function boxplotp(x,g,notch,sym,vert,whis,props)
% BOXPLOTP - Display boxplots of a data sample.
% Description:
% BOXPLOTP(X,NOTCH,SYM,VERT,WHIS,PROPS) produces a box and whisker plot for
% each column of X. The box has lines at the lower quartile, median,
% and upper quartile values. The whiskers are lines extending from
% each end of the box to show the extent of the rest of the data.
% Outliers are data with values beyond the ends of the whiskers.
% NOTCH = 1 produces a notched-box plot. Notches represent a robust
% estimate of the uncertainty about the medians for box to box comparison.
% NOTCH = 0 (default) produces a rectangular box plot.
% SYM sets the symbol for the outlier values if any (default='+').
% VERT = 0 makes the boxes horizontal (default: VERT = 1, for vertical).
% WHIS defines the maximum length of the whiskers as a function of the
% IQR (default = 1.5). The whisker extends to the most extreme data
% value within WHIS*IQR of the box. If WHIS = 0 then BOXPLOTP displays
% all data values outside the box using the plotting symbol, SYM.
% PROPS contains optional information:
% nooutliers: Does not indicate any outliers on the plot.
% noXLabel: No X-axis label.
% noYLabel: No Y-axis label.
% BOXPLOTP(X,G,NOTCH,...) produces a box and whisker plot for the vector
% X grouped by G. G is a grouping variable defined as a vector, string
% matrix, or cell array of strings. G can also be a cell array of
% several grouping variables (such as {G1 G2 G3}) to group the values
% in X by each unique combination of grouping variable values.
% BOXPLOTP calls BOXUTILP to do the actual plotting.
% If there are no data outside the whisker, then, there is a dot at the
% bottom whisker, the dot color is the same as the whisker color. If
% a whisker falls inside the box, we choose not to draw it. To force
% it to be drawn at the right place, set whissw = 1.
% Modified by Cengiz Gunay <>, 2004/11/12
% Made outlier display optional. Also some plot decorations are now optional.
% Copyright 1993-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision$ $Date$
if (nargin==1 & length(x(:))==1 & ishandle(x)), resizefcn(x); return; end
whissw = 0; % don't plot whisker inside the box.
if ~ exist('props', 'var')
props = struct([]);
[m n] = size(x);
if min(m,n) > 1
xx = x(:,1);
yy = xx;
n = 1;
xx = x;
yy = x;
% If the 2nd arg is not a grouping variable, shift arguments
nargs = nargin;
if (nargin<2)
g = [];
elseif (nargin>1 & (isequal(g,1) | isequal(g,0)))
if (nargin>5), props = whis; end
if (nargin>4), whis = vert; end
if (nargin>3), vert = sym; end
if (nargin>2), sym = notch; end
notch = g;
g = [];
nargs = nargin - 1;
if (nargs < 2 | isempty(notch)), notch = 0; end
if (nargs < 3 | isempty(sym)), sym = 'r+'; end
if (nargs < 4 | isempty(vert)), vert = 1; end
if (nargs < 5 | isempty(whis)), whis = 1.5; end
% Deal with grouping variable
xorig = x;
gorig = g;
xvisible = NaN*ones(size(x));
included = 1:prod(size(x));
if (~isempty(g))
x = x(:);
if (vert)
sep = '\n';
sep = ',';
[g,glabel,gname,multigroup] = mgrp2idx(g,size(x,1),sep);
n = size(gname,1);
gorig = g;
k = (isnan(g) | isnan(x));
if (any(k))
x(k) = [];
g(k) = [];
included(k) = [];
lb = 1:n;
xlims = [0.5 n + 0.5];
k = find(~isnan(x));
ymin = min(min(x(k)));
ymax = max(max(x(k)));
dy = (ymax-ymin)/20;
ylims = [(ymin-dy) (ymax+dy)];
lf = n*min(0.15,0.5/n);
% Scale axis for vertical or horizontal boxes.
if vert
axis([xlims ylims]);
if ~isfield(props, 'noYLabel'), set(gca,'YLabel',text(0,0,'Values')); end
if (isempty(g) && ~isfield(props, 'noXLabel'))
set(gca,'XLabel',text(0,0,'Column Number')); end
axis([ylims xlims]);
if ~isfield(props, 'noXLabel'), set(gca,'XLabel',text(0,0,'Values')); end
if (isempty(g) && ~isfield(props, 'noYLabel')),
set(gca,'YLabel',text(0,0,'Column Number')); end
if (~isempty(g))
for i=1:n
thisgroup = (g==i);
z = x(thisgroup);
pts = included(thisgroup);
pts = pts(boxutilp(z,notch,lb(i),lf,sym,vert,whis,whissw,props));
xvisible(pts) = xorig(pts);
if (multigroup & vert)
% Turn off tick labels and axis label
set(gca, 'XTickLabel','','UserData',size(gname,2));
ylim = get(gca, 'YLim');
% Place multi-line text approximately where tick labels belong
for j=1:n
ht = text(j,ylim(1),glabel{j,1},'HorizontalAlignment','center',...
'VerticalAlignment','top', 'UserData','xtick');
% Resize function will position text more accurately
set(gcf, 'ResizeFcn', sprintf('boxplotp(%d)', gcf), ...
'Interruptible','off', 'PaperPositionMode','auto');
elseif (vert)
set(gca, 'XTickLabel',glabel);
set(gca, 'YTickLabel',glabel);
elseif n==1
thisgroup = ~isnan(yy);
vec = find(thisgroup);
if ~isempty(vec)
pts = included(thisgroup);
pts = pts(boxutilp(yy(vec),notch,lb,lf,sym,vert,whis,whissw,props));
xvisible(pts) = xorig(pts);
g = repmat(1:n,size(x,1),1);
notnan = ~isnan(x);
for i=1:n
thisgroup = (g==i) & notnan;
z = x(thisgroup);
if ~isempty(z)
pts = included(thisgroup);
pts = pts(boxutilp(z,notch,lb(i),lf,sym,vert,whis,whissw,props));
xvisible(pts) = xorig(pts);
% Store information for gname
set(gca, 'UserData', {'boxplotp' xvisible gorig vert});
function resizefcn(f)
% Adjust figure layout to make sure labels remain visible
h = findobj(f, 'UserData','xtick');
if (isempty(h))
set(f, 'ResizeFcn', '');
ax = get(f, 'CurrentAxes');
nlines = get(ax, 'UserData');
% Position the axes so that the fake X tick labels have room to display
set(ax, 'Units', 'characters');
p = get(ax, 'Position');
ptop = p(2) + p(4);
if (p(4) < nlines+1.5)
p(2) = ptop/2;
p(2) = nlines + 1;
p(4) = ptop - p(2);
set(ax, 'Position', p);
set(ax, 'Units', 'normalized');
% Position the labels at the proper place
xl = get(gca, 'XLabel');
set(xl, 'Units', 'data');
p = get(xl, 'Position');
ylim = get(gca, 'YLim');
p2 = (p(2)+ylim(1))/2;
for j=1:length(h)
p = get(h(j), 'Position') ;
p(2) = p2;
set(h(j), 'Position', p);