function obj = spike_shape(data, dt, dy, id, props)
% spike_shape - An action potential shape trace.
% Usage:
% obj = spike_shape(data, dt, dy, id)
% Description:
% Uses the generic trace object to store a spike shape that can be obtained from
% another trace. Inherits the common methods defined in trace. See trace/spike_shape
% for getting average spike shapes from a trace. trace/analyzeSpikesInPeriod
% finds each spike and analyzes separately.
% Parameters:
% data: A vector of data points containing the spike shape.
% dt: Time resolution [s].
% dy: y-axis resolution [ISI (V, A, etc.)]
% id: Identification string.
% props: A structure with any optional properties.
% baseline: Resting potential.
% threshold: Spike threshold.
% init_Vm_method: Method to obtain spike initiation voltage.
% 1- maximum acceleration point
% 2- threshold crossing of acceleration (needs threshold)
% 3- threshold crossing of slope (needs threshold)
% 4- maximum acceleration in phase space
% (optionally specify maximal threshold as init_threshold)
% 5- point of maximum curvature, when slope is between
% init_lo_thr and init_hi_thr
% 6- local maximum of second derivative in the phase space
% nearest slope crossing init_threshold
% 7- threshold crossing of interpolated slope (needs threshold)
% 8- maximum curvature in phase-plane
% 9- Combined curvature and inflection method in time-domain.
% init_threshold: Spike initiation threshold (deriv or accel).
% (see above methods and implementation in calcInitVm)
% init_lo_thr, init_hi_thr: Low and high thresholds for slope.
% Returns a structure object with the following fields:
% trace, props.
% General methods of spike_shape objects:
% spike_shape - Construct a new spike_shape object.
% calcMinVm - Returns the value and index of the minimal Vm point.
% calcMaxVm - Returns the value and index of the maximal Vm point.
% calcInitVm - Returns the value and index of the spike initiation point.
% calcWidthFall - Returns the spike witdth and fall information
% getResults - Calculates a set of tests.
% Additional methods:
% See methods('spike_shape')
% See also: trace/spike_shape, trace/analyzeSpikesInPeriod, trace, spikes, period
% $Id$
% Author:
% Cengiz Gunay <>, 2004/07/30
% Based on spike_trace of Jeremy Edgerton.
% Copyright (c) 2007 Cengiz Gunay <>.
% This work is licensed under the Academic Free License ("AFL")
% v. 3.0. To view a copy of this license, please look at the COPYING
% file distributed with this software or visit
if nargin == 0 % Called with no params
trace_obj = trace;
obj = class(struct([]), 'spike_shape', trace_obj);
elseif isa(data, 'spike_shape') % copy constructor?
obj = data;
if ~ exist('props', 'var')
props = struct;
if ~ isfield(props, 'init_Vm_method')
%props.init_Vm_method = 6; % Sekerli's method
%props.init_threshold = 10; % upper bound of derivative in V/s (= mV/ms)
% (no upper bound works more reliably)
% OR
%props(1).init_Vm_method = 7; % supersampled derivative threshold method
% max vPP curvature, fallback on derivative threshold method
props.init_Vm_method = 8;
% threshold crossing derivative in V/s (= mV/ms)
% do not overwrite if already set
if ~ isfield(props, 'init_threshold')
props.init_threshold = 15;
trace_obj = trace(data, dt, dy, id, props);
obj = class(struct([]), 'spike_shape', trace_obj);