function [T,in,time_sim]=exp_setup(sample,dt,I)
%% female footshock sample
if sample==1
tin1 = 550; % first current injection start
tout1 = tin1 + 500; % first current injection stop
tin2 = 1050; % second current injection start
tout2 = tin2 + 500; % second current injection stop
T = 3000; % max time
nt = round(T/dt); % total integration time for sim
time_sim = (1:nt)*dt; % vector with all time steps
in = (time_sim>tin1).*(time_sim<tout1)*(-30)+(time_sim>tin2).*(time_sim<tout2)*I; % current vector for all simulation steps
%% male footshock sample
if sample==2
tin1 = 250; % first current injection start
tout1 = tin1 + 400; % first current injection stop
tin2 = 650; % second current injection start
tout2 = tin2 + 500; % second current injection stop
T = 3000; % max time
nt = round(T/dt); % total integration time for sim
time_sim = (1:nt)*dt; % vector with all time steps
in = (time_sim>tin1).*(time_sim<tout1)*(-30)+(time_sim>tin2).*(time_sim<tout2)*I; % current vector for all simulation steps
%% female group and female single samples
if (sample==3 || sample==4)
tin1 = 150; % first current injection start
tout1 = tin1 + 400; % first current injection stop
tin2 = 550; % Second current injection start
tout2 = tin2 + 500; % Second current injection stop
T = 3000; % max time
nt = round(T/dt); % total integration time for sim
time_sim = (1:nt)*dt; % vector with all time steps
in = (time_sim>tin1).*(time_sim<tout1)*(-30)+(time_sim>tin2).*(time_sim<tout2)*I; % current vector for all simulation steps
%% Male non stress, Female and Male CORT, Female and Male Control samples
if sample>=5
tin = 115; % current injection start
tout = tin + 500; % current injection stop
T = 1000; % max time
nt = round(T/dt); % total integration time for sim
time_sim = (1:nt)*dt; % vector with all time steps
in = (time_sim>tin).*(time_sim<tout)*I;% current vector for all simulation steps