#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# Utility to scan all matlab classes and utilities to generate manual
# pages in LaTeX format with cross references and indices, which can
# then be converted to HTML.
# Usage:
# ./m2tex.pl > func-ref.tex
# See the README file on how to generate function indices and HTML
# pages from the generated LaTeX file.
# Change the $code_dir and $utils_dir variables below to specify the
# locations of your base class and function file directories, respectively.
# Cengiz Gunay <cengique@users.sf.net>, published 2008-10-30
use strict;
use Text::Tabs;
# scan algorithm:
# - go one dir above
# - find class dirs
# - scan utils dir
# - for each class dir:
# - put class section title, ref label, index entry
# - read constructor file
# - read all methods
# - for each file:
# - create ref label, index entry
# - parse usage, description, returns, list of operations and see also line
# - for each method do similar except list of operations
# - accept getopt to specify:
# - output file and input directories
# - make classes/functions optional
# - scan class keyword and find base class
# - change algorithm to scan everything first, make symbol table, and then create
# latex with proper cross-references. Otherwise there's no way of telling
# if cross-references are correct. Also this way we can sort alphabetically.
# - put list of methods in class section
# - read brief description of class from Contents.m.
my $code_dir = "../classes";
my $utils_dir = "../functions";
# escapes characters that latex doesn't like
sub proper_latex_label {
$_ = shift;
# first replace existing backslashes
# then add new ones
return $_;
sub parse_links {
my $link_text = shift;
my $class_name = shift;
my $latex_code = "";
my $first = 1;
# remove preceding and trailing spaces
$link_text =~ s/^\s*//s;
$link_text =~ s/\s*$//s;
foreach (split(/\s*,\s*/, $link_text)) {
my ($link_class_name, $link_method_name, $link_name, $index_line);
my $orig_link_name = $_; # Need to save $_ from beginning
if (m|/|) {
($link_class_name, $link_method_name) = split m|/|;
$link_name = "$link_class_name" . "__$link_method_name";
$index_line = "\\index[funcref]{$link_class_name" .
"@\\fidxl{" . proper_latex_label($link_class_name) .
"}!$link_method_name@\\fidxl{" . proper_latex_label($link_method_name) . "}}";
} else {
# convert slashes to underscores
$link_name = $orig_link_name;
$index_line = "\\index[funcref]{$link_name@\\fidxl{" .
proper_latex_label($link_name) . "}}";
# remove escapes from reference names
my $proper_link_name = proper_latex_label($orig_link_name);
$latex_code .= (($first == 1)?"":", ");
$latex_code .= << "ENDL";
\\ (p.~\\pageref{ref_$link_name})%
$first = 0;
return $latex_code;
sub parse_param_list {
my $param_text = shift;
my $latex_code = "";
my $indent_depth = -1;
my $nest_level = 0;
$tabstop = 8;
$param_text = expand($param_text); # Expand the tabs
# remove whitespace before beginning of first line
$param_text =~ s/(?s:^)\s*^//m;
print STDERR "list_text: '$param_text'\n";
# search lines with colons, count spaces before word to estimate indent level
$param_text =~ s{(?:(^\s*)(\w[\w\s,\\]*):(.*)$)|(^.*$)}{
if (defined($2)) {
print STDERR "Found param decl: '$1', '$2', '$3'\n";
# open new item. if indent is deeper go deeper, otherwise pop up
my $num_spaces = length($1);
if ($num_spaces > $indent_depth) { # Deeper
$indent_depth = $num_spaces; $nest_level++;
$latex_code .= "\\begin{description}%\n";
} elsif ($num_spaces < $indent_depth && $nest_level > 1) { # Less deep
$indent_depth = $num_spaces; $nest_level--;
$latex_code .= "\\end{description}%\n";
$latex_code .= "\\item[\\texttt{" . proper_latex_label($2) .
"}:]\n" . proper_latex_label($3) . "\n";
} else {
my $line = proper_latex_label($4);
#$line =~ s/^\s*(\S*)\s*$/$1/;
$line =~ s/^\s*//;
print STDERR "Found text: '$line'\n";
# put first into last opened item
chomp($latex_code .= "\n". $line . "\n");
# close remaining indents
for (; $nest_level > 0; $nest_level--) {
$latex_code .= "\\end{description}%\n";
return $latex_code;
sub process_method {
my $filename = shift;
my $class_name = shift;
my $label = shift;
$filename =~ m|^.*/([^.]+)\.m|;
my $method_name = $1;
my $contents = `cat $filename` || die "Cannot read method file $filename: $!";
# Global replace
#$contents =~ s/_/\\_/g;
# Remove space before function line
$contents =~ s/^\s*(function)/$1/ms ||
die "Cannot find function keyword in file $filename.";
# Extract function line and trailing spaces
$contents =~ s/(function.*$)[^%]*%/%/m;
my $func_def = $1;
print STDERR "definition of $method_name with line:\n$func_def\n";
$contents =~ /((?:%.*$(?:)\n)+)/m || die "cannot find comment block in $filename.";
my $comments = $1;
# strip comment characters
$comments =~ s/^\s*%//mg;
#print "Comment block:\n$comments\n";
# separate into sections: brief summary, usage, description, parameters, returns.., operations, see also
#$comments =~ m/($method_name.*)(Usage:.*)(Description:.*)(Parameters:.*)(^\s*return.*)(^\s*see also: .*)(\$Id$)(Author:.*)/msi || die "cannot parse comment block '$comments'\n";
my @comment_sections = split /^\s*$/m, $comments;
my %comment;
foreach (@comment_sections) {
print STDERR "BLOCK: '$_'\n";
if (/^\s*$method_name\s*-\s*(.*)\s*$/s) {
$comment{"summary"} = "\\item[Summary:]" .
} elsif (/^\s*Usage:\s*(.*)\s*$/s) {
$_ = proper_latex_label($1);
$comment{"usage"} = << "ENDL";
} elsif (/^\s*Description:\s*(?=\S)(.*)\s*$/is) {
$_ = proper_latex_label($1);
$comment{"description"} = "\\item[Description:]%\n$_%";
} elsif (/^\s*Parameters?:(.*)$/is) {
$_ = parse_param_list($1);
$comment{"params"} = "\\item[Parameters:]~\n$_";
} elsif (/^\s*Example:\s*(?m:^)(.*)$/is) {
my $example_text = expand(proper_latex_label($1));
$example_text =~ s/\n/\\\\%\n/g;
$comment{"example"} = "\\item[Example:]~\n\\begin{lyxcode}" . $example_text . "\\end{lyxcode}\n";
} elsif (/^\s*(?m-s)(return.*)$\s*(?s-m)(.*)\s*$/is) {
$comment{"returns"} = "\\item[" . proper_latex_label($1) . "]~\n" .
} elsif (/^\s*see also:(.*)$/si) {
$comment{"links"} = "\\item[See also:]%\n" . parse_links($1, $class_name);
} elsif (/^\s*author:\s*(.*)\s*$/mi) {
$comment{"author"} = "\\item[Author:]%\n" . proper_latex_label($1);
my $flabel = ucfirst($label);
my $proper_method_name = proper_latex_label($method_name);
my $proper_class_name = proper_latex_label($class_name);
my $latex_code = << "ENDL";
\\subsubsection[$flabel \\texttt{$proper_method_name}]{$flabel \\texttt{$proper_class_name/$proper_method_name}}%
#print STDERR "$latex_code";
# Breakpoint during testing
#exit -1;
return $latex_code;
sub process_methods_dir {
my $methods_dir = shift;
my $dir_label = shift;
my $method_label = shift;
my $latex_code = "";
# Do other methods
opendir(CDIR, $methods_dir) || die "can't opendir $code_dir";
my @method_files = grep { /\.m$/ } readdir(CDIR);
# do not include the constructor a second time if doing a class dir
@method_files = grep { ! /$dir_label.m/ } @method_files
if $method_label == "method";
foreach (@method_files) {
$latex_code .= process_method("$methods_dir/$_", $dir_label, $method_label);
return $latex_code;
sub process_class_dir {
my $class_dir = shift;
my $latex_code = "";
my $class_name = $class_dir;
#$class_name =~ s|^.*/\@([^/]*)$/|$1|;
$class_name =~ s|^.*/\@||;
print STDERR "class: $class_name\n";
my $proper_class_name = proper_latex_label($class_name);
my $constructor_file = "$class_dir/${class_name}.m";
if ( -r $constructor_file ) {
# put hyperref target
$latex_code = << "ENDL";
\\subsection{Class \\texttt{$proper_class_name}}%
$latex_code .= process_method($constructor_file, $class_name, "constructor");
} else {
print STDERR "Missing constructor $constructor_file.\n";
# Process all other methods in dir
$latex_code .= process_methods_dir($class_dir, $class_name, "method");
return $latex_code;
my $latex_code = << "ENDL";
\\newcommand{\\fidxl}[1]{{\\small \\texttt{#1}}}
\\newcommand{\\fidxlb}[1]{{\\small \\bf \\texttt{#1}}}
{\\normalsize \\vspace{1ex} \\hrule width \\columnwidth \\vspace{1ex}}%
opendir(DIR, $code_dir) || die "can't opendir $code_dir";
my @all_files = readdir(DIR);
my @class_dirs = grep { /^\@/ } @all_files;
my $class_dir;
foreach $class_dir (sort @class_dirs) {
$latex_code .= process_class_dir("$code_dir/$class_dir");
# Process utils dir
$latex_code .= << "ENDL";
\\subsection{Utility functions}%
$latex_code .= process_methods_dir("$utils_dir", "functions", "function");
# Send created LaTeX contents to standard output
print "$latex_code\n";