Simulation based on Fig. 6C of Bush, PC and Prince, DA and Miller, KD (1999) Increased pyramidal excitability and nmda conductance can explain posttraumatic epileptogenesis without disinhibition: a model. Journal of Neurophysiology 82:1748-1758 After unzipping the archive and cd'ing to the directory: To run under unix: nrnivmodl; nrngui init.hoc On the PC: While running mknrndll, cd to ctxnet and select make nrnmech.dll to compile the mod files in the ctxnet directory. Double click on mosinit.hoc in the ctxnet directory in window explorer On the OS X mac: Drag the ctxnet folder to the mknrndll icon under the Neuron 5.7 application. When the above is complete drag the ctxnet folder to the nrngui icon. Simulation shows epileptiform response to brief single stimulation in a 500 cell network of multicompartment models, some of which have active dendrites. The simulation depends on random number generation so will likely run differently under different operating systems. The results which I obtained under Redhat Linux is shown in result.gif. The current version can have a couple of lines uncommented in holt_random.mod (see comments) to have the seed change each time the simulation is run. Original 1997 code from Paul Bush modified slightly by Bill Lytton to make it work with current version of NEURON (5.7.139). Thanks to Paul Bush and Ken Miller for making the code available. Changelog --------- 20110407 updated solve methods to cnexp, derivimplicit from euler 20150219 implements Michael Hine's suggestion to update the DERIVATIVE block in kca.mod to a form compatible with cnexp 20220520 Updated MOD files to contain valid C++ and be compatible with the upcoming versions 8.2 and 9.0 of NEURON. 20230420 Avoid storing pointers to RANGE variables for compatibility with the upcoming version 9.0 of NEURON.