# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Contributors: Renan O. Shimoura
# Nilton L. Kamiji
# Rodrigo F. O. Pena
# Vinicius L. Cordeiro
# Cesar C. Ceballos
# Cecilia Romaro
# Antonio C. Roque
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# References:
# *The Cell-Type Specific Cortical Microcircuit: Relating Structure and Activity
# in a Full-Scale Spiking Network Model*,
# Tobias C. Potjans and Markus Diesmann,
# Cerebral Cortex, 24(3):785-806, 2014.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# File description:
# Definition of different sets of variables to run the experiments presented in
# the article.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import matplotlib
import netPD as netPD
import figures as fig
from brian2 import *
import sys
# Remove these comments to set the simulation to run with openmp
# set_device('cpp_standalone', directory='parallel_PD')
# prefs.devices.cpp_standalone.openmp_threads = 10
# Function to define filenames
def filename(g, bgrate, suffix = ''):
return '../data/data_raster_g' + str(g) + '_bgrate' + str(bgrate) + suffix + '.dat'
# Function used in multiple runs: define different random seeds and clean memory
def runParamsParallel(s=1, g=4, bg_type=0, bg_freq=8.0, stim=0, tsim=1.0, filename=None):
netPD.runParams(tsim=tsim, bg_type=bg_type, stim=stim, g=g, bg_freq=bg_freq, filename=filename)
Protocols parameters:
# background type
bg_type = 0: layer-specific
1: layer-independent
2: layer-independent-random
# stimulation
stim = 0: turn on the background noise
1: DC current experiment
# max number of synapses between populations
nsyn_type = 0: no approximation (eq. 3)
nsyn_type = 1: approximation (eq. 5)
# networks variables changed for different protocols:
g => inhibitory weight balance
bg => background rate
# thalamic input
thal = "ON" turn on the thalamic input transient
thal = "OFF" turn off the thalamic input transient
protocol = int(sys.argv[1])
tsim = float(sys.argv[2]) # time of simulation
g = 4.0 # default value for inhibitory weight balance
bg = 8.0 # default value for background rate
# default seed of pseudo random numbers to test reproducibility
s = 1000
# choose serial = False to run multiple simulations in parallel
serial = True
num_cores = 8 # number of cores to run in parallel
# Simulation protocols
protocol = 0: spontaneous activity (figure 2)
protocol = 1: DC input and layer-independent experiments (figures 5A and 5B)
protocol = 2: layer-independent randomized to generate histograms in figure 5C
protocol = 3: dependence of network activity on the background firing rate (bg)
and the relative inhibitory synaptic strength (g) (figure 6)
protocol = 4: comparison of spontaneous activity using equations 3 or 4 from
paper to calculate the number of synapses between populations
protocol = 5: response to transient thalamic input
You can find below the sets of parameters defined to each different experiment.
if protocol==0:
bg_type = 0
stim = 0
netPD.runParams(tsim=tsim, bg_type=bg_type, stim=stim, filename=filename(g, bg, 'default'))
gc.collect() #garbage collector to clean memory
fig.createfig2(tsim, filename(g, bg, 'default'))
elif protocol==1:
bg_type = 0
stim = 1
netPD.runParams(tsim=tsim, bg_type=bg_type, stim=stim, filename=filename(g, bg, '_DC'))
gc.collect() #garbage collector to clean memory
bg_type = 1
stim = 0
netPD.runParams(tsim=tsim, bg_type=bg_type, stim=stim, filename=filename(g, bg, '_layer-independent'))
gc.collect() #garbage collector to clean memory
fig.createfig5(tsim, [filename(g, bg, '_DC'), filename(g, bg, '_layer-independent')])
elif protocol==2:
bg_type = 2
stim = 0
if serial == True:
for s in np.arange(100):
netPD.runParams(tsim=tsim, bg_type=bg_type, stim=stim, filename=filename(g, bg, '_bg_random'+str(s)))
gc.collect() #garbage collector to clean memory
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import multiprocessing
Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(runParamsParallel)(s=s, tsim=tsim, bg_type=bg_type,\
stim=stim, filename=filename(g, bg, '_bg_random'+str(s))) for s in range(100))
elif protocol==3:
bg_type = 0
stim = 0
g_values = np.arange(2.0, 11.0, 0.5); # relative inh. synaptic strength values
bg_values = np.arange(3.0, 15.5,0.5); # background rate values
if serial == True:
for g in g_values:
for bg in bg_values:
netPD.runParams(tsim=tsim, bg_type=bg_type, stim=stim, g=g, \
bg_freq=bg, filename=filename(g, bg))
gc.collect() #garbage collector to clean memory
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import multiprocessing
Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(runParamsParallel)(tsim=tsim, bg_type=bg_type,\
stim=stim, g=g, bg_freq=bg, filename=filename(g, bg)) for g in g_values for bg in bg_values)
elif protocol==4:
bg_type = 0
stim = 0
netPD.runParams(tsim=tsim, bg_type=bg_type, stim=stim, nsyn_type=0 ,filename=filename(g, bg, '_noapprox'))
gc.collect() #garbage collector to clean memory
netPD.runParams(tsim=tsim, bg_type=bg_type, stim=stim, nsyn_type=1 ,filename=filename(g, bg, '_approx'))
gc.collect() #garbage collector to clean memory
elif protocol==5:
bg_type = 0
stim = 1
netPD.runParams(tsim=tsim, bg_type=bg_type, stim=stim, thal='ON', filename=filename(g, bg, '_thal'))
gc.collect() #garbage collector to clean memory
fig.createfig7(tsim, filename(g, bg, '_thal'))