# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Contributors: Renan O. Shimoura
# Nilton L. Kamiji
# Rodrigo F. O. Pena
# Vinicius L. Cordeiro
# Cesar C. Ceballos
# Cecilia Romaro
# Antonio C. Roque
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# References:
# *The Cell-Type Specific Cortical Microcircuit: Relating Structure and Activity
# in a Full-Scale Spiking Network Model*,
# Tobias C. Potjans and Markus Diesmann,
# Cerebral Cortex, 24(3):785-806, 2014.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# File description:
# Function responsible to make connections between different populations of
# neurons and to connect stimulation (background or DC currents).
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from netParams import *
def PDnet(NeuronGroup, stim, bg_type, w_ex, g, bg_freq, nsyn_type, thal):
w_ex = w_ex*pA # excitatory synaptic weight
std_w_ex = 0.1*w_ex # standard deviation weigth
# Background number per layer
if bg_type == 0:
# layer-specific:
bg_layer = bg_layer_specific
elif bg_type == 1:
# layer-independent:
bg_layer = bg_layer_independent
elif bg_type == 2:
bg_layer = zeros(8)
for i in range(0,8,2):
# range of the number of inputs given to an excitatory population:
exc_bound_A = bg_layer_specific[i]
exc_bound_B = bg_layer_independent[i]
diff_exc = abs(exc_bound_A-exc_bound_B)
# randomly choosing a number for the external input to an excitatory population:
if exc_bound_A<=exc_bound_B: exc_input = exc_bound_A + rand()*diff_exc
elif exc_bound_A>exc_bound_B: exc_input = exc_bound_B + rand()*diff_exc
# range of the number of inputs given to an inhibitory population:
if i!=6: inh_bound_A = ((1-0.1)/(1+0.1))*exc_input # eq. 4 from the article
else: inh_bound_A = ((1-0.2)/(1+0.2))*exc_input # eq. 4 from the article
inh_bound_B = exc_input
diff_inh = abs(inh_bound_A-inh_bound_B)
# randomly choosing a number for the external input to an inhibitory population:
if inh_bound_A<=inh_bound_B: inh_input = inh_bound_A + rand()*diff_inh
else: inh_input = inh_bound_B + rand()*diff_inh
# array created to save the values:
bg_layer[i] = int(exc_input)
bg_layer[i+1] = int(inh_input)
pop = [] # Stores NeuronGroups, one for each population
for r in range(0, 8):
# DC-current normalized by population
if (stim == 1):
NeuronGroup.Iext[pop[r]] = 0.3512*pA*bg_layer[r]
# Creating synapse connections
syn_model = '''
w:amp # synaptic weight
# equations executed only when presynaptic spike occurs:
# for excitatory connections
pre_eq = '''
I_post += w
con = [] # Stores connections
# Connecting neurons
pre_index = []
post_index = []
for c in range(0, 8):
for r in range(0, 8):
if (nsyn_type==0):
# number of synapses calculated with equation 3 from the article
nsyn = int(log(1.0-table[r][c])/log(1.0 - (1.0/float(n_layer[c]*n_layer[r]))))
elif (nsyn_type==1):
# number of synapses calculated with equation 5 from the article
nsyn = int(n_layer[c]*n_layer[r]*table[r][c])
pre_index = randint(n_layer[c], size=nsyn)
post_index = randint(n_layer[r], size=nsyn)
if nsyn<1:
# Excitatory connections
if (c % 2) == 0:
# Synaptic weight from L4e to L2/3e is doubled
if c == 2 and r == 0:
con.append(Synapses(pop[c], pop[r], model=syn_model, on_pre=pre_eq))
con[-1].connect(i = pre_index, j = post_index)
con[-1].w = '2.0*clip((w_ex + std_w_ex*randn()),w_ex*0.0, w_ex*inf)'
con.append(Synapses(pop[c], pop[r], model=syn_model, on_pre=pre_eq))
con[-1].connect(i = pre_index, j = post_index)
con[-1].w = 'clip((w_ex + std_w_ex*randn()),w_ex*0.0, w_ex*inf)'
con[-1].delay = 'clip(d_ex + std_d_ex*randn(), 0.1*ms, d_ex*inf)'
# Inhibitory connections
con.append(Synapses(pop[c], pop[r], model=syn_model, on_pre=pre_eq))
con[-1].connect(i = pre_index, j = post_index)
con[-1].w = '-g*clip((w_ex + std_w_ex*randn()),w_ex*0.0, w_ex*inf)'
con[-1].delay = 'clip(d_in + std_d_in*randn(), 0.1*ms, d_in*inf)'
# Creating poissonian background inputs
bg_in = []
if (stim==0):
for r in range(0, 8):
bg_in.append(PoissonInput(pop[r], 'I', bg_layer[r], bg_freq*Hz, weight=w_ex))
# Creating thalamic neurons as poissonian inputs
thal_con = []
thal_input = []
if thal=="ON":
thal_input = PoissonGroup(n_layer[8], rates=120.0*Hz) #from PD paper: rates=15Hz
for r in range(0,8):
thal_con.append(Synapses(thal_input, pop[r], model=syn_model, on_pre=pre_eq))
thal_con[-1].w = 0.0
# Creating spike monitors
smon_net = SpikeMonitor(NeuronGroup)
return pop, con, bg_in, smon_net, thal_input ,thal_con