function [results, a_plot] = getResults(s, plotit)
% getResults - Runs all tests defined by this class and return them in a
% structure.
% Usage:
% [results, a_plot] = getResults(s, plotit)
% Description:
% Parameters:
% s: A spike_shape object.
% plotit: If non-zero, plot a graph annotating the test results
% (optional).
% Returns:
% results: A structure associating test names to values in ms and mV.
% a_plot: plot_abstract, if requested.
% See also: spike_shape
% $Id$
% Author:
% Cengiz Gunay <>, 2004/08/02
% Based on @spike_trace/shapestats by Jeremy Edgerton.
% Copyright (c) 2007 Cengiz Gunay <>.
% This work is licensed under the Academic Free License ("AFL")
% v. 3.0. To view a copy of this license, please look at the COPYING
% file distributed with this software or visit
if ~ exist('plotit', 'var')
plotit = 0;
% convert all to ms/mV
ms_factor = 1e3 * s.trace.dt;
mV_factor = 1e3 * s.trace.dy;
% set defaults to NaN for all available measures
results.MinVm = NaN;
results.PeakVm = NaN;
results.InitVm = NaN;
results.InitVmBySlope = NaN;
results.MaxVmSlope = NaN;
results.HalfVm = NaN;
results.Amplitude = NaN;
results.MaxAHP = NaN;
results.DAHPMag = NaN;
results.InitTime = NaN;
results.RiseTime = NaN;
results.FallTime = NaN;
results.MinTime = NaN;
results.BaseWidth = NaN;
results.HalfWidth = NaN;
results.FixVWidth = NaN;
% Check for empty spike_shape object first.
if isempty(
a_plot = plot_simple;
% Run tests
[max_val, max_idx] = calcMaxVm(s);
% Sanity check for peak
if max_idx == 1 || max_idx == length( || ...
max_idx < 1e-3 / s.trace.dt || ... % less than some ms on the left side
... % less than some ms on the right
( length( - max_idx ) < 1e-3 / s.trace.dt
error('spike_shape:not_a_spike', 'Peak at beginning or end of %s! Not a spike.', ...
get(s, 'id'));
[min_val, min_idx] = calcMinVm(s, max_idx);
[init_val, init_idx, rise_time, amplitude, ...
peak_mag, peak_idx, max_d1o, a_plot] = calcInitVm(s, max_idx, min_idx, plotit);
s_props = get(s, 'props');
% Calculate secondary threshold point based on interpolated slope threshold crossing
[init_st_idx] = ...
calcInitVmSlopeThresholdSupsample(s, max_idx, min_idx, s_props.init_threshold, 0);
init_st_val = interpValByIndex(init_st_idx,;
err = lasterror;
if strcmp(err.identifier, 'calcInitVm:failed')
init_st_val = NaN;
if isfield(s_props, 'minInit2MaxAmp')
min_tm_amp = s_props.minInit2MaxAmp;
min_tm_amp = 10;
if isfield(s_props, 'minMin2MaxAmp')
min_mm_amp = s_props.minMin2MaxAmp;
min_mm_amp = 10;
% Sanity check for amplitude
if (max_val - init_val) * mV_factor < min_tm_amp
error('spike_shape:not_a_spike', ...
['%s not a spike! Spike threshold-to-max amplitude=%f is shorter than ' ...
'props.minInit2MaxAmp=%f. See trace props.'], ...
get(s, 'id'), (max_val - init_val) * mV_factor, min_tm_amp);
[base_width, half_width, half_Vm, fixed_Vm_width, fall_time, min_idx, min_val, ...
max_ahp, ahp_decay_constant, dahp_mag, dahp_idx] = ...
calcWidthFall(s, peak_idx, peak_mag, init_idx, init_val, -10 * 1e-3);
% Sanity check for amplitude (2)
if (max_val - min_val) * mV_factor < min_mm_amp
error('spike_shape:not_a_spike', ...
['%s not a spike! Spike min-to-max amplitude=%f is shorter than ' ...
'props.minMin2MaxAmp=%f. See trace props.'], ...
get(s, 'id'), (max_val - min_val) * mV_factor, min_mm_amp);
% Sanity check for repolarization
if isnan(base_width)
error('spike_shape:not_a_spike', ...
['%s not a spike! See warning about repolarization above..'], ...
get(s, 'id'));
% If you change any of the following names,
% make sure to change the above NaN names, too.
results.MinVm = min_val * mV_factor;
results.PeakVm = peak_mag * mV_factor;
results.InitVm = init_val * mV_factor;
results.InitVmBySlope = init_st_val * mV_factor;
results.MaxVmSlope = max_d1o * mV_factor;
results.HalfVm = half_Vm * mV_factor;
results.Amplitude = amplitude * mV_factor;
results.MaxAHP = max_ahp * mV_factor;
results.DAHPMag = dahp_mag * mV_factor;
results.InitTime = init_idx * ms_factor;
results.RiseTime = rise_time * ms_factor;
results.FallTime = fall_time * ms_factor;
results.MinTime = min_idx * ms_factor;
% Not a realistic measure
%results.ahp_decay_constant = ahp_decay_constant * ms_factor;
results.BaseWidth = base_width * ms_factor;
results.HalfWidth = half_width * ms_factor;
results.FixVWidth = fixed_Vm_width * ms_factor;