function a_coefs_db = corrCoefs(db, col1, cols, props)
% corrCoefs - Calculates correlation coefficients by comparing col1 with other cols.
% Usage:
% a_coefs_db = corrCoefs(db, col1, cols, props)
% Description:
% If db has multiple pages, then each page in db produces a row of
% coefficients and matching PageIndex. Assuming the db was created with
% invarValues, this function finds the invariant correlation coefficients
% between its columns. The invariant correlation coefficients are the
% correlation of one column value with another column value when some other
% column values are fixed. Since there are many occurences of the invariant
% coefficients, a histogram can then be created and returned from the
% created db. The other columns that are fixed are not in this db object,
% but can be reached using the indices to the original db. The page
% number is saved in the created db, so that it can be used to find the page
% from which the coefficient came. Then row indices of the page points to
% original constant column values.
% Parameters:
% db: A tests_db object.
% col1: Column to compare.
% cols: Columns to be compared with col1.
% props: A structure with any optional properties.
% skipCoefs: If 1, coefficients of less confidence than %95
% will be skipped. (default=1)
% Returns:
% a_coefs_db: A corrcoefs_db of the coefficients and page indices.
% See also: tests_db, corrcoefs_db
% $Id$
% Author: Cengiz Gunay <>, 2004/09/30
% Copyright (c) 2007 Cengiz Gunay <>.
% This work is licensed under the Academic Free License ("AFL")
% v. 3.0. To view a copy of this license, please look at the COPYING
% file distributed with this software or visit
if ~ exist('props', 'var')
props = struct([]);
if isfield(props, 'skipCoefs')
skipCoefs = props.skipCoefs;
skipCoefs = 1;
% Obsolete, need to remove NaNs
if isfield(props, 'excludeNaNs')
excludeNaNs = props.excludeNaNs;
excludeNaNs = 1;
% translate column spec to array form
col1 = tests2cols(db, col1);
cols = tests2cols(db, cols);
num_pages = dbsize(db, 3);
coefs = repmat(NaN, [num_pages, length(cols), 3]);
% Only if there are multiple observations
if dbsize(db, 1) > 1
% One coefficient per page of observations
for page_num=pages'
col1nonnans = ~isnan(, col1, page_num));
% Do each column separately
for col_num=1:length(cols)
data =, [col1 cols(col_num)], page_num);
% Remove rows with NaNs on column
data = data(~isnan(data(:, 2)), :);
% Check if any rows left
if size(data, 1) < 2
%warning('tests_db:anyNaNs', 'No NaN-free rows found.');
[coef_data, p, rlo, rup] = corrcoef(data);
if ~ skipCoefs || p(1,2) <= 0.05
coefs(page_num, col_num, :) = ...
[coef_data(1, 2), rlo(1, 2), rup(1, 2)];
% Cannot strip all the NaNs out, do it at histogram time
% Only strip full NaN rows here.
nanrows = all(isnan(coefs(:,:,1)), 2);
coefs( nanrows, :, : ) = [];
pages( nanrows, : ) = [];
% Triplicate pages
pages(:, :, 2) = pages(:, :, 1);
pages(:, :, 3) = pages(:, :, 1);
% Create the coefficient database
col_name_cell = fieldnames(get(db, 'col_idx'));
col1_name = col_name_cell{col1};
col_names = col_name_cell(cols);
% Check if any coefs left
if size(coefs, 1) == 0
warning('tests_db:corrCoef:no_coefs', 'No coefficients found.');
if size(coefs, 2) > length(cols)
error('Coefs db larger than original!');
a_coefs_db = corrcoefs_db(col1_name, coefs, col_names, pages, ...
[ 'Correlations to ' col1_name ...
' in ' get(db, 'id') ], props);