""" class_feed.py - establishes FeedExt(), ParFeedAll()
Copyright (C) 2013 Shane Lee and Stephanie Jones
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from neuron import h as nrn
import numpy as np
class ParFeedAll():
# p_ext has a different structure for the extinput
def __init__(self, type, celltype, p_ext, gid):
""" usually, p_ext is a dict of cell types
# VecStim setup
self.eventvec = nrn.Vector()
self.vs = nrn.VecStim()
# self.p_unique = p_unique[type]
self.p_ext = p_ext
self.celltype = celltype
# random generator for this instance
# qnd hack to make the seeds the same across all gids
# for just evoked
if type.startswith(('evprox', 'evdist')):
self.seed = gid
self.prng = np.random.RandomState(self.seed)
self.seed = 1001 + gid
self.prng = np.random.RandomState(self.seed)
# each of these methods creates self.eventvec for playback
if type == 'extpois':
elif type.startswith(('evprox', 'evdist')):
elif type == 'extgauss':
elif type == 'extinput':
# load eventvec into VecStim object
# for parallel, maybe be that postsyn for this is just nil (None)
def connect_to_target(self):
nc = nrn.NetCon(self.vs, None)
nc.threshold = 0
return nc
# mu and sigma vals come from p
def __create_evoked(self):
if self.celltype in self.p_ext.keys():
# assign the params
mu = self.p_ext['t0']
sigma = self.p_ext[self.celltype][2]
# if a non-zero sigma is specified
if sigma:
val_evoked = self.prng.normal(mu, sigma, 1)
# if sigma is specified at 0
val_evoked = np.array([mu])
val_evoked = val_evoked[val_evoked > 0]
# vals must be sorted
# return an empty eventvec list
# create external Gaussian distributed input events
def __create_extgauss(self):
# assign the params
mu = self.p_ext[self.celltype][2]
sigma = self.p_ext[self.celltype][3]
# mu and sigma values come from p
# one single value from Gaussian dist.
# values MUST be sorted for VecStim()!
val_gauss = self.prng.normal(mu, sigma, 50)
# remove non-zero values brute force-ly
val_gauss = val_gauss[val_gauss > 0]
# sort values - critical for nrn
# Convert array into nrn vector
# generic external input function
def __create_extinput(self):
# store f_input as self variable for later use if it exists in p
# t0 is always defined
t0 = self.p_ext['t0']
# If t0 is -1, randomize start time of inputs
if t0 == -1:
t0 = self.prng.uniform(25., 125.)
f_input = self.p_ext['f_input']
stdev = self.p_ext['stdev']
events_per_cycle = self.p_ext['events_per_cycle']
distribution = self.p_ext['distribution']
# events_per_cycle = 1
if events_per_cycle > 2 or events_per_cycle <= 0:
print("events_per_cycle should be either 1 or 2, trying 2")
events_per_cycle = 2
# If frequency is 0, create empty vector if input times
if not f_input:
t_input = []
elif distribution == 'normal':
# array of mean stimulus times, starts at t0
isi_array = np.arange(t0, self.p_ext['tstop'], 1000./f_input)
# array of single stimulus times -- no doublets
if stdev:
t_array = self.prng.normal(np.repeat(isi_array, 10), stdev)
t_array = isi_array
if events_per_cycle == 2:
# Two arrays store doublet times
t_array_low = t_array - 5
t_array_high = t_array + 5
# Array with ALL stimulus times for input
# np.append concatenates two np arrays
t_input = np.append(t_array_low, t_array_high)
elif events_per_cycle == 1:
t_input = t_array
# brute force remove non-zero times. Might result in fewer vals than desired
t_input = t_input[t_input > 0]
# Uniform Distribution
elif distribution == 'uniform':
n_inputs = 10. * f_input * (self.p_ext['tstop'] - t0) / 1000.
t_array = self.prng.uniform(t0, self.p_ext['tstop'], n_inputs)
if events_per_cycle == 2:
# Two arrays store doublet times
t_input_low = t_array - 5
t_input_high = t_array + 5
# Array with ALL stimulus times for input
# np.append concatenates two np arrays
t_input = np.append(t_input_low, t_input_high)
elif events_per_cycle == 1:
t_input = t_array
# brute force remove non-zero times. Might result in fewer vals than desired
t_input = t_input[t_input > 0]
print("Indicated distribution not recognized. Not making any alpha feeds.")
t_input = []
# Convert array into nrn vector
# new external pois designation
def __create_extpois(self):
# check the t interval
t0 = self.p_ext['t_interval'][0]
T = self.p_ext['t_interval'][1]
lamtha = self.p_ext[self.celltype][2]
# values MUST be sorted for VecStim()!
# start the initial value
if lamtha > 0.:
t_gen = t0 + self.__t_wait(lamtha)
val_pois = np.array([])
if t_gen < T:
np.append(val_pois, t_gen)
# vals are guaranteed to be monotonically increasing, no need to sort
while t_gen < T:
# so as to not clobber confusingly base off of t_gen ...
t_gen += self.__t_wait(lamtha)
if t_gen < T:
val_pois = np.append(val_pois, t_gen)
val_pois = np.array([])
# Convert array into nrn vector
# based on cdf for exp wait time distribution from unif [0, 1)
def __t_wait(self, lamtha):
""" returns in ms based on lamtha in Hz
return -1000. * np.log(1. - self.prng.rand()) / lamtha