10% to all axis limits, overriding Matlab's layout
%		relativeSizes: An array specifying relative size of each plot with one value.
%		  (Example: relativeSizes=[1 2] makes second plot twice wider than first.)
%   Returns a structure object with the following fields:
%	plot_abstract, plots, axis_limits, orient.
% General operations on plot_stack objects:
%   plot_stack		- Construct a new plot_stack object.
%   plot		- Layout this stack at given axis position.
% Additional methods:
%	See methods('plot_stack')
% See also: plot_abstract, plot_abstract/plotFigure
% $Id$
% Author: Cengiz Gunay <>, 2004/10/04

% Copyright (c) 2007 Cengiz Gunay <>.
% This work is licensed under the Academic Free License ("AFL")
% v. 3.0. To view a copy of this license, please look at the COPYING
% file distributed with this software or visit

if nargin == 0 % Called with no params
  a_plot.plots = {};
  a_plot.axis_limits = [];
  a_plot.orient = 'y';
  a_plot = class(a_plot, 'plot_stack', plot_abstract);
 elseif isa(plots, 'plot_stack') % copy constructor?
   a_plot = plots;
   if ~ exist('props', 'var')
     props = struct([]);

   if ~ exist('orientation', 'var')
     orientation = 'y';

   if ~ exist('axis_limits', 'var')
     axis_limits = [];

   if ~ exist('title_str', 'var')
     title_str = '';

   % convert to cell if needed
   if ~ iscell(plots)
     plots = num2cell(plots);

   % Loop through plots and set properties

   a_plot.plots = plots;
   a_plot.axis_limits = axis_limits;
   a_plot.orient = orientation;

   % Initialize with empty plot_abstract instance
   % because we override most of the default behavior
   % defined there anyway. 
   % By default, plot_stack has no labels or ticks.
   a_plot = ...
       class(a_plot, 'plot_stack', ...
	     plot_abstract([], {}, title_str, {}, '', props));