function value = defaultValue(varname, a_defaultvalue)
% defaultValue - If variable unset (either nonexistent or empty), assign it
% a default value. Otherwise the variable remains unchanged.
% Usage:
% var = defaultValue(varname, a_defaultvalue)
% Description:
% If the variable has already been defined, it keeps unchanged. If the
% variable doesn't exist or is an empty matrix, it will be assigned a
% default value to it.
% Parameters:
% varname: a string. the name of the variable.
% a_defaultvalue: value for the variable.
% Example:
% SamplingRate = defaultValue('SamplingRate', 10);
% Author: Li, Su
% Modified: Cengiz Gunay, 2008/04/11 - naturalized name and documentation
% for Pandora.
if evalin('caller', ['~exist(''' varname ''',''var'') || isempty(' varname ')'])
value=evalin('caller', varname);