function obj = tests_db(test_results, col_names, row_names, id, props)
% tests_db - Construct a numeric database organized in a matrix format.
% Usage:
% obj = tests_db(test_results, col_names, row_names, id, props)
% Parameters:
% test_results: Either a text file (e.g., CSV) name or a matrix that contains
% measurement columns and separate observations as rows.
% col_names: Cell array of column names of test_results.
% row_names: Cell array of row names of test_results.
% id: An identifying string.
% props: A structure with any optional properties.
% textDelim: Delimiter in text file to be used by dlmread (Default:
% ',' for CSV). Use '' for all whitespace, '\t' for tabs.
% csvArgs: Cell array of arguments passed to dlmread function (e.g.,
% {R, C, [r1 c1 r2 c2]}) for (R)ow and (C)olumn offset/range to read.
% csvReadColNames: If 1, first row of the file or at the given offset
% (see csvArgs) is used to read column names. Double quotes must be
% used consistently.
% paramDescFile: Load parameter names from file (one line per name).
% Returns a structure object with the following fields:
% data: The data matrix.
% row_idx, col_idx: Structure associating row/column names to indices.
% id, props.
% Description:
% This is the base database class. Note for loading text files:
% Matlab's dlmread commands is used, and it is unable to handle files that
% have any non-numeric data (except skipped rows). Therefore, those files
% are best filtered with outside tools before importing.
% General operations on tests_db objects:
% tests_db - Construct a new tests_db object.
% allocateRows - Preallocate rows before filling the DB.
% setRows - Fill the DB with rows.
% addRow - Add a single row to DB.
% addLastRow - Add a single row to the end of DB.
% display - Returns and displays the identification string.
% displayRows - Display one row of data from the DB.
% subsref - Allows referencing rows/cols via () to get new
% tests_db objects and allows usage of . operator.
% eq - Overloaded == operator that returns row indices.
% ne - Overloaded ~= operator that returns row indices.
% lt - Overloaded < operator that returns row indices.
% gt - Overloaded > operator that returns row indices.
% le - Overloaded <= operator that returns row indices.
% ge - Overloaded >= operator that returns row indices.
% size - Overloaded, returns size of database.
% isnan - Overloaded, returns non-NaN elements logical array.
% get - Gets attributes of this object and parents.
% kcluster - Returns k tests_db objects, one for each cluster
% found in this one (N/I).
% rankMatching - Returns a tests_db object having an additional
% rank column and sorted according to relevance to
% given query (N/I).
% sort - Sort rows and return new object and scrambling
% order (N/I).
% pca - Returns a new tests_db object with the principal
% components of this one (N/I).
% ica - Returns a new tests_db object with the independent
% components of this one (N/I).
% valDistributions - Returns mean and STDs of all values and
% boundaries to be plotted (N/I).
% withinValRange - Returns a tests_db object with data within the range
% requested (N/I).
% onlyTests - Returns a tests_db object which contains only
% the requested test columns (N/I).
% histogram - Returns histogram of given test.
% Additional methods:
% See methods('tests_db')
% See also: params_tests_db, dlmread
% $Id$
% Author: Cengiz Gunay <>, 2004/09/01
% Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Cengiz Gunay <>.
% This work is licensed under the Academic Free License ("AFL")
% v. 3.0. To view a copy of this license, please look at the COPYING
% file distributed with this software or visit
if nargin == 0 % Called with no params = [];
obj.col_idx = struct([]);
obj.row_idx = struct([]); = '';
obj.props = struct([]);
obj = class(obj, 'tests_db');
elseif isa(test_results,'tests_db') % copy constructor?
obj = test_results;
if ~ exist('props', 'var')
props = struct([]);
% Is it a file name?
if ischar(test_results)
[path, filename, ext] = fileparts(test_results);
% assert file has correct extension? [not necessary]
%strcmpi(ext, '.csv')
csv_args = getFieldDefault(props, 'csvArgs', {});
% CSV?
delim = getFieldDefault(props, 'textDelim', ',');
% read column names from 1st row
if isfield(props, 'csvReadColNames')
[fid, msg] = fopen(test_results);
if fid < 0
error(['Can''t find file "' test_results '" to open: ' msg]);
if length(csv_args) > 0 && csv_args{1} > 0
for skip_rows = 1:csv_args{1}, fgetl(fid); end
oneline = fgetl(fid);
col_names = textscan(oneline, '"%[^"]"', 'Delimiter', delim);
if isempty(col_names{1})
col_names = textscan(oneline, '%s', 'Delimiter', delim);
col_names = properAlphaNum(col_names{1}');
% skip 1st row
if length(csv_args) == 0
csv_args = {1 0};
elseif length(csv_args{1}) == 1
% add one more row if an offset is given
csv_args{1} = max(1, csv_args{1} + 1);
rc = csv_args{1};
rc(1) = max(1, rc(1));
csv_args{1} = rc;
% remove from props to not clutter the tests_db object
props = rmfield(props, 'csvReadColNames');
test_results = ...
dlmread(test_results, delim, csv_args{:});
% Only allow numeric arrays as test_results
% TODO: add cell arrays?
if ~ isnumeric(test_results)
error('Only numeric arrays allowed as test_results.');
% if given, load param names from file
if isfield(props, 'paramDescFile')
[fid msg] = fopen(props.paramDescFile);
if fid < 0
error(['Can''t find file "' props.paramDescFile '" to open: ' msg]);
col_names = textscan(fid, '%s');
col_names = col_names{1};
if size(test_results, 1) > 0 && ~ isempty(col_names) && ...
size(test_results, 2) ~= length(col_names)
error([ 'Number of columns in test_results (' ...
num2str(size(test_results, 2)) ') and items in col_names (' ...
num2str(length(col_names)) ') must match.']);
end = test_results;
% Prepare *_idx
obj.col_idx = makeIdx(col_names);
obj.row_idx = makeIdx(row_names); = id;
obj.props = props;
obj = class(obj, 'tests_db');