# Neuron Optimization Pipeline
The main code for the optimization procedure is in the `pyneuronautofit` directory for local usage.
For permanent installation, use the `pip(3)` command.
pip3 install pyneuronautofit (--user)
The flag `--user` is needed if you don't have root/sudo privileges and what to install `pyneuronautofit` in the user directory.
Before launching optimization, you have to compile NEURON modules
nrnivmodl mods
To run NSGA2 optimization procedure for the given example of the recorded neuron, use the command
python -m pyneuronautofit -A NSGA2 -m OV -G 1536 -P 240 -E 0 -U 0 -c 3 -t -10 -k ../experimentaldata/P07-04.20205021-mask.json ../experimentaldata/P07-04.20205021.abf
To run KAMOGA optimization procedure for the same example, use the command
python -m pyneuronautofit -A K -m OV -G 1536 -P 240 -E 30 -U 0 -c 3 -t -10 -k ../experimentaldata/P07-04.20205021-mask.json ../experimentaldata/P07-04.20205021.abf
## The complete list of command line flags is given below.
python -m pyneuronautofit --help
Usage: -m pyneuronautofit [flags] input_file_with_currents_and_target_stats (abf,npz,or json)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Parameters related to Evolutionary Optimization
-A ALGOR, --algorithm=ALGOR
Algorithm for multiobjective evaluation. It can be:
Krayzman - for Krayzman's fitness weighting; NSGA2 -
for Pareto nondominate selection; Max - for max scaled
summation; PositiveCor - positive correlation (the same
as Krayzman's procedure, but with the goal of making all
correlations positive). An algorithm can be given by first
letter K, N, M or P correspondingly. (Default is K)
-P PSZ, --population-size=PSZ
population size (default 256). If it is a negative
number: the population size is the length of the
fitness vector multiple by the absolute value of this
-G NGN, --number-generation=NGN
number of generations (default 256)
-E ELITES, --number-elites=ELITES
number of elites in the replacement (default 32)
-L, --off-log-scale
enable log scaling
-I INITPOP, --init-population=INITPOP
file with a set of an initial population
-N KRTHR, --Krayzman-threshould=KRTHR
The threshold for Krayzman's iteration procedure of
weights adaptation (default 0.05)
-U UPDATE, --scales-update=UPDATE
vector length * this scale is the number of fitness
vectors before updating Krayzman's weights or max
scalers (default 10)
-y, --norm-space normalize space under the curve
-H, --hold-weights-normalization
hold weights without normalization in iteration
procedure (default disable)
-b BOUNDKGA, --bound-Krayzman-weights=BOUNDKGA
bound weights by [1/x,x] (default disable)
-M MRATE, --mutation-rate=MRATE
Basic mutation rate (default 10%%)
-S AMSLOPE, --adaptive-mutation-slope=AMSLOPE
Adaptive mutation slope
-Q VPVSIZE, --v-dvdt-hist-size=VPVSIZE
v dv/dt histogram size (default 12)
-J, --inJect-elits enable dynamic elits
Conditions for model running and evaluation
-m EMODE, --eval-mode=EMODE
mode for evaluation T-spike time, S-spike shape,
U-subthreshold voltage dynamics, W-spike width, R -
resting potential, L - post-stimulus tail, M - voltage
stimulus statistics, A - average spike shape, N -
number of spikes (default RAMN)
-k EMASK, --eval-mask=EMASK
mask to limit analysis
-c ESPC, --spike-count=ESPC
number of spikes for evaluation (2)
-t ETHSH, --spike-threshold=ETHSH
spike threshold (default 0.)
-l ELEFT, --left-spike-samples=ELEFT
left window of a spike (default 70)
-r ERGHT, --right-spike-samples=ERGHT
right window of a spike (default 140)
-q TEMP, --temperature=TEMP
temperature (default 35)
-z SPWTGH, --spike-Zoom=SPWTGH
if positive -- the absolute weight of voltage diff during
spike; if negative -- related scaler
-e, --collapse-diff
Collapse difference between a model and data in a
vector with size = number of tests (i.e. for -m RAMNT
the diff vector will be length 5)
Options for entire EC running and logging
-n NTH, --number-threads=NTH
number of threads (default None - autodetection)
--dt=SIMDT if positive absolute simulation dt; if negative scaler
for recorded dt
-v LL, --log-level=LL
Level of logging.[CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, or
DEBUG] (default INFO)
-u, --log-to-screen
log to screen
-Z, --Krayzman-debug
enable debug dump for adaptation weight
-p NCH, --printed-checkpoints=NCH
print out checkpoints every # generation (do not print
out if negative)
-d DCH, --dump-checkpoints=DCH
dump out checkpoints into checkpoint file every #
generation (do not dump out if negative, default 8)
-i RITER, --iteration=RITER
adds iteration number to the runs stamp
-a RSTEMP, --run-stamp=RSTEMP
Use this run stamp instead of generated
--slurm-id=SLURMID Add SLURM ID into timestamp
--log-population record population into log file
--log-archive record archive into log file
--dry-run exit after init everything
## Files and directories here
|File or directory | Description |
|CheckSelection.py | validates models in the database |
|FinalCheck.py | plots current-clamp models vs neuron for human evaluation|
| search-init.py | searches initial steady-states for all models in the database |
| |`python search-init.py