function a_plot = plotCovar(a_db, title_str, props)
% plotCovar - Generates an image plot of the covariance-type values in a_db.
% Usage:
% a_plot = plotCovar(a_db, title_str, props)
% Description:
% Parameters:
% a_db: A tests_db object that resulted from a function like cov.
% title_str: (Optional) String to append to plot title.
% props: Optional properties.
% inverse: If 1, take inverse of the data matrix.
% corrcoef: If 1, normalize matrix elements to get corrcoef values.
% logScale: If 1, take logarithm of values before plotting.
% localityIters: Apply a locality optimization algorithm with
% this many iterations.
% (rest passed to plot_image.)
% Returns:
% a_plot: A plot_abstract object or one of its subclasses.
% Example:
% >> plotFigure(plotCovar(cov(get(constrainedMeasuresPreset(pbundle2, 6), 'joined_control_db'))));
% See also: tests_db/cov, plotImage, tests_db/matchingRow, corrcoefs.
% $Id$
% Author: Cengiz Gunay <>, 2007/05/30
% Copyright (c) 2007 Cengiz Gunay <>.
% This work is licensed under the Academic Free License ("AFL")
% v. 3.0. To view a copy of this license, please look at the COPYING
% file distributed with this software or visit
if ~ exist('props', 'var')
props = struct;
% TODO: put some sanity checks to make sure this DB is not too big to
% plot
image_data =, :, 1);
if isa(a_db, 'tests_3D_db')
data_label = fieldnames(get(a_db, 'page_idx'));
data_label = data_label{1};
data_label = 'covariance';
% normalize
if isfield(props, 'corrcoef')
selfcov_rows = diag(image_data) * ones(1, size(image_data, 2));
image_data = image_data ./ sqrt(selfcov_rows .* selfcov_rows');
data_label = 'cross correlation';
% take inverse if requested
if isfield(props, 'inverse')
image_data = inv(image_data);
data_label = [ 'inverse ' data_label ];
% log scale
if isfield(props, 'logScale')
pos_data = image_data > 0;
log_cov_data = image_data;
log_cov_data(pos_data) = log(1 + image_data(pos_data));
log_cov_data(~pos_data) = - log(1 - image_data(~pos_data));
image_data = log_cov_data;
data_label = [ data_label ' in log-scale' ];
% optimize locality
if isfield(props, 'localityIters')
[image_data shuffle_idx] = ...
optimize_cov_matrix(image_data, props.localityIters);
shuffle_idx = 1:size(image_data, 1);
num_colors = 49;
if ~ exist('title_str', 'var') || isempty(title_str)
title_str = [properTeXLabel(get(a_db, 'id'))];
plot_props = struct('YTick', 1:dbsize(a_db, 1), 'border', [0.07 0 0.03 0], ...
'colorbar', 1, 'XTick', []);
col_names = getColNames(a_db);
plot_props.YTickLabel = properTeXLabel(col_names(shuffle_idx));
plot_props.truncateDecDigits = 2;
a_plot = ...
plot_image(image_data, {}, properTeXLabel(data_label), title_str, ...
mergeStructs(props, plot_props));
function [image_data, idx] = optimize_cov_matrix(image_data, num_iters)
total_entropy = inf;
num_rows = size(image_data, 1);
for iter_num = 1:num_iters
cand_row_1 = ceil(rand(1) * num_rows);
cand_row_2 = ceil(rand(1) * num_rows);
new_image_data = image_data;
new_image_data([cand_row_1 cand_row_2], :) = ...
image_data([cand_row_2 cand_row_1], :);
new_image_data(:, [cand_row_1 cand_row_2]) = ...
new_image_data(:, [cand_row_2 cand_row_1]);
new_entropy = entropy_cov_matrix(new_image_data);
% accept if ended up in lower energy or by 10% chance
if new_entropy < total_entropy %|| rand(1) < 0.1
image_data = new_image_data;
total_entropy = new_entropy;
idx([cand_row_1 cand_row_2]) = idx([cand_row_2 cand_row_1]);
% must keep track of flips if it works
function entropy_val = entropy_cov_matrix(image_data)
diff_vals = diff(image_data, 1, 1);
entropy_val = sum(sum(abs(diff_vals(~isnan(diff_vals)))));