""" params_default.py - master dictionary of modifiable params
Copyright (C) 2013 Shane Lee and Stephanie Jones
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# returns default params
def get_params_default():
""" Note that nearly all start times are set BEYOND tstop for this file
Most values here are set to whatever default value inactivates them,
such as 0 for conductance
p = {
# simulation end time (ms)
'tstop': 250.,
# numbers of cells making up the pyramidal grids
'N_pyr_x': 1,
'N_pyr_y': 1,
# amplitudes of individual Gaussian random inputs to L2Pyr and L5Pyr
# L2 Basket params
'L2Basket_Gauss_A_weight': 0.,
'L2Basket_Gauss_mu': 2000.,
'L2Basket_Gauss_sigma': 3.6,
'L2Basket_Pois_A_weight': 0.,
'L2Basket_Pois_lamtha': 0.,
# L2 Pyr params
'L2Pyr_Gauss_A_weight': 0.,
'L2Pyr_Gauss_mu': 2000.,
'L2Pyr_Gauss_sigma': 3.6,
'L2Pyr_Pois_A_weight': 0.,
'L2Pyr_Pois_lamtha': 0.,
# L5 Pyr params
'L5Pyr_Gauss_A_weight': 0.,
'L5Pyr_Gauss_mu': 2000.,
'L5Pyr_Gauss_sigma': 4.8,
'L5Pyr_Pois_A_weight': 0.,
'L5Pyr_Pois_lamtha': 0.,
# L5 Basket params
'L5Basket_Gauss_A_weight': 0.,
'L5Basket_Gauss_mu': 2000.,
'L5Basket_Gauss_sigma': 2.,
'L5Basket_Pois_A_weight': 0.,
'L5Basket_Pois_lamtha': 0.,
# maximal conductances for all synapses
# max conductances TO L2Pyrs
'gbar_L2Pyr_L2Pyr_ampa': 0.,
'gbar_L2Pyr_L2Pyr_nmda': 0.,
'gbar_L2Basket_L2Pyr_gabaa': 0.,
'gbar_L2Basket_L2Pyr_gabab': 0.,
# max conductances TO L2Baskets
'gbar_L2Pyr_L2Basket': 0.,
'gbar_L2Basket_L2Basket': 0.,
# max conductances TO L5Pyr
'gbar_L5Pyr_L5Pyr_ampa': 0.,
'gbar_L5Pyr_L5Pyr_nmda': 0.,
'gbar_L2Pyr_L5Pyr': 0.,
'gbar_L2Basket_L5Pyr': 0.,
'gbar_L5Basket_L5Pyr_gabaa': 0.,
'gbar_L5Basket_L5Pyr_gabab': 0.,
# max conductances TO L5Baskets
'gbar_L5Basket_L5Basket': 0.,
'gbar_L5Pyr_L5Basket': 0.,
'gbar_L2Pyr_L5Basket': 0.,
# Ongoing proximal alpha rhythm
'distribution_prox': 'normal',
't0_input_prox': 1000.,
'tstop_input_prox': 250.,
'f_input_prox': 10.,
'f_stdev_prox': 20.,
'events_per_cycle_prox': 2,
# Ongoing distal alpha rhythm
'distribution_dist': 'normal',
't0_input_dist': 1000.,
'tstop_input_dist': 250.,
'f_input_dist': 10.,
'f_stdev_dist': 20.,
'events_per_cycle_dist': 2,
# thalamic input amplitudes abd delays
'input_prox_A_weight_L2Pyr_ampa': 0.,
'input_prox_A_weight_L2Pyr_nmda': 0.,
'input_prox_A_weight_L5Pyr_ampa': 0.,
'input_prox_A_weight_L5Pyr_nmda': 0.,
'input_prox_A_weight_inh_ampa': 0.,
'input_prox_A_weight_inh_nmda': 0.,
'input_prox_A_delay_L2': 0.1,
'input_prox_A_delay_L5': 1.0,
# current values, not sure where these distal values come from, need to check
'input_dist_A_weight_L2Pyr_ampa': 0.,
'input_dist_A_weight_L2Pyr_nmda': 0.,
'input_dist_A_weight_L5Pyr_ampa': 0.,
'input_dist_A_weight_L5Pyr_nmda': 0.,
'input_dist_A_weight_inh_ampa': 0.,
'input_dist_A_weight_inh_nmda': 0.,
'input_dist_A_delay_L2': 5.,
'input_dist_A_delay_L5': 5.,
# evprox (early) feed strength
'gbar_evprox_early_L2Pyr': 0.,
'gbar_evprox_early_L5Pyr': 0.,
'gbar_evprox_early_L2Basket': 0.,
'gbar_evprox_early_L5Basket': 0.,
# evprox (late) feed strength
'gbar_evprox_late_L2Pyr': 0.,
'gbar_evprox_late_L5Pyr': 0.,
'gbar_evprox_late_L2Basket': 0.,
'gbar_evprox_late_L5Basket': 0.,
# evdist feed strengths
'gbar_evdist_L2Pyr': 0.,
'gbar_evdist_L5Pyr': 0.,
'gbar_evdist_L2Basket': 0.,
# times and stdevs for evoked responses
't_evprox_early': 2000.,
'sigma_t_evprox_early': 2.5,
'dt_evprox0_evdist': -1,
't_evdist': 2000.,
'sigma_t_evdist': 6.,
'dt_evprox0_evprox1': -1,
't_evprox_late': 2000.,
'sigma_t_evprox_late': 7.,
# IClamp params for L2Pyr
'Itonic_A_L2Pyr_soma': 0.,
'Itonic_t0_L2Pyr_soma': 0.,
'Itonic_T_L2Pyr_soma': -1.,
# IClamp param for L2Basket
'Itonic_A_L2Basket': 0.,
'Itonic_t0_L2Basket': 0.,
'Itonic_T_L2Basket': -1.,
# IClamp params for L5Pyr
'Itonic_A_L5Pyr_soma': 0.,
'Itonic_t0_L5Pyr_soma': 0.,
'Itonic_T_L5Pyr_soma': -1.,
# IClamp param for L5Basket
'Itonic_A_L5Basket': 0.,
'Itonic_t0_L5Basket': 0.,
'Itonic_T_L5Basket': -1.,
# default end time for pois inputs
't0_pois': 0.,
'T_pois': -1,
'dt': 0.025,
# grab cell-specific params and update p accordingly
p_L2Pyr = get_L2Pyr_params_default()
p_L5Pyr = get_L5Pyr_params_default()
return p
# returns default params for L2 pyramidal cell
def get_L2Pyr_params_default():
return {
# Soma
'L2Pyr_soma_L': 22.1,
'L2Pyr_soma_diam': 23.4,
'L2Pyr_soma_cm': 0.6195,
'L2Pyr_soma_Ra': 200.,
# Dendrites
'L2Pyr_dend_cm': 0.6195,
'L2Pyr_dend_Ra': 200.,
'L2Pyr_apicaltrunk_L': 59.5,
'L2Pyr_apicaltrunk_diam': 4.25,
'L2Pyr_apical1_L': 306.,
'L2Pyr_apical1_diam': 4.08,
'L2Pyr_apicaltuft_L': 238.,
'L2Pyr_apicaltuft_diam': 3.4,
'L2Pyr_apicaloblique_L': 340.,
'L2Pyr_apicaloblique_diam': 3.91,
'L2Pyr_basal1_L': 85.,
'L2Pyr_basal1_diam': 4.25,
'L2Pyr_basal2_L': 255.,
'L2Pyr_basal2_diam': 2.72,
'L2Pyr_basal3_L': 255.,
'L2Pyr_basal3_diam': 2.72,
# Synapses
'L2Pyr_ampa_e': 0.,
'L2Pyr_ampa_tau1': 0.5,
'L2Pyr_ampa_tau2': 5.,
'L2Pyr_nmda_e': 0.,
'L2Pyr_nmda_tau1': 1.,
'L2Pyr_nmda_tau2': 20.,
'L2Pyr_gabaa_e': -80.,
'L2Pyr_gabaa_tau1': 0.5,
'L2Pyr_gabaa_tau2': 5.,
'L2Pyr_gabab_e': -80.,
'L2Pyr_gabab_tau1': 1.,
'L2Pyr_gabab_tau2': 20.,
# Biophysics soma
'L2Pyr_soma_gkbar_hh': 0.01,
'L2Pyr_soma_gnabar_hh': 0.18,
'L2Pyr_soma_el_hh': -65.,
'L2Pyr_soma_gl_hh': 4.26e-5,
'L2Pyr_soma_gbar_km': 250.,
# Biophysics dends
'L2Pyr_dend_gkbar_hh': 0.01,
'L2Pyr_dend_gnabar_hh': 0.15,
'L2Pyr_dend_el_hh': -65.,
'L2Pyr_dend_gl_hh': 4.26e-5,
'L2Pyr_dend_gbar_km': 250.,
# returns default params for L5 pyramidal cell
def get_L5Pyr_params_default():
return {
# Soma
'L5Pyr_soma_L': 39.,
'L5Pyr_soma_diam': 28.9,
'L5Pyr_soma_cm': 0.85,
'L5Pyr_soma_Ra': 200.,
# Dendrites
'L5Pyr_dend_cm': 0.85,
'L5Pyr_dend_Ra': 200.,
'L5Pyr_apicaltrunk_L': 102.,
'L5Pyr_apicaltrunk_diam': 10.2,
'L5Pyr_apical1_L': 680.,
'L5Pyr_apical1_diam': 7.48,
'L5Pyr_apical2_L': 680.,
'L5Pyr_apical2_diam': 4.93,
'L5Pyr_apicaltuft_L': 425.,
'L5Pyr_apicaltuft_diam': 3.4,
'L5Pyr_apicaloblique_L': 255.,
'L5Pyr_apicaloblique_diam': 5.1,
'L5Pyr_basal1_L': 85.,
'L5Pyr_basal1_diam': 6.8,
'L5Pyr_basal2_L': 255.,
'L5Pyr_basal2_diam': 8.5,
'L5Pyr_basal3_L': 255.,
'L5Pyr_basal3_diam': 8.5,
# Synapses
'L5Pyr_ampa_e': 0.,
'L5Pyr_ampa_tau1': 0.5,
'L5Pyr_ampa_tau2': 5.,
'L5Pyr_nmda_e': 0.,
'L5Pyr_nmda_tau1': 1.,
'L5Pyr_nmda_tau2': 20.,
'L5Pyr_gabaa_e': -80.,
'L5Pyr_gabaa_tau1': 0.5,
'L5Pyr_gabaa_tau2': 5.,
'L5Pyr_gabab_e': -80.,
'L5Pyr_gabab_tau1': 1.,
'L5Pyr_gabab_tau2': 20.,
# Biophysics soma
'L5Pyr_soma_gkbar_hh': 0.01,
'L5Pyr_soma_gnabar_hh': 0.16,
'L5Pyr_soma_el_hh': -65.,
'L5Pyr_soma_gl_hh': 4.26e-5,
'L5Pyr_soma_gbar_ca': 60.,
'L5Pyr_soma_taur_cad': 20.,
'L5Pyr_soma_gbar_kca': 2e-4,
'L5Pyr_soma_gbar_km': 200.,
'L5Pyr_soma_gbar_cat': 2e-4,
'L5Pyr_soma_gbar_ar': 1e-6,
# Biophysics dends
'L5Pyr_dend_gkbar_hh': 0.01,
'L5Pyr_dend_gnabar_hh': 0.14,
'L5Pyr_dend_el_hh': -71.,
'L5Pyr_dend_gl_hh': 4.26e-5,
'L5Pyr_dend_gbar_ca': 60.,
'L5Pyr_dend_taur_cad': 20.,
'L5Pyr_dend_gbar_kca': 2e-4,
'L5Pyr_dend_gbar_km': 200.,
'L5Pyr_dend_gbar_cat': 2e-4,
'L5Pyr_dend_gbar_ar': 1e-6,