function a_db = mergePages(db, page_tests, page_suffixes)
% mergePages - Merges tests from separate pages into a 2D params_tests_db.
% Usage:
% a_db = mergePages(db, page_tests, page_suffixes)
% Description:
% Keeps uniqueness by adding suffixes to test names.
% If you're using invarParams, do swapRowsPages, then use joinRows with original db to get
% the parameter values.
% Parameters:
% db: A tests_3D_db object.
% page_tests: Cell array of list of tests to take from each page.
% page_suffixes: Cell array of suffixes to append to tests from each page.
% Returns:
% a_db: A tests_db object.
% See also: tests_db, tests_3D_db, tests_db/joinRows
% $Id$
% Author: Cengiz Gunay <>, 2005/01/13
% Copyright (c) 2007 Cengiz Gunay <>.
% This work is licensed under the Academic Free License ("AFL")
% v. 3.0. To view a copy of this license, please look at the COPYING
% file distributed with this software or visit
% For each page to get tests from
num_pages = length(page_tests);
%dbs = repmat(tests_3D_db, num_pages, 1);
row_index_col = [];
if isfield(get(db, 'col_idx'), 'RowIndex')
row_index_col = tests2cols(db, 'RowIndex');
% Get desired tests from each page
num_tests = 0;
tests_list = cell(1, num_pages);
for page_num=1:num_pages
tests = tests2cols(db, page_tests{page_num});
% Add the RowIndex column even if it's not specified
% (only for suffixes that hasn't been used yet)
if ~isempty(row_index_col) && length(find(row_index_col == tests)) == 0 && ...
length(find(strmatch(page_suffixes{page_num}, {page_suffixes{1:page_num}}))) == 1
tests = [tests, row_index_col];
% Count tests
num_tests = num_tests + length(tests);
tests_list{page_num} = tests;
% New data matrix
data = repmat(NaN, dbsize(db, 1), num_tests);
% Fill data matrix
num_tests = 0;
all_tests = {};
orig_tests = fieldnames(get(db, 'col_idx'));
for page_num=1:num_pages
tests = tests_list{page_num};
%these_tests = fieldnames(get(dbs(page_num), 'col_idx'));
these_tests = orig_tests(tests);
for test_num = 1:length(these_tests)
these_tests{test_num} = [ these_tests{test_num} page_suffixes{page_num} ];
all_tests = { all_tests{:}, these_tests{:}};
data(:, (num_tests + 1):(num_tests + length(these_tests))) = ...
get(onlyRowsTests(db, ':', tests, page_num), 'data');
num_tests = num_tests + length(these_tests);
% Create the new db
a_db = tests_db(data, all_tests, {}, get(db, 'id'), get(db, 'props'));