#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

stkdefault = """

dLGN network desynchronization at P7-P10

Ruben Tikidji-Hamburyan GWU 2020-2022

        /db    = '../P07-selected-checked-gmin-20220921.json' \;
                             ; file with neuron parameter database
        /lst   = 'models'    ; variable with list of parameters
        /gmin  = 'gsynmin'   ; variable with minimal conductance
        /threshold = 0.      ; spike threshold
        /shape = 'H'         ; H-hexagonal or S-square
        /x     = 7           ; number of columns
        /y     = 16          ; number of rows
    /annoying_hetero = True \; If set True, it guaranties that all neurons in population are different. 
                             ; For this option, one needs database bigger than network size.
            /p     = 0.3    ; gap junction probability
            /unit  = 'n'   \; if 'n' - /network/gj/geom/p probability of connection per neuron.
                           \; if 'c' - /network/gj/geom/p is probability of connection per pear of neurons
                           \;     within maxd distance
                            ; if 'o' - /network/gj/geom/p is average number of GJ per neuron.
            /maxd  = 1.5    ; gap junction max distance
            /mind  = None   ; gap junction min distance
            /dir   = None   ; gap junction direction (random if None)
        /r     = 600.      \; gap junction resistance.
                           \; 2022/02/04:
                           \; For current neuron database this resistance produces spikelets with
                           \; dV = 1.7 +- 0.22  mV and absolute range for all neurons [0.95,2.8] mV,
                           \; Coupling coefficients  mean = 0.4+-0.077 range=[0.087,0.58] aren't 
                           \; compatible with VBN coupling Lee et al. 2010, but spikelet 
                            ; amplitude is similar to spikelets in cat LGN Hughes et al. 2002
        /gsyn      = None  \; synaptic conductance: 
                           \; if positive - set for everyone, 
                           \; if negative - set the portion of minimal synaptic conductance for a neuron,
                            ; if None set to 1/3 of the  minimal synaptic conductance for each neuron.
        /rand      = False  ; If ture - gsyn randomly init between 0 and /syn/gsyn value
        /prenorm   = True  \; If true the total synaptic conductance will be set to /syn/gsyn value for 
                           \; each neuron in the **beginning**! 
                           \; It is active only in model building. For dynamical normalization 
                            ; see /network/btdp
            /unit  = 'N'   \; Pattern of synaptic connectivity:
                           \; 'o' - one-to-one creates only one connection for each rGC to a closest LGN cell.
                           \; 'a' - all-to-all connections: each rGC connects all dLGN cells.
                           \;       This is the best configuration for btdp.
                           \;       You can use /network/syn/sig2gsyn to create a Gaussian distributions of weights
                           \; 'e' - exponential distribution uses /network/syn/geom/pmax for maximum probability and 
                           \;       /network/syn/geom/sig for sigma.
                           \; 'E' - same as e but distance computed from the closets rGC
                           \; 'g' - Gaussian distribution. it uses /network/syn/geom/pmax for maximum probability and 
                           \;       /network/syn/geom/sig for sigma.
                           \; 'G' - same as g but distance computed from the closets rGC
                           \; 'r' - random distribution
                           \; 'n' - random number between /network/syn/geom/nmin and /network/syn/geom/nmax
                           \;       for each TC is generated. rGC are picked randomly
                           \; 'c' - connect to closets (but not one) rGC
                           \; 'N' - same as n but closet rGC are picked
                            ; ADD HERE MORE IF NEEDED!
            /pmax  = None   ; peak of synaptic probability for exponential or Gauusian distributions.
            /sig   = None   ; sigma for exponential or Gauusian distributions.
            /nmin  = 7      ; minimum of rGC connection per TC
            /nmax  = 20     ; maximum of rGC connection per TC
        /sig2gsyn  = None   ; sigma for create Gaussian distributions of weights with distance
            /p      = 1     ; portion of AMPA conductance
            /tau1   = 1.    ; AMPA rising time constant
            /tau2   = 2.2  \; AMPA falling time contant From Chen & Regehr 2000 Table 1 P10-P14
                            ; Inconsistent with Hauser et al. 2014 AMPA $\\tau_d \\approx 5.47$ ms
            /p      = 2.25 \; portion of NMDA conductance
                           \; /AMPA/p and /NMDA/p are computed from Shah & Crair 2008 as followed:
                           \; For _P6–P7_ : $i_{AMPA}/i_{NMDA} = \\beta_{P7} =0.78 \pm 0.09$ (peak-to-peak)
                           \; comparable with $\\beta_{P10} = 0.5 \pm 0.1$ from Chen & Regehr 2000
                           \; for voltage clamp $i_{vl}=g_{vl}*(E-V_{vl})$ where $E=0$ reversal potential
                           \; for NMDA and AMPA, and $v_{VL}$ potential for voltage clamp.
                           \; $g_{vl}=i_{vl}/v_{vl}$ conductance
                           \; $\\frac{g_{AMPA}}{g_{NMDA}}=\\frac{i_{AMPA}}{i_{NMDA}} \\frac{\Delat_{NMDA}}{\Delat_{AMPA}}$,
                           \; where $\Delat_{NMDA}$ and $\Delat_{AMPA}$ are differences between 
                           \; holding potentials and the reversal potential for NMDA and AMPA currents
                           \; $\\frac{\Delat_{NMDA}}{\Delat_{AMPA}}$ = 40 mV / 70 mV = 0.57
                           \; $\\frac{g_{NMDA}}{g_{AMPA}} = \\frac{1}{0.57 \\beta_{P7}} \\approx 2.25$
                           \; Note that Dilger et al. 2015 estimated $\\beta_{P10} \\approx 1$ which
                           \; give /NMDA/p=1/0.57$\\approx 1.75$.
                           \; The value from from Chen & Regehr 2000 $\\beta_{P10} = 0.5 \pm 0.1$
                            ; gives /NMDA/p=1/(0.57*0.5)$\\approx 3.5$.
            /tau1   = 1.    ; NMDA rising time constant
            /tau2   = 150. \; NMDA falling time contant From Chen & Regehr 2000 Table 1 P10-P14
                            ; Consistent with Dilger et al 2015 
        /ppr_u0     = 0.3  \; sets presynaptic single spike depression
                           \; it's adjusted to obtain paired-pulse ratio 0.73 
                            ; From Chen & Regehr 2000 Table 1 P10-P14
       /toneExc     = None  ; Conductance for tonic excitation (None to block)
       /toneInh     = None  ; Conductance for GABA_B receptors (None to block)
    /file           = 'dLGN-network.stkdata' \;
                            ; save/read network configuration to/from this file
    /load           = True  ; read network from the file (if True) or from another file (if filename given)
    /save           = True  ; save network to   the file (if True) or to   another file (if filename given)
        /nprms      = False\; sets specific record within the file from there neuron parameters will be
                            ;   reread or the first one if True
        /gjcon      = False\; sets specific record within the file from there gap-junction connections list
                            ;  will be reread or the first one if True
        /syncon     = False\; sets specific record within the file from there list of synaptic connections 
                            ;  will be reread or the first one if True
        /gsyncond   = False\; sets specific record within the file from there list of synaptic conductance
                            ;  will be reread or the first one if True
        /nprms      = False ; reset neuron parameters
        /gjcon      = False ; resets gap junction connections
        /syncon     = False ; resets list of synaptic connections
        /gsyncond   = False ; resets list of synaptic conductances
        /nprms      = True  ; If True and neuron parameters hash doesn't match it stops
        /gjcon      = False ; If True and gap junction connection list hash doesn't match it stops
        /syncon     = True  ; If True and synaptic connection hash doesn't match it stops
        /gsyncond   = False ; If True and synaptic conductance list hash doesn't match it stops
        /btdp       = False ; If True and /btdp/continue and /record/file does not have gsyn with correct hash - it stops
    ; plasticity parameters 
        /enable     = False ; Set it to true for activation btdp
        /update     = 5000.\; update synaptic weights every # milliseconds.
                            ; if btdp is enable it resets /sim/record/interval
        /normgsyn   = None  ; Target level to which  ....
        /normn      = 4     ; strongest normn synapses are normalized, suppressing weaker synapses.
        /synthr     = -0.05\; the threshold  below with synapse assumed to be silent
                           \; same as for /syn/normg : positive sets the absolute level for the threshold,
                           \; negative sets a relative to minimal synaptic conductance for each neuron threshold
                            ; and None sets all synapses active
        /minact     = @/network/btdp/normn@ \; threshold of minimal number of active connections
                           \; if number of active synapses is below this number - it creates new random synapses.
                            ; **Note** if /network/btdp/synthr=None, this mechanism is disabled.
        /frthr      = 0.1  \; if max firing rate at given interval /network/btdp/update for any pre or postsyn
                           \; below this value, correlations term of leaning rule will not computed. 
                           \; **Note** if you set it in None, False, or below zero, correlation term will be compute
                            ; always - and two silent neurons will have very high correlation and ramp up connections.
        /frkernel   = 25.  \; kernel for smoothing firing-rate. Effectively, gaussian kernel low-pass
                           \; frequencies 4 time lower than kernel size.
                           \; Butts et al 1999, computed minimal jitter to perturb spacial information around
                            ; 100 ms, so ~25ms kernel should be OK.
        /frsmwidth  = @/network/btdp/frkernel@*10. ; one-side width of smoothing vector for firing-rate
        /continue   = True  ; reads last update from record and reset weights
    ; firing rate homeostasis
        /enable     = False   ; Set it to true to activate homeostasis
        /update     =120000. \; update synaptic weights every # milliseconds.
                             \; if btdp is enable it will be set to /sim/btdp/update
                              ; if btdp is not enable, /home/update resets /sim/record/interval
        /tau        =60000.   ; homeostasis time constant in ms ~10 sec
        /target_fr  =0.5     \; Target firing rate in spikes/sec
                             \; from Murata & Colonnese 2018 Figure 5G1, it should be ~ 1 spike/sec, but
                              ; with blocked cortex it decreases ~50% Murata & Colonnese 2016 Fig 3.
;        /target_fr  =0.3730071897467958 ; Target firing rate in spikes/sec (mice unpublished data)
        /slope      = 1.      ; sloe slope of activation function is spikes/sec
        /gmax       = -2.     ; maximal synaptic conductance (notation is the same as in /network/syn/gsyn)
        /gmin       = 0.0     ; minimal synaptic conductance
        /delta      = -0.2/111; increment/decrement of synaptic weights
        /continue   = True    ; reads last update from the record and reset weights
    ; cortical feedback
        /enable     = False ; Set it to true for enabling **cortical feedback**
        /delay      = 15.   ; delay for spike travel to cortex and back
        /gsyn       = -0.005; synaptic conductance. ATTENTION! If negative it set ratio to mean RGC input
            /p      = @/network/syn/AMPA/p@      ; portion of AMPA conductance
            /tau1   = @/network/syn/AMPA/tau1@   ; AMPA rising time constant
            /tau2   = @/network/syn/AMPA/tau2@   ; AMPA falling time constant
            /p      = @/network/syn/NMDA/p@      ; portion of NMDA conductance
            /tau1   = @/network/syn/NMDA/tau1@   ; NMDA rising time constant
            /tau2   = @/network/syn/NMDA/tau2@   ; NMDA falling time constant
        /ppr_u0     = 0.7   ; sets presynaptic PP depression                        
    ; TRN feedback
        /enable     = False ; Set it to true for enabling **TRN inhibitory feedback**
        /delay      = 15.   ; delay for spike travel to TRN and back
        /gsyn       = -0.005; synaptic conductance (same as /syn/gsyn)
        /tau1       = 5.    ; GABA A rising time constant
        /tau2       = 50.   ; GABA A falling time constant
        /e          = -70.  ; inhibitory reversal potential

    /gjcon          = False ; Block gap junction
    /syncon         = False ; Block synapses

    /temperature     = None\; model temperature in celsius,
                            ; if None it will try to find 'temperature' variable in the neuron database
    /Tmax  = 600000.       \; Simulation duration in ms. If negative (any negative number)
                            ; it defined by stimulation recording
        /interval    = 60000; record and clean buffers every /sim/record/interval milliseconds
        /file        = 'dLGN-record.stkdata' \;
                            ; save everything into this file
        /save        = True ; enable any recordings
        /spike       = True ; record spikes
        /gsyn        = False\; if a number records synaptic weights every n updates, 
                           \; if true records synaptic weights every update.
                            ; Works only if btdp or homeostasis are enabled
            /dt      = 0.5  ; time step for continues recordings
            /cur     = False; record currents
            /volt    = True ; record voltages
            /meancur = True ; record current averaged through population
    /parallel       = True  ; sent number of cores or True for auto detection
    /Belly          = False ; ring the bell when simulation finishes
    /timestamp      = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") \;
                            ; simulation time-stamp

    /iapp            = None ; inject constant current. Current is slowly ramping up first 1000 ms
        /file        = "../experimentaldata/Maccione2014_P9_29March11_control_SpkTs_bursts_filtered.h5" \;
                            ; reads positions and spikes of RG from this file
        /groups      = [                     \; recorded rGC IDs which will be used 
            824,825,826,827,828,829,830,831, \; for network stimulation
            849,850,851,852,853,854,855,856, \; if more than one neuron on one electrode
            875,876,877,878,879,880,881,882, \; spike can be lumped together by
                905,906,907,908,909,910      \; putting IDs into tuple (121,122,123)
            ]                                 ; for example
    /trecstart       = 140000; remove first milliseconds of the recording.
    /shuffle         = False ; Shuffles spikes between electrodes
    /uniform         = False ; uniform distribution of the same number of spikes over each electrode
    /stimfile        = None \; used npy file with array (n,2) : [spike time,rGC] 
                             ;  instead of spikes in the original hd5 file
    /poisson         = None  ; Generate poisson firing rate with given rate

    /window = 100 ; windows size for filtering firing rate
    /kernel = 50. ; Gaussian kernel to smooth FR
    /kernelwidth = @/FR/kernel@*5\; 1/2 width of smoothing kernel
                \; (it is half, because +- boundary). It is set to 5 sigma 
                \; If /kernel and /kernelwidthare gaussian kernel is used to smooth 1ms bin histogram,
                 ; otherwise histogram with /FR/window will be plotted
        /positive    = 20.   \; Size of positive Gaussian kernel to smooth firing rate 
                              ; for computing  Correlation distribution
        /negative    = @/FR/CorrDist/positive@*4 ; size of negative Gaussian kernel
        /window      = @/FR/CorrDist/negative@*5 ; 1/2 of smoothing window size
        /bins        = False \; set a number of bins in correlation distribution (must be int); 
                              ; default 201
        /left        = False  ; left boundary of histogram range; default -1. 
        /right       = False  ; right boundary of histogram range; default 1.
        /filter-off  = False  ; set False to remove filtration 
        /Fmax        = 39.    ; Maximal frequency (Hz)
        /dt          = 1.     ; Histogram bin-size in ms
        /kernel      = 20.    ; Gaussian kernel to smooth FR (different to from the above to have high frequency components)
        /width       = @/FR/Spectrum/kernel@*5 ; 5 sigma for 1/2 of the window (n /FR/Spectrum/dt time units)
    /Overall         = True   ; computes overall FR for a run. If string is given, it jsones the list of overall FR into a file with this name.

    /enable            = True   \; if False will not generate figures and exit
                                 ; it will make a DB record only if -m message is provided and record won't have figures
    /X-term            = False   ; saves all figures into file with this prefix. If False - shows on screen
    /FigSize           = (21,16) ; XxY size of figures
    /FigLimit          = None    ; If any of /sim/record/cont/{cur,volt} is set True, will show every # neuron, and all if None
    /STKDB-Record      = True    ; Add figures into record
    /connectivity/flat = False   ; if True makes 2D plot of connectivity instead of 3D
        /connectivity  = False   ; set True to disable connectivity plot
        /volt          = False   ; set True to disable voltage plot
        /cur           = False   ; set True to disable current plot
        /cordist       = False   ; set True to disable correlation distribution plot
        /spectrum      = False   ; set True to disable spectrum plot
        /2dspiking     = True    ; set False to activate interactive figure which can generates movies
    /formats           = 'jpg svg'.split() ; list of figures formats

    /connectivity    = True    ; statistics of RGC to LGN connectivity
    /gj              = True    ; statistics of number GJ per neuron

import logging, sys, os, io, shutil, gzip ,csv,glob,json, time
from functools import reduce
import random as pyrandom

    import cPickle as pkl
    import pickle as pkl
#import multiprocessing as mps

from datetime import datetime as date_and_time
from optparse import OptionParser
from numpy import *
from numpy import random as rnd
import scipy         as sp
import scipy.fftpack as spfft
import scipy.io      as spio
from scipy           import signal
from scipy.stats     import gaussian_kde as kerden
from scipy.integrate import quad

from simtoolkit import methods
from simtoolkit import db as stkdb
from simtoolkit import data as stkdata

recdb = sys.argv[0][:]
if recdb.endswith('.py'): recdb = recdb[:-3]
recdb += ".stkdb"

oprs = OptionParser("USAGE: %prog [flags] [variable]",add_help_option=False)
#oprs.add_option("-d", "--stk-database",  dest="db", default=None,  help="Read record from data base (default None). Example -d xxx.stkdb:/connections" )
#oprs.add_option("-c", "--stk-config"  ,  dest="cf", default=None,  help="Read record from configuration (default None). Example -c xxx.stkconf:/connections" )
oprs.add_option("-o", "--stkdb-record",  dest="rd", default=recdb,  \
  help="Record the simulation in data base (default {})".format(recdb) )
oprs.add_option("-m", "--stkdb-message", dest="rm", default=None,   type="str", \
  help="Supply database record with a massage. Useful when run scripts (default None)" )
oprs.add_option("-c", "--stkdb-cmd"    , dest="rc", default=True,   \
  help="Add end command line to data base (doesn't change model hash sum)'", action="store_false")
oprs.add_option("-L", "--log"         ,  dest="lg", default=None,   \
  help="Output log to the file (default on the screen)")
oprs.add_option("-l", "--log-level"   ,  dest="ll", default="INFO", \
  help="Level of logging may be CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, or DEBUG (default INFO)") 
oprs.add_option("-h", "--help"        ,  dest="hp", default=False,  \
  help="Print this help", action="store_true")
options, args = oprs.parse_args()

if options.lg is None:
     level=eval("logging."+options.ll) )
    logging.basicConfig(filename=options.lg, \
     format='%(asctime)s:%(name)-33s%(lineno)-6d%(levelname)-8s:%(message)s', \
     level=eval("logging."+options.ll) )
logging.info("CMD : "+" ".join(sys.argv) )

    import h5py
    logging.error("Cannot import h5py")

mth = methods(stkdefault, 'mth', locals(), argvs = args )
if options.hp:
    from textwrap import TextWrapper
    ncolumns = int(os.environ.get('COLUMNS',120))
    oprs.set_usage("""USAGE: %prog %prog [options] [parameters]\n
Any model parameter can be altered by /parameter_name=parameter_value in command line""")
    #print(mth.printhelp()) #prints tree structure which may not be very useful
    for p,v,hm in mth.genhelp():
        print("{: <31s} = {}".format(p,v))
        #print("{: <31s} : {}".format('',hm))
        print(TextWrapper(initial_indent=" "*31+" : ", subsequent_indent=" "*31+" : ",width=ncolumns).fill(hm))


if mth.check("/Figures/enable"):
    import matplotlib
    if mth.check("/Figures/X-term"):
        logging.info(" > Set Agg backend")
    matplotlib.rcParams["savefig.directory"] = ""
    from matplotlib.pyplot import *
    import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
    import matplotlib.image as img

logging.info( "======================================")
logging.info( "===     GENERATED PARAMETERS       ===")
for p,k,s in mth.methods.printnames():
    if k is None:
    else :
        logging.info(p+"{}".format(mth.methods[k])  )

now       = date_and_time.now()
hashline  = mth.gethash("/")
timestamp = "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d.%d"%(now.year, now.month, now.day, now.hour, now.minute, now.second, rnd.randint(0,999))
logging.info( "======================================")
logging.info( "===           BUILDING             ===")
logging.info(f" > DataBase     : {options.rd}" )
logging.info(f" > HASH         : {hashline}"  )
logging.info(f" > TIME STAMP   : {timestamp}" )
logging.info( " > MODEL PREFIX : {}".format(mth["/sim/timestamp"] ) )
logging.info(f" > MESSAGE      : {options.rm}" )

if mth.check("/sim/state/load"):
    if not mth.check("/sim/state/id"):
        mth["/sim/state/id"] = -1
    with stkdata(mth["/sim/state/load"]) as sd:
        posxy = sd["posxy",mth["/sim/state/id"]]
    logging.info(" > posxy is loaded from {}:{}".format(mth["/sim/state/load"],mth["/sim/state/id"]))
elif   mth["/network/geom/shape"] == "H" or mth["/network/geom/shape"] == "h":
    logging.info(" > Geometry     : Hexagonal")
    logging.info(" > Nx x Ny      : {} x {}".format(mth["/network/geom/x"],mth["/network/geom/y"]) )
    posxy = array([ (float(i)+(0.5 if j%2 == 0 else 0),float(j)*sqrt(3)/2) for i in range(mth["/network/geom/x"]) for j in range(mth["/network/geom/y"]) ])
elif mth["/network/geom/shape"] == "S" or mth["/network/geom/shape"] == "s":
    logging.info(" > Geometry     : Square")
    logging.info(" > Nx x Ny      : {} x {}".format(mth["/network/geom/x"],mth["/network/geom/y"]) )
    posxy = array([ (float(i),float(j)) for i in range(mth["/network/geom/x"]) for j in range(mth["/network/geom/y"]) ])
posxm = amin(posxy[:,0]),amax(posxy[:,0])
posmy = amin(posxy[:,1]),amax(posxy[:,1])

from neuron import h
# from cell import dLGN
import importlib

if mth.check("/network/nprms/db"):
    #from selectedP07N04v05 import selected, selected_min_g, selected_min_nmda
    with open(mth["/network/nprms/db"]) as fd:
        j = json.load(fd)
    modulename   = mth["/network/nprms/modulename"] if mth.check("/network/nprms/modulename") else "module"
    if not modulename in j:
        logging.error(f"Cannot find {modulename} record in neurondb: don't know which module should be imported")
        raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot find {modulename} record in neurondb: don't know which module should be imported")
    modulename = j[modulename]
    if type(modulename) is not str:
        logging.error(f"Module name in neurondb isn't a string but {type(modulename)}")
        raise RuntimeError(f"Module name in neurondb isn't a string but {type(modulename)}")
    cellname   = mth["/network/nprms/cellname"] if mth.check("/network/nprms/cellname") else "cell"
    if not cellname in j:
        logging.error(f"Cannot find {cellname} record in neurondb: don't know which object import from the module")
        raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot find {cellname} record in neurondb: don't know which object import from the module")
    cellname = j[cellname]
    if type(cellname) is not str:
        logging.error(f"Cell name in neurondb isn't a string but {type(cellname)}")
        raise RuntimeError(f"Cell name in neurondb isn't a string but {type(cellname)}")
        mod  = importlib.import_module(modulename)
        dLGN = eval("mod."+cellname)
    except BaseException as e:
        logging.error(f"Cannot import neuron model {cellname} from module {modulename}: {e}")
        raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot import neuron model {cellname} from module {modulename}: {e}")
    logging.info(f" > Neuron {cellname} is imported from module {modulename} succesfully")
    setcable = j["setcable"] if "setcable" in j else None
    ntemeraturedb = j["temperature"] if "temperature" in j else None    

    neurons = [ dLGN(nid=i) for i,xy in enumerate(posxy) ]
    logging.info(f" > Population   : {len(neurons)} neurons has been creared")
    modellstname = mth["/network/nprms/lst"]        if mth.check("/network/nprms/lst") else "models"
    if not modellstname in j:
        logging.error(f"Cannot find {modellstname} neurondb")
        raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot find {modellstname} neurondb")
    minsyname     =  mth["/network/nprms/gmin"] if mth.check("/network/nprms/gmin") else "gsynmin"
    if not minsyname in j:
        logging.error(f"Cannot find synaptic conductance index ({minsyname}) in the _root_ of model DB")
        raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot find synaptic conductance index ({minsyname}) in the _root_ of model DB")
    if not any([ minsyname in m for m in j[modellstname] if m is not None ]):
        logging.error(f"Cannot find minimal synaptic conductance ({minsyname}) for one or more neurons in the model DB")
        raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot find minimal synaptic conductance ({minsyname}) for one or more neurons in the model DB")
    # selected_min_g = [ x[minsyname] for x in j[modellstname] if x is not None]
    gsynmin_idx   = array(j[minsyname])
    selected      = [
        [ x["parameters"],
         (x["init"] if 'init' in x else None),
         (x["id"]   if 'id' in x else i),
        ] for i,x in enumerate(j[modellstname]) if x is not None ]
    logging.info(" > Have read neuron DB and minimal conductance index from {}".format(mth["/network/nprms/db"]))
    logging.error("Cannot find /network/nprms/db parameter")
    raise RuntimeError("Cannot find /network/nprms/db parameter")

if mth.check("/sim/temperature"):
    h.celsius = mth["/sim/temperature"]
    if ntemeraturedb is None:
        logging.error("Temperature is not set by parameter /sim/temperature or by temperature variable in the neuron database")
        raise RuntimeError("Temperature is not set by parameter /sim/temperature or by temperature variable in the neuron database")
    h.celsius = ntemeraturedb
    logging.info(f" > Read temperature  from the database")
logging.info(f" > Set temperature =  {h.celsius} C")

# Lists of networks elements: neuron parameters, gap junctions, synaptic connections, and synaptic weights 
nprms     = None
gjcon     = None
syncon    = None
gsyncond  = None
# Model hash for each list. So we can safely read from the file if hashes are the same
nprms_hash     = mth.gethash("/network/geom")+":"+mth.gethash("/network/nprms")
gjcon_hash     = mth.gethash("/network/geom")+":"+mth.gethash("/network/gj/geom")
syncon_hash    = mth.gethash("/network/geom")+":"+mth.gethash("/stim/rGC")+":"+mth.gethash("/network/syn/geom")
gsyncond_hash  = mth.gethash("/network/geom")+":"+mth.gethash("/stim/rGC")+":"+mth.gethash("/network/syn")

if mth.check("/network/load"):
    def loadcomponent(idt,varname,varhash,xfile):
        if   f'/{varname}' in idt and f"/nethash/{varname}" in idt: 
            if   not mth.check(f"/network/reload/{varname}")         : mth[f"/network/reload/{varname}"] = -1
            elif not  type(mth[f"/network/reload/{varname}"]) is int : mth[f"/network/reload/{varname}"] = -1
            if idt[f"/nethash/{varname}",mth[f"/network/reload/{varname}"]] == varhash :
                return idt[f'/{varname}',mth[f"/network/reload/{varname}"]]
            if not mth.check[f"/network/annoying_reload/{varname}"]:
                return idt[f'/{varname}',mth[f"/network/reload/{varname}"]]
                logging.error("Cannot find matched hash sum for network configuration in the recording {}[{}] of {} file:\n\t\t{}\n\t\t{}".format(
                    varname,mth[f"/network/reload/{varname}"],xfile,idt[f"/nethash/{varname}",mth[f"/network/reload/{varname}"]], varhash))
                if mth.check(f"/network/annoying_reload/{varname}") : exit(1)
            logging.error(f"Cannot find /{varname} or /nethash/{varname}  form the file {xfile}")
            if mth.check(f"/network/annoying_reload/{varname}") : exit(1)
        return None
    if type(mth["/network/load"]) is str: xfile =  mth["/network/load"] 
    elif mth.check("/network/file")     : xfile =  mth["/network/file"]
    else :
        logging.error("/network/load is not a string and /network/file is not set properly")
    if not os.access( xfile, os.R_OK):
        logging.error("Cannot read network file {}".format(xfile) )
    with stkdata(xfile) as idt:
        logging.info(" > reading file {}".format(xfile))
        if not mth.check("/network/reset/nrn"):
            nprms = loadcomponent(idt,'nprms',nprms_hash,xfile)
            if nprms is not None:
                logging.info(" > have read neuron parameters parameters from the file")
                logging.warning(f" > cannot read neuron parameters parameters from the file {xfile}")
        if not mth.check("/network/reset/gjcon") and not mth.check("/block/gjcon"):
            gjcon =  loadcomponent(idt,'gjcon',gjcon_hash,xfile)
            if gjcon is not None:
                logging.info(" > have read gap junction list  from the file")
                logging.warning(f" > cannot read gap junction list  from the file {xfile}")
        if not mth.check("/network/reset/syncon") and not mth.check("/block/syncon"):
            if   '/syncon' in idt and "/nethash/syncon" in idt:
                syncon = loadcomponent(idt,'syncon',syncon_hash, xfile)
                if syncon is not None:
                    logging.info(" > have read list of synaptic connection  from the file")
                    logging.warning(f" > cannot read list of synaptic connection  from the file {xfile}")
        if not mth.check("/network/reload/gsyncond") and not mth.check("/block/syncon"):
            gsyncond = loadcomponent(idt,'gsyncond',gsyncond_hash,xfile)
            if gsyncond is not None:
                logging.info(" > have read list of synaptic conductance  from the file")  
                logging.warning(f" > cannot read list of synaptic conductance  from the file {xfile}")

if mth.check("/sim/state/load"):
    with stkdata(mth["/sim/state/load"]) as sd:
        nprms     = sd["nprms"   ,mth["/sim/state/id"]]
        gjcon     = sd["gjcon"   ,mth["/sim/state/id"]]
        syncon    = sd["syncon"  ,mth["/sim/state/id"]]
        gsyncond  = sd["gsyncond",mth["/sim/state/id"]]
    logging.info(" > nprms, gjcon, syncon, gsyncond are loaded from {}:{}".format(mth["/sim/state/load"],mth["/sim/state/id"]))

if nprms is None:
    if len(selected) < len(neurons):
        logging.error(f" > Number of neurons in database smaller than number of neurons in the network")
        if mth.check("/network/annoying_hetero"): exit(1)
        logging.warning(f"=== THERE WILL BE THE SAME NEURONS IN THE NETWORK ===")
    elif not mth.check("/network/annoying_hetero"):
        logging.warning(f"=== ATTANTION! /network/annoying_hetero is OFF!  ===")
        logging.warning(f"=== THERE MAY BE THE SAME NEURONS IN THE NETWORK ===")
    nidlst = [ nid for nid in range(len(selected)) ]
    #xnprms = array([ int(rnd.choice(nidlst)) for n in neurons ])
    xnprms = []
    while len(xnprms) < len(neurons):
        x = int(rnd.choice(nidlst))
        if x in xnprms and mth.check("/network/annoying_hetero"): continue
    xnprms = array(xnprms)
    logging.info(f" > set neurons parameter index : {xnprms.tolist()}" )
    logging.info(f" > set neurons parameter DBIDs : {[ selected[n][-1] for n in xnprms]}")
    xnprms = nprms

for nid,prmsid in enumerate( xnprms ):
    prms  = selected[prmsid][0]
    for pname in prms:
        pvalue = prms[pname]
        exec( f"neurons[nid].{pname} = pvalue" )
    neurons[nid].type    = prmsid
    logging.debug(f"== Neuron #{nid} ===")
    logging.debug(f" > prmsid={prmsid}" )
    logging.debug(f" > n.type={neurons[nid].type}" )
    logging.debug(f" > prms  ={prms}" )
    init  = selected[prmsid][1]
    # n.axon.nseg = 2
    for vname in init:
        value = init[vname]        
        if value is not None:
            exec( f"neurons[nid].{vname} = value" )
            exec( f"neurons[nid].{vname} = -62.0" )
    if setcable is not None:
        logging.debug(f" > {setcable} is called" )
    if mth.check( "/sim/record/spike" ):
        neurons[nid].spks = h.Vector()
        neurons[nid].thr  = h.APCount(0.5,sec=neurons[nid].soma)
        neurons[nid].thr.thresh = mth["/network/nprms/threshold"] \
            if mth.check("/network/nprms/threshold") else -20.
    if mth.check("/sim/record/cont/volt"):
        neurons[nid].volt = h.Vector()
# for nid,(prmsid,n) in enumerate(zip(xnprms,neurons)):
    # print(f"NRN #{nid} : {prmsid}")
    # print(" > ","type",n.type,prmsid)
    # prms  = selected[prmsid][0]
    # for pname in prms:
        # print(" > ", pname,eval("n."+pname),prms[pname])
    # init  = selected[prmsid][1]
    # print(f" init > {init}")
    # print(f" soma > {[ x.v for x in n.soma ]}")
    # print(f" axon > {[ x.v for x in n.axon ]}")
# exit(0)
logging.info(" > neurons parameters have been set" )
### === rGC === ###
for rgcp in "/stim/rGC/file","/stim/rGC/groups":
    if not mth.check(rgcp):
        logging.error("Cannot find {} parameter!".format(rgcp))
if not os.access(mth["/stim/rGC/file"], os.R_OK):
     mth["/stim/rGC/file"] = os.path.basename(mth["/stim/rGC/file"])

with h5py.File(mth["/stim/rGC/file"],"r") as fd:
    epos = array(fd["epos"]).T
    sCount = array(fd["sCount"])
    spikes = array(fd["spikes"])

logging.info(" > Have read h5 file {}".format(mth["/stim/rGC/file"]) )
cellid = zeros(spikes.shape).astype(int)
previd = 0
for nidx,idx in enumerate(sCount):
    cellid[previd:previd+idx] = nidx
    previd += idx
sCount = sCount.shape[0]                              # number of neurons
rlength = amax(spikes) * 1e3
spikes = spikes * 1e3                                 # convert to ms
logging.info("  > total number of rGCs : {:d}".format(sCount) )
logging.info("  > rec.length           : {:g} (ms)".format(rlength) )

usespikes = []
if mth.check("/stim/stimfile"):
    spktr    = load(mth["/stim/stimfile"])
    spktr    = spktr["spk"]
    rgcidmin = int( floor( amin(spktr[:,1]) ) )
    for rgdi in range( len(mth["/stim/rGC/groups"]) ):
        chsp = spktr[where( abs(spktr[:,1]- rgcidmin - rgdi) < 0.1 )]
        if chsp.shape[0] < 1:
            usespikes.append( empty((0,2)) )
            usespikes.append( array([ [grpid,spkt] for spkt,grpid in chsp]) )
    logging.info("Red spikes from {}".format(mth["/stim/rGC/stimfile"]) )
elif mth.check("/stim/poisson"):
    if not mth.check("/sim/Tmax"):
        logging.error("Need /sim/Tmax to generate poisson process")
    luse = len(mth["/stim/rGC/groups"])
    for x in range(luse):
        negexp,expidx,xfr = rnd.exponential(scale=1000./mth["/stim/poisson"],size=1000),1,[]
        while xfr[-1][1] < mth["/sim/Tmax"] :
            xfr.append([x,xfr[-1][1]+negexp[expidx] ])
            expidx += 1
            if expidx >= 1000:
                negexp,expidx = rnd.exponential(scale=1000./mth["/stim/poisson"],size=1000),0        
        usespikes.append( array(xfr) )
    logging.info(" > Set input spikes as poisson process with rate  {}".format(mth["/stim/rGC/poisson"]) )
    for grpid,grp in enumerate(mth["/stim/rGC/groups"]):
        spk = array([])
        if type(grp) is tuple or type(grp) is list:
            for i in grp:
                if not type(i) is int:
                    logging.error("CellID {} in {} isn't integer....".format(i,grp))
                spk = append(spk,spikes[where(cellid == i)])
        elif type(grp) is int:
            spk = spikes[where(cellid == grp)]
            logging.error("wrong type of group {}....".format(grp) )
        spk = spk[where(spk>mth["/stim/trecstart"])] - mth["/stim/trecstart"]
        usespikes.append(column_stack( (float(grpid)*ones(spk.shape[0]),spk ) ))
    logging.info(" > Set spikes from h5 file")
    logging.info(f" > Total number of rGC sources are {len(usespikes)}")

if not mth.check("/sim/Tmax"):mth["/sim/Tmax"] = -1.
if mth["/sim/Tmax"] < 0: 
    for us in usespikes:
        if mth["/sim/Tmax"] < amax(us[:,1]) :mth["/sim/Tmax"] = amax(us[:,1])
    logging.info(" > Set Tmax   : {}".format(mth["/sim/Tmax"]) )

if mth.check("/stim/iapp"):
    tCC, iCC= h.Vector(), []
    for n in neurons:
        ivec = h.Vector()
        icl  = h.IClamp(0.5, sec=n.soma)
        icl.amp   = 0
        icl.dur   = mth["/sim/Tmax"]+1e9
        icl.delay = 0.
        iCC.append( (ivec,icl) )
    logging.info(" > Set Iapp : {}".format(mth["/stim/iapp"]))

epos   = epos[[i[0] if type(i) is tuple or type(i) is list else i for i in mth["/stim/rGC/groups"]],:]
xmxm   = amin(epos[:,0]),amax(epos[:,0])
ymym   = amin(epos[:,1]),amax(epos[:,1])
# size of unique position in x is number of Y column and vice versa 
n2n    = unique(epos[:,1]).shape[0], unique(epos[:,0]).shape[0]
xscale = (posxm[1]-posxm[0])*float(n2n[0])/(xmxm[1]-xmxm[0])/(n2n[0]+1)
yscale = (posmy[1]-posmy[0])*float(n2n[1])/(ymym[1]-ymym[0])/(n2n[1]+1)
epos[:,0] = (epos[:,0]-xmxm[0])*xscale+(posxm[1]-posxm[0])/(n2n[0]+1)/2
epos[:,1] = (epos[:,1]-ymym[0])*yscale+(posmy[1]-posmy[0])/(n2n[1]+1)/2
rad    = max((posxm[1]-posxm[0])/n2n[0],(posmy[1]-posmy[0])/n2n[1])

logging.info(f" > Minimum radius (each dLGN cell has at leas one synapses from rGC) = {rad}")

   #posxy = posxy,
   #epos  = epos,
   #rad   = rad

mmfr = [
    array([ us[where((us[:,1]>=float(i*mth["/FR/window"]))*(us[:,1]<float(i*mth["/FR/window"]+mth["/FR/window"])))].shape[0]/mth["/FR/window"]  for i in range( int(floor(us[-1,1]/mth["/FR/window"])) )])
    for us in usespikes
mmfr = array([
    [amin(fr), mean(fr), amax(fr)] for fr in mmfr
for i,us in enumerate(usespikes):
    logging.debug(" > Electrode  :{:d}".format(i))
    logging.debug("   >  mean FR : {}".format(mmfr[i,1] ) )
    logging.debug("   >  min  FR : {}".format(mmfr[i,0] ) )
    logging.debug("   >  max  FR : {}".format(mmfr[i,2] ) )

usespikes = [
    us[where(us[:,1]<mth["/sim/Tmax"])] for us in usespikes

if mth.check("/stim/uniform"):
    for us in usespikes:
        us[:,1] = rnd.rand(us.shape[0])* mth["/sim/Tmax"]
    logging.info(" > Set UNIFORM spiking for rGC")
if mth.check("/stim/shuffle"):
    luse = len(usespikes)
    for x in range(luse*1000):
        i1,i2 = rnd.randint(luse),rnd.randint(luse)
        while i1 == i2:
            i1,i2 = rnd.randint(luse),rnd.randint(luse)
        s1,s2 = usespikes[i1],usespikes[i2]
        nshuf = min(s1.shape[0],s2.shape[0])//10
        for s in range(nshuf):
            i1,i2 = rnd.randint(s1.shape[0]),rnd.randint(s2.shape[0])
            s2[i2,1],s1[i1,1] = s1[i1,1],s2[i2,1]
    for us in usespikes:
    logging.info(" > Shuffled all rGC spikes")

#spike sources
rGCs = [ [h.VecStim(),h.Vector()] for us in usespikes ]
for (rgc,vec),spk in zip(rGCs,usespikes):
    if spk.shape[0] != 0:
logging.info(" > Set vplays" )

gj  = []
if not mth.check("/block/gjcon"):
    if gjcon is None:
        xgjcon = []
        for i,n1 in enumerate(neurons):
            for j,n2 in enumerate(neurons[i+1:]):
                d = sqrt(sum((posxy[i,:]-posxy[j+i+1,:])**2) )
                p = arctan2( posxy[j+i+1,1]-posxy[i,1], posxy[j+i+1,0]-posxy[i,0] )
                if mth.check("/network/gj/geom/maxd") and d > mth["/network/gj/geom/maxd"] : continue
                if mth.check("/network/gj/geom/mind") and d < mth["/network/gj/geom/mind"] : continue
                if mth.check("/network/gj/geom/dir" ) and\
                    min(abs(mth["/network/gj/geom/dir"] - p),abs(mth["/network/gj/geom/dir"]+2*pi - p)) > .25: continue
                xgjcon.append( [i,j+i+1] )
        if not mth.check("/network/gj/geom/unit"): mth["/network/gj/geom/unit"] = 'n'
        if mth.check("/network/gj/geom/maxcon") and type(mth["/network/gj/geom/maxcon"]) is not int:
            logging.error(" === /network/gj/geom/maxcon is set but it is not an integer! ===" )
        if   mth["/network/gj/geom/unit"] == 'n':
            if mth.check("/network/gj/geom/maxcon"):
                vlst = []
                nlst = [ 0 for n in neurons ]
                ncnt = 0
                while len(vlst)*2/len(neurons) < mth["/network/gj/geom/p"]:
                    ncnt += 1
                    if ncnt > len(nlst)*10000:
                        logging.warning(f"Cannot achieve gj connectivity after {ncnt} iterations: will go with {len(vlst)*2/len(neurons)} insead of "+"{}".format(mth["/network/gj/geom/p"]))
                    x = xgjcon[rnd.randint(len(xgjcon))]
                    if nlst[x[0]] >= mth["/network/gj/geom/maxcon"] or nlst[x[1]] >= mth["/network/gj/geom/maxcon"]: continue
                    nlst[x[0]] += 1
                    nlst[x[1]] += 1
                vlst = []
                nlst = []
                ncnt = 0
                while len(vlst)*2/len(neurons) < mth["/network/gj/geom/p"]:
                    ncnt += 1
                    if ncnt > len(neurons)*10000:
                        logging.warning(f"Cannot achieve gj connectivity after {ncnt} iterations: will go with {len(vlst)*2/len(neurons)} insead of "+"{}".format(mth["/network/gj/geom/p"]))
                    x = xgjcon[rnd.randint(len(xgjcon))]
                    if x[0] in nlst or x[1] in nlst: continue
                    nlst += x
            xgjcon = vlst
        elif mth["/network/gj/geom/unit"] == 'o' or mth["/network/gj/geom/unit"] == 'o2':
            numgjcon = int( round( mth["/network/gj/geom/p"]*len(neurons) ) ) if mth["/network/gj/geom/unit"] == 'o2' else int( round( mth["/network/gj/geom/p"]*len(neurons)/2 ) )
            if mth.check("/network/gj/geom/maxcon"):
                vlst = []
                nlst = [ 0 for n in neurons ]
                for xcon in xgjcon:
                    if nlst[xcon[0]] >= mth["/network/gj/geom/maxcon"] or nlst[xcon[1]] >= mth["/network/gj/geom/maxcon"]: continue
                    nlst[xcon[0]] += 1
                    nlst[xcon[1]] += 1
                    if len(vlst) >= numgjcon: break
                xgjcon = vlst
                xgjcon = pyrandom.sample(xgjcon, numgjcon)
        elif mth["/network/gj/geom/unit"] == 'c':
            numgjcon = int( round( mth["/network/gj/geom/p"]*len(xgjcon)  ) )
            if mth.check("/network/gj/geom/maxcon"):
                vlst = []
                nlst = [ 0 for n in neurons ]
                for xcon in xgjcon:
                    if nlst[xcon[0]] >= mth["/network/gj/geom/maxcon"] or nlst[xcon[1]] >= mth["/network/gj/geom/maxcon"]: continue
                    nlst[xcon[0]] += 1
                    nlst[xcon[1]] += 1
                    if len(vlst) >= numgjcon: break
                xgjcon = vlst
                xgjcon = pyrandom.sample(xgjcon, numgjcon)
            logging.error("Invalid unit for GJ statistics. should be n, o, o2, or c")
        xgjcon = array(xgjcon)
        logging.info(" > Generated new GJ list" )
        xgjcon = gjcon
        logging.debug("Using GJ list:{}".format(xgjcon.tolist() ) )
    if mth.check("/analysis/gj"):
        xgjc = zeros( len(neurons) )
        for n1,n2 in xgjcon:
            xgjc[n1] += 1
            xgjc[n2] += 1
        mth["/stats/GJ/mean"] = mean(xgjc)
        mth["/stats/GJ/std" ] =  std(xgjc)
        mth["/stats/GJ/min" ] = amin(xgjc)
        mth["/stats/GJ/max" ] = amax(xgjc)
        logging.info(" > GJ statistics gj/n")
        logging.info("     mean = {}".format(mth["/stats/GJ/mean"]) )
        logging.info("     std  = {}".format(mth["/stats/GJ/std" ]) )
        logging.info("     min  = {}".format(mth["/stats/GJ/min" ]) )
        logging.info("     max  = {}".format(mth["/stats/GJ/max" ]) )
        del xgjc
    for i,j in xgjcon:
        n1,n2 = neurons[i], neurons[j]
        gj0,gj1 = h.gap(0.5, sec=n1.soma), h.gap(0.5, sec=n2.soma)
        h.setpointer(n2.soma(.5)._ref_v, 'vgap', gj0)
        h.setpointer(n1.soma(.5)._ref_v, 'vgap', gj1)
        gj0.r, gj1.r = mth["/network/gj/r"],mth["/network/gj/r"]
        if mth.check("/sim/record/cont/cur") or mth.check("/sim/record/cont/meancur"):
            reci01 = h.Vector()
            gj.append( (gj0,gj1,i,j,reci01) )
            gj.append( (gj0,gj1,i,j) )
    logging.info(" > connected GJ")
    mth["/stats/GJ/mean"] = 0.
    mth["/stats/GJ/std" ] = 0.
    mth["/stats/GJ/min" ] = 0.
    mth["/stats/GJ/max" ] = 0.

con = []
def getWeights():
    return array([ c.weight[0] for c in con ])

def setWeights(wsyn):#pass
    for c,w in zip(con,wsyn):
        c.weight[0] = w

def getCXweights():
    return array([ c.weight[0] for c in cxfeedback ]),\
           array([ [f,t] for t in range(posxy.shape[0]) for f in range(posxy.shape[0]) ])

def setCXweights(wsyn):#pass
    for c,w in zip(cxfeedback,wsyn):
        c.weight[0] = w
if not mth.check("/block/syncon"):
    if syncon is None:
        xsyncon = []
        gsyncond= None # reset conductance too!
        ##### For Compatibility with old version ##########################
        if not  mth.check("/network/syn/geom/unit"):
            if   mth.check("/network/syn/geom/o2o"): mth['/network/syn/geom/unit'] = 'o'
            elif mth.check("/network/syn/geom/a2a"): mth['/network/syn/geom/unit'] = 'a'
            elif mth.check("/network/syn/geom/pmax") and mth.check("/network/syn/geom/sig"):
                mth['/network/syn/geom/unit'] = 'e'
            elif mth.check("/network/syn/geom/pmax") and mth.check("/network/syn/geom/sig2"):
                mth['/network/syn/geom/unit'] = 'g'
                mth['/network/syn/geom/sig' ] = mth['/network/syn/geom/sig2']
            elif mth.check("/network/syn/geom/pmax"): mth['/network/syn/geom/unit'] = 'r'
                logging.error("Synaptic geometry isn't defined and /network/syn/geom/unit is not set")
                raise BaseException("Synaptic geometry isn't defined and /network/syn/geom/unit is not set")
        if mth['/network/syn/geom/unit'] == 'o':
            logging.info(" > Generating one-to-one connections")
            for cid,(cnx,cny) in enumerate(posxy):
                d = sqrt((epos[:,0]-cnx)**2+(epos[:,1]-cny)**2)
        elif mth['/network/syn/geom/unit'] == 'a':
            logging.info(" > Generating all-to-all connections")
            for gid,(gcx,gcy) in enumerate(epos):
                xsyncon += [ [gid,cid] for cid in range(len(posxy)) ]
        elif mth['/network/syn/geom/unit'] == 'e':
            if  not mth.check("/network/syn/geom/pmax"):
                logging.error("Cannot find maximum probability /network/syn/geom/pmax for exponential distribution")
                raise BaseException("Cannot find /network/syn/geom/pmax for exponential distribution")
            if  not mth.check("/network/syn/geom/sig"):
                logging.error("Cannot find sigma /network/syn/geom/sig for exponential distribution")
                raise BaseException("Cannot find /network/syn/geom/sig for exponential distribution")
            logging.info(" > Generating connections with exponential distribution: p={} sigma={}".format(mth["/network/syn/geom/pmax"],mth["/network/syn/geom/sig"]) )
            for gid,(gcx,gcy) in enumerate(epos):
                for cid,(cnx,cny) in enumerate(posxy):
                    d = sqrt((gcx-cnx)**2+(gcy-cny)**2)
                    if rnd.rand() < mth["/network/syn/geom/pmax"]*exp(-d/mth["/network/syn/geom/sig"]):
        elif mth['/network/syn/geom/unit'] == 'E':
            if  not mth.check("/network/syn/geom/pmax"):
                logging.error("Cannot find maximum probability /network/syn/geom/pmax for exponential distribution")
                raise BaseException("Cannot find /network/syn/geom/pmax for exponential distribution")
            if  not mth.check("/network/syn/geom/sig"):
                logging.error("Cannot find sigma /network/syn/geom/sig for exponential distribution")
                raise BaseException("Cannot find /network/syn/geom/sig for exponential distribution")
            logging.info(" > Generating connections with exponential distribution aligned to the closets rGC: p={} sigma={}".format(mth["/network/syn/geom/pmax"],mth["/network/syn/geom/sig"]) )
            for gid,(gcx,gcy) in enumerate(epos):
                for cid,(cnx,cny) in enumerate(posxy):
                    d = sqrt((epos[:,0]-cnx)**2+(epos[:,1]-cny)**2)
                    xcnx,xcny = epos[argmin(d),:]
                    d = sqrt((gcx-xcnx)**2+(gcy-xcny)**2)
                    if rnd.rand() < mth["/network/syn/geom/pmax"]*exp(-d/mth["/network/syn/geom/sig"]):
        elif mth['/network/syn/geom/unit'] == 'g':
            if  not mth.check("/network/syn/geom/pmax"):
                logging.error("Cannot find maximum probability /network/syn/geom/pmax for Gaussian distribution")
                raise BaseException("Cannot find /network/syn/geom/pmax for Gaussian distribution")
            if  not mth.check("/network/syn/geom/sig"):
                logging.error("Cannot find sigma /network/syn/geom/sig for Gaussian distribution")
                raise BaseException("Cannot find /network/syn/geom/sig for Gaussian distribution")
            logging.info(" > Generating connections with Gaussian distribution: p={} sigma={}".format(mth["/network/syn/geom/pmax"],mth["/network/syn/geom/sig"]) )
            for gid,(gcx,gcy) in enumerate(epos):
                for cid,(cnx,cny) in enumerate(posxy):
                    d = (gcx-cnx)**2+(gcy-cny)**2
                    if rnd.rand() < mth["/network/syn/geom/pmax"]*exp(-d/mth["/network/syn/geom/sig"]**2):
        elif mth['/network/syn/geom/unit'] == 'G':
            if  not mth.check("/network/syn/geom/pmax"):
                logging.error("Cannot find maximum probability /network/syn/geom/pmax for Gaussian distribution")
                raise BaseException("Cannot find /network/syn/geom/pmax for Gaussian distribution")
            if  not mth.check("/network/syn/geom/sig"):
                logging.error("Cannot find sigma /network/syn/geom/sig for Gaussian distribution")
                raise BaseException("Cannot find /network/syn/geom/sig for Gaussian distribution")
            logging.info(" > Generating connections with Gaussian distribution aligned to the closets rGC: p={} sigma={}".format(mth["/network/syn/geom/pmax"],mth["/network/syn/geom/sig"]) )
            for gid,(gcx,gcy) in enumerate(epos):
                for cid,(cnx,cny) in enumerate(posxy):
                    d = sqrt((epos[:,0]-cnx)**2+(epos[:,1]-cny)**2)
                    xcnx,xcny = epos[argmin(d),:]
                    d = (gcx-xcnx)**2+(gcy-xcny)**2
                    p = mth["/network/syn/geom/pmax"]*exp(-d/mth["/network/syn/geom/sig"]**2)
                    a = rnd.rand() < mth["/network/syn/geom/pmax"]*exp(-d/mth["/network/syn/geom/sig"]**2)
                    if a:
                        # #DB>>
                        # print(gid,'->',cid,':',cnx,cny,"=>",xcnx,xcny,':',gcx,gcy,"=",d,p,a)
                        # #<<DB
        elif mth['/network/syn/geom/unit'] == 'r':
            if  not mth.check("/network/syn/geom/pmax"):
                logging.error("Cannot find maximum probability /network/syn/geom/pmax for random distribution")
                raise BaseException("Cannot find /network/syn/geom/pmax for random distribution")
            logging.info(" > Generating connections with random distribution: p={}".format(mth["/network/syn/geom/pmax"]) )
            for cid,(cnx,cny) in enumerate(posxy):
                if rnd.rand() < mth["/network/syn/geom/pmax"]:
        elif mth['/network/syn/geom/unit'] == 'c':
            logging.info(" > Generating connections with closest rGCs" )
            for cid,(cnx,cny) in enumerate(posxy):
                d = sqrt((gcx-cnx)**2+(gcy-cny)**2)
                if d < rad: xsyncon.append([gid,cid])
        elif mth['/network/syn/geom/unit'] == 'n':
            if  not mth.check("/network/syn/geom/nmin"):
                logging.error("Cannot find maximum probability /network/syn/geom/nmin for discreet distribution")
                raise BaseException("Cannot find /network/syn/geom/nmin for discreet distribution")
            if  not mth.check("/network/syn/geom/nmax"):
                logging.error("Cannot find sigma /network/syn/geom/nmax for discreet distribution")
                raise BaseException("Cannot find /network/syn/geom/nmax for discreet distribution")
            logging.info(" > Generating random connections when echa TC has from {} to {} synapses".format(mth["/network/syn/geom/nmin"],mth["/network/syn/geom/nmax"]) )
            for cid,(cnx,cny) in enumerate(posxy):
                ncon = rnd.randint(mth['/network/syn/geom/nmin'],mth['/network/syn/geom/nmax']+1)
                for gid in rnd.choice(arange(epos.shape[0]), size=ncon, replace=False):
        elif mth['/network/syn/geom/unit'] == 'N':
            if  not mth.check("/network/syn/geom/nmin"):
                logging.error("Cannot find maximum probability /network/syn/geom/nmin for discreet distribution")
                raise BaseException("Cannot find /network/syn/geom/nmin for discreet distribution")
            if  not mth.check("/network/syn/geom/nmax"):
                logging.error("Cannot find sigma /network/syn/geom/nmax for discreet distribution")
                raise BaseException("Cannot find /network/syn/geom/nmax for discreet distribution")
            logging.info(" > Generating random connections when echa TC has from {} to {} synapses with closet rGCs".format(mth["/network/syn/geom/nmin"],mth["/network/syn/geom/nmax"]) )
            for cid,(cnx,cny) in enumerate(posxy):
                ncon = rnd.randint(mth['/network/syn/geom/nmin'],mth['/network/syn/geom/nmax']+1)
                d = sqrt((epos[:,0]-cnx)**2+(epos[:,1]-cny)**2)
                ids = argsort(d)[-ncon:]
                for gid in ids:

            logging.error("Unknown pattern of synaptic conections {}".format(mth['/network/syn/geom/unit']))
            raise BaseException("Unknown pattern of synaptic conections {}".format(mth['/network/syn/geom/unit']))
        logging.info(" > Have generated new connections list!")
        logging.debug("New connection list is {}".format(xsyncon))
        xsyncon = array(xsyncon)
        xsyncon = syncon
        logging.debug("Using connection list is {}".format(xsyncon.tolist()))


    for nid,n in enumerate(neurons):
        n.s = h.AMPAandNMDAwithTone(0.5,sec=n.soma)
        n.s.e                = 0.
        if mth.check("/network/syn/toneExc") : n.s.GLUTg  = mth["/network/syn/toneExc"]
        if mth.check("/network/syn/toneExc") : n.s.GABABg = mth["/network/syn/toneExc"]
        # Set NMDA
        for sprm in "/network/syn/NMDA/tau1","/network/syn/NMDA/tau2","/network/syn/NMDA/p":
            if not mth.check(sprm):
                logging.error("Cannot find parameter {}".format(sprm) )
        n.s.NMDAt1,n.s.NMDAt2,n.s.NMDAp = \

        # Set AMPA
        for sprm in "/network/syn/AMPA/tau1","/network/syn/AMPA/tau2","/network/syn/AMPA/p":
            if not mth.check(sprm):
                logging.error("Cannot find parameter {}".format(sprm) )
        n.s.AMPAt1,n.s.AMPAt2,n.s.AMPAp = \
        n.s.u0 = mth["/network/syn/ppr_u0"] if mth.check("/network/syn/ppr_u0") else 1.
        n.s.gsynmod = 1. # there is no modulation all the time
        if mth.check("/sim/record/cont/cur") or mth.check("/sim/record/cont/meancur"):
            if mth["/network/syn/AMPA/p"] > 0.:
                n.ampairec = h.Vector()
            if mth["/network/syn/NMDA/p"] > 0.:
                n.nmdairec = h.Vector()
        synidx = (mth["/network/syn/NMDA/p"] - mth["/network/syn/AMPA/p"])/(mth["/network/syn/NMDA/p"] + mth["/network/syn/AMPA/p"])
        if gsynmin_idx[0] > gsynmin_idx[-1]:
            n.ming = interp(synidx, gsynmin_idx[::-1], selected[n.type][2][::-1])
            n.ming = interp(synidx, gsynmin_idx, selected[n.type][2])
        # print(synidx)
        # print(gsynmin_idx)
        # print(selected[n.type])
        # print(selected[n.type][2])
        # print(n.ming)
        # exit(0)
        logging.debug("> SYN:{} E:{} AMPAt1:{} AMPAt2:{} AMPAp:{} NMDAt1:{} NMDAt2:{} NMDAp:{} U0:{} Tone: GUT:{} GABAB:{}".format(\
            n.s.u0,n.s.GLUTg,n.s.GABABg,n.ming )\
    logging.info(" > set synapses")


    if gsyncond is None:
        xgsyncond = []
        for rgcid,nid in xsyncon:
            ming = neurons[nid].ming
            if mth.check("/network/syn/sig2gsyn") and mth.check("/network/syn/rand"):
                d = sum((epos[rgcid,:]-posxy[nid,:])**2)
                if mth.check("/network/syn/gsyn"):
                    if mth["/network/syn/gsyn"] > 0.:
                        xgsyn = mth["/network/syn/gsyn"]*rnd.random()*exp(-d/mth["/network/syn/sig2gsyn"]**2)
                    if mth["/network/syn/gsyn"] < 0.:
                        xgsyn = -mth["/network/syn/gsyn"]*ming*rnd.random()*exp(-d/mth["/network/syn/sig2gsyn"]**2)
                    xgsyn = ming*rnd.random()*exp(-d/mth["/network/syn/sig2gsyn"]**2)
            elif mth.check("/network/syn/sig2gsyn"):
                d = sum((epos[rgcid,:]-posxy[nid,:])**2)
                if mth.check("/network/syn/gsyn"):
                    if mth["/network/syn/gsyn"] > 0.:
                        xgsyn = mth["/network/syn/gsyn"]*exp(-d/mth["/network/syn/sig2gsyn"]**2)
                        # #DB>>
                        # print(nid,rgcid,d,xgsyn)
                        # #<<DB
                    if mth["/network/syn/gsyn"] < 0.:
                        xgsyn = -mth["/network/syn/gsyn"]*ming*exp(-d/mth["/network/syn/sig2gsyn"]**2)
                    xgsyn = ming*exp(-d/mth["/network/syn/sig2gsyn"]**2)
            elif mth.check("/network/syn/gsyn"):
                if mth["/network/syn/gsyn"] > 0.:
                    xgsyn = mth["/network/syn/gsyn"]*(rnd.random() if mth.check("/network/syn/rand") else 1.) 
                if mth["/network/syn/gsyn"] < 0.:
                    xgsyn = -mth["/network/syn/gsyn"]*ming*(rnd.random() if mth.check("/network/syn/rand") else 1.)
                xgsyn = ming*(rnd.random() if mth.check("/network/syn/rand") else 1./3.)
            #>> There aren't big reason add few ms delays with such huge desynchronization rGC 
            # if mth.check("/network/syn/delay"):
                # if mth.check("/network/syn/delay/min") and mth.check("/network/syn/delay/max"):
            # else:
                # dly = 0.1
            dly = 0.1
            xgsyncond.append( (xgsyn,dly) )
        logging.info(" > Have generated new connections weights and delays!")
        logging.debug("New conductance list is {}".format(xgsyncond))
        xgsyncond = array(xgsyncond)
        xgsyncond = gsyncond
        logging.debug("Using conductance {}".format(xgsyncond.tolist()))
    if mth.check("/network/syn/prenorm") and gsyncond is None:
        logging.debug("Normalize weights within population.")
        for nid,n in enumerate(neurons):
            if mth.check("/network/syn/gsyn"):
                if mth["/network/syn/gsyn"] > 0.:  norm =  mth["/network/syn/gsyn"]
                if mth["/network/syn/gsyn"] < 0.:  norm = -mth["/network/syn/gsyn"]*n.ming
                norm = n.ming / 3.
            n2synidx, = where(xsyncon[:,1] == nid)
            logging.debug(" NID:{:03d} Total weight={} Normalized should be={}".format(nid,sum(xgsyncond[n2synidx,0]),norm) )
            norm = norm/sum(xgsyncond[n2synidx,0])
            xgsyncond[n2synidx,0] = norm*xgsyncond[n2synidx,0]
            logging.debug("         Norm coefficient={}, Total weight after normalization={}".format(norm,sum(xgsyncond[n2synidx,0])) )
        logging.info(" > total synaptic weights have been normalized")
    if mth.check("/analysis/connectivity"):
        xrgc = zeros( len(rGCs)    )
        xlgn = zeros( len(neurons) )
        for rgcid,nid in xsyncon:
            xrgc[rgcid] += 1
            xlgn[nid]   += 1
        mth["/stats/connectivity/rGC/mean"] = mean(xrgc)
        mth["/stats/connectivity/rGC/std" ] =  std(xrgc)
        mth["/stats/connectivity/rGC/min" ] = amin(xrgc)
        mth["/stats/connectivity/rGC/max" ] = amax(xrgc)
        logging.info(" > number of synapses from rGC")
        logging.info("       > mean = {}".format(mth["/stats/connectivity/rGC/mean"]))
        logging.info("       > std  = {}".format(mth["/stats/connectivity/rGC/std" ]))
        logging.info("       > min  = {}".format(mth["/stats/connectivity/rGC/min" ]))
        logging.info("       > max  = {}".format(mth["/stats/connectivity/rGC/max" ]))
        mth["/stats/connectivity/LGN/mean"] = mean(xlgn)
        mth["/stats/connectivity/LGN/std" ] =  std(xlgn)
        mth["/stats/connectivity/LGN/min" ] = amin(xlgn)
        mth["/stats/connectivity/LGN/max" ] = amax(xlgn)
        logging.info(" > number of synapses to LGN")
        logging.info("       > mean = {}".format(mth["/stats/connectivity/LGN/mean"]))
        logging.info("       > std  = {}".format(mth["/stats/connectivity/LGN/std" ]))
        logging.info("       > min  = {}".format(mth["/stats/connectivity/LGN/min" ]))
        logging.info("       > max  = {}".format(mth["/stats/connectivity/LGN/max" ]))
        del xrgc,xlgn

    if mth.check("/sim/state/load"):
        with stkdata(mth["/sim/state/load"]) as sd:
            gsynstate  = sd["gsynstate",mth["/sim/state/id"]]
        logging.info(" > gsynstate is loaded from {}:{}".format(mth["/sim/state/load"],mth["/sim/state/id"]))
        for (rgcid,nid),(gsyn,dly),(y,z,tsyn) in zip(xsyncon,xgsyncond,gsynstate):
            rgc,s = rGCs[rgcid][0], neurons[nid].s
            c = h.NetCon(rgc,s)
            c.weight[0] = gsyn
            c.weight[1] = y
            c.weight[2] = z
            c.weight[3] = 0. #tsyn
            c.delay     = dly
        for (rgcid,nid),(gsyn,dly) in zip(xsyncon,xgsyncond):
            rgc,s = rGCs[rgcid][0], neurons[nid].s
            c = h.NetCon(rgc,s)
            c.weight[0] = gsyn
            c.delay = dly
    logging.info(" > synapses are connected")
    mth["/stats/connectivity/rGC/mean"] = 0.
    mth["/stats/connectivity/rGC/std" ] = 0.
    mth["/stats/connectivity/rGC/min" ] = 0.
    mth["/stats/connectivity/rGC/max" ] = 0.
    mth["/stats/connectivity/LGN/mean"] = 0.
    mth["/stats/connectivity/LGN/std" ] = 0.
    mth["/stats/connectivity/LGN/min" ] = 0.
    mth["/stats/connectivity/LGN/max" ] = 0.

if mth.check("/network/cx/enable"):
    cxfeedback = []
    if mth.check("/sim/state/load"):
        with stkdata(mth["/sim/state/load"]) as sd:
            cxsynstat  = sd["cxsynstate",mth["/sim/state/id"]]
        logging.info(" > cxsynstat is loaded from {}:{}".format(mth["/sim/state/load"],mth["/sim/state/id"]))
    if mth["/network/cx/gsyn"] < 0 :
        wsyn = getWeights()
    for nid,n in enumerate(neurons):
        n.cxs = h.AMPAandNMDAwithTone(0.5,sec=n.soma)
        n.cxs.e                = 0.
        n.cxs.AMPAt1,n.cxs.AMPAt2,n.cxs.AMPAp  = mth["/network/cx/AMPA/tau1"],mth["/network/cx/AMPA/tau2"],mth["/network/cx/AMPA/p"]
        n.cxs.NMDAt1,n.cxs.NMDAt2,n.cxs.NMDAp  = mth["/network/cx/NMDA/tau1"],mth["/network/cx/NMDA/tau2"],mth["/network/cx/NMDA/p"]
        if mth.check("/network/cx/toneExc") : n.cxs.GLUTg  = mth["/network/cx/toneExc"]
        if mth.check("/network/cx/toneExc") : n.cxs.GABABg = mth["/network/cx/toneExc"]
        n.cxs.u0 = mth["/network/cx/ppr_u0"] if mth.check("/network/cx/ppr_u0") else 0.3
        n.cxs.gsynmod = 1. # there is no modulation all the time
        if mth.check("/network/cx/gsyn"):
            if mth["/network/cx/gsyn"] > 0.:
                cxgsyn =  mth["/network/cx/gsyn"]
                synidx, = where(xsyncon[:,1] == nid)
                # meanRGC = sum(wsyn[synidx])/synidx.shape[0]
                # cxgsyn = -mth["/network/cx/gsyn"]*meanRGC/len(neurons)
                totalRGC = sum(wsyn[synidx])
                cxgsyn = -mth["/network/cx/gsyn"]*totalRGC/len(neurons)
            cxgsyn = n.ming / 3.

        if mth.check("/sim/record/cont/cur") or mth.check("/sim/record/cont/meancur"):
            n.cxampairec = h.Vector()
            n.cxnmdairec = h.Vector()
        logging.debug("> CX SYN:{} E:{} AMPAt1:{} AMPAt2:{} AMPAp:{} NMDAt1:{} NMDAt2:{} NMDAp:{} U0:{} Tone: GUT:{} GABAB:{} Gmax: {}".format(\
            n.cxs.u0,n.cxs.GLUTg,n.cxs.GABABg,cxgsyn )\
        if mth.check("/sim/state/load"):
            for npre in neurons:
                c = h.NetCon(npre.soma(0.5)._ref_v,n.cxs,sec=npre.soma)
            for npre in neurons:
                c = h.NetCon(npre.soma(0.5)._ref_v,n.cxs,sec=npre.soma)
                c.weight[0] = cxgsyn
                c.delay     = mth["/network/cx/delay"] if mth.check("/network/cx/delay") else 0.1
    if mth.check("/sim/state/load"):
        for c,(cxgsyn,y,z,tsyn,cxdly) in zip(cxfeedback,cxsynstat):
            c.weight[0] = cxgsyn
            c.weight[1] = y
            c.weight[2] = z
            c.weight[3] = tsyn
            c.delay     = cxdly

    logging.info(" > set and connect cortical feedback")

if mth.check("/network/trn/enable"):
    trnfeedback = []
    if mth.check("/sim/state/load"):
        with stkdata(mth["/sim/state/load"]) as sd:
            trnsynstate  = sd["trnsynstate",mth["/sim/state/id"]]
        logging.info(" > trnsynstate is loaded from {}:{}".format(mth["/sim/state/load"],mth["/sim/state/id"]))
    for nid,n in enumerate(neurons):
        n.trns = h.Exp2Syn(0.5,sec=n.soma)
        n.trns.e                 = mth["/network/trn/e"]
        n.trns.tau1,n.trns.tau2  = mth["/network/trn/tau1"],mth["/network/trn/tau2"]
        if mth.check("/network/trn/gsyn"):
            if mth["/network/trn/gsyn"] > 0.:
                trngsyn =  mth["/network/trn/gsyn"]
                trngsyn = -mth["/network/trn/gsyn"]*n.ming
            trngsyn = n.ming / 3.

        if mth.check("/sim/record/cont/cur") or mth.check("/sim/record/cont/meancur"):
            n.trngabairec = h.Vector()
        logging.debug("> trn SYN:{} E:{} tau1:{} tau2:{} gmax:{}".format(\
            nid,n.trns.e,n.trns.tau1,n.trns.tau2,trngsyn )\
        if mth.check("/sim/state/load"):
            for npre in neurons:
                c = h.NetCon(npre.soma(0.5)._ref_v,n.trns,sec=npre.soma)
            for npre in neurons:
                c = h.NetCon(npre.soma(0.5)._ref_v,n.trns,sec=npre.soma)
                c.weight[0] = trngsyn
                c.delay     = mth["/network/trn/delay"] if mth.check("/network/trn/delay") else 0.1
    if mth.check("/sim/state/load"):
        for c,(trngsyn,trndly) in zip(trnfeedback,trnsynstate):
            c.weight[0] = trngsyn
            c.delay     = trndly
    logging.info(" > set and connect TRN inhibitory feedback")

if mth.check("/network/save"):
    if type(mth["/network/save"]) is str: xfile =  mth["/network/save"] 
    elif mth.check("/network/file")     : xfile =  mth["/network/file"]
    else :
        logging.error("/network/save is not a string and /network/file is not set properly")
    with stkdata(xfile) as idt:
        logging.info(" > saving into file file {}".format(xfile))
        if mth.check("/network/reset/nprms") or nprms is None \
            or not '/nprms' in idt or sum( (xnprms - idt['/nprms',-1])**2) > 1e-12:
            idt['/nprms']         = xnprms
            idt["/nethash/nprms"] = nprms_hash
            # print("/nethash/nprms",idt["/nethash/nprms",-1],nprms_hash)
            logging.info(" > have saved neuron parameters into the file")
        if (mth.check("/network/reset/gjcon") or gjcon is None \
            or not '/gjcon' in idt or sum( (xgjcon - idt['/gjcon',-1])**2) > 1e-12) and not mth.check("/block/gjcon"):
            idt['/gjcon']         = xgjcon
            idt["/nethash/gjcon"] = gjcon_hash
            # print("/nethash/gjcon",idt["/nethash/gjcon",-1],gjcon_hash)
            logging.info(" > have saved gap junction list  into the file")
        if (mth.check("/network/reset/syncon") or syncon is None \
            or not '/syncon' in idt or sum( (xsyncon - idt['/syncon',-1])**2) > 1e-12) and not mth.check("/block/syncon"):
            idt['/syncon']         = xsyncon
            idt['/nethash/syncon'] = syncon_hash
            logging.info(" > have saved list of synaptic connections into the file")
        if (mth.check("/network/reset/gsyncond") or gsyncond is None \
            or not '/gsyncond' in idt or sum( (xgsyncond - idt['/gsyncond',-1])**2) > 1e-12) and not mth.check("/block/syncon"):
            idt['/gsyncond']         = xgsyncond
            idt['/nethash/gsyncond'] = gsyncond_hash
            logging.info(" > have saved list of synaptic conductance into the file")  

# for nid, (n, nx) in enumerate(zip(neurons, xnprms)):
    # if not nid%4: print()
    # print(f"{nx:3d}:{n.type:3d} ",end="")
# print()
# for gjid,(f,t) in enumerate(xgjcon):
    # if not gjid%4: print()
    # print(f"({f:3d})>==<({t:3d})  ", end="")
# print()
# print(xsyncon)
# print(xgsyncond)
# exit(0)

def norm_neuron_weights(ngsyn,nid,ming=None):
    if ming is None: ming = neurons[nid].ming
    if mth.check("/network/btdp/normgsyn"):
        if mth["/network/btdp/normgsyn"] > 0.: 
            xgsyn =  mth["/network/btdp/normgsyn"]
        if mth["/network/btdp/normgsyn"] < 0.:
            xgsyn = -mth["/network/btdp/normgsyn"]*ming
        xgsyn = ming
    logging.debug("       Norm #{:03d} norm gsyn={}".format(nid,xgsyn) )
    if mth.check("/network/btdp/synthr") and mth.check("/network/btdp/minact"):
        maxgs  = argsort(ngsyn)
        sumMaxN = sum(ngsyn[maxgs[-mth["/network/btdp/normn"]:]])
        scalier = xgsyn/sumMaxN
        logging.debug("       -----> sum max {:02d}      = {}".format(len(maxgs[-mth["/network/btdp/normn"]:]), sumMaxN) )
        logging.debug("       -----> scalier         = {}".format(scalier) )
        ngsyn *= scalier
        synthr = mth["/network/btdp/synthr"] if mth["/network/btdp/synthr"] > 0 else (-ming*mth["/network/btdp/synthr"])
        nact   = len(where(ngsyn>synthr)[0])
        logging.debug("       -----> active syn nact = {} : synthr={} : minact={}".format(nact,synthr,mth["/network/btdp/minact"]))
        while nact < mth["/network/btdp/minact"]:
            logging.debug("       -----> add more to {}".format(nid) )
            ngsyn[rnd.randint(nGCs)] = ming*rnd.random()
            sumMaxN = sum(ngsyn[maxgs[-mth["/network/btdp/normn"]:]])
            scalier = xgsyn/sumMaxN
            logging.debug("       -----> sum max {:02d}      = {}".format(len(maxgs[-mth["/network/btdp/normn"]:]), sumMaxN) )
            logging.debug("       -----> scalier         = {}".format(scalier) )
            ngsyn *= scalier
            nact   = len(where(ngsyn>synthr)[0])
            logging.debug("       -----> active syn nact = {} : synthr={} : minact={}".format(nact,synthr,mth["/network/btdp/minact"]))
        maxgs  = argsort(ngsyn)
        sumMaxN = sum(ngsyn[maxgs[-mth["/network/btdp/normn"]:]])
        scalier = xgsyn/sumMaxN
        logging.debug("       -----> sum max {:02d}      = {}".format(len(maxgs[-mth["/network/btdp/normn"]:]), sumMaxN) )
        logging.debug("       -----> scalier         = {}".format(scalier) )
        ngsyn *= scalier
    return ngsyn
def norm_weights():
    logging.debug(" Normalize everyone weight! ")
    wsyn = getWeights()
    for nid,n in enumerate(neurons):
        synidx, = where(xsyncon[:,1] == nid)
        wsyn[synidx]  = norm_neuron_weights(wsyn[synidx],nid,n.ming)

if mth.check("/network/btdp/enable"):

if ( mth.check("/network/btdp/enable") and mth.check("/network/btdp/continue") ) or\
   ( mth.check("/network/home/enable") and mth.check("/network/home/continue") ):
    xfile = None
    if   type(mth["/network/btdp/continue"]) is str:
        xfile = mth["/network/btdp/continue"]
    elif type(mth["/network/home/continue"]) is str:
        xfile = mth["/network/home/continue"]
    elif type(mth["/sim/record/gsyn"]) is str:
        xfile = mth["/sim/record/gsyn"]
    elif type(mth["/sim/record/save"]) is str:
        xfile = mth["/sim/record/save"] 
    elif mth.check("/sim/record/file"):
        xfile = mth["/sim/record/file"] 
        logging.error("Cannot determent from which file read synaptic conductance for continuation BTDP and/or homeostasis")
        if mth.check("/network/annoying_reload/btdp") : exit(1)
    if xfile is not None:
        with stkdata(xfile) as fd:
            basehashline = fd["/hash",-1]
            if "/"+basehashline+"/gsyn" in fd:
                logging.info(f" > have read synaptic conductance from {xfile} to continue BTDP/homeostasis")
                logging.error(f"Cannot find previous record for this model in {xfile}" )
                if mth.check("/network/annoying_reload/btdp") : exit(1)

if mth.check("/sim/record/save"):
    if type(mth["/sim/record/save"]) is str:
        xfile = mth["/sim/record/save"] 
    elif mth.check("/sim/record/file"):
        xfile = mth["/sim/record/file"] 
        logging.error("/sim/record/save is not a string and /sim/record/file is not set properly")
    with stkdata(xfile) as fd:
        if not "/hash" in fd or not hashline in fd["/hash",None]:
            fd["/"+hashline+"/model"]       = mth.methods.exp()
            fd["/"+hashline+"/n-neurons"]   = len(neurons)
            fd["/"+hashline+"/epos"]        = epos
            fd["/"+hashline+"/posxy"]       = posxy
            fd["/"+hashline+'/nprms']       = [ selected[x] for x in xnprms ]
            fd["/"+hashline+'/gjcon']       = None if mth.check("/block/gjcon")  else xgjcon
            fd["/"+hashline+'/syncon']      = None if mth.check("/block/syncon") else xsyncon
            fd["/"+hashline+'/gsyncond']    = None if mth.check("/block/syncon") else xgsyncond

        fd["/timestamp"] = timestamp
        fd["/hash"]      = hashline
        # if mth.check("/sim/record/spike") and not type(mth["/sim/record/spike"]) is str:
            # rGCspks = sorted([ (spt,rid) for us in usespikes if us.shape[0] != 0 for rid,spt in us ])
            # fd["/"+hashline+"/rGC/spikes"] = array(rGCspks) if len (rGCspks) != 0 else empty((0,2))
        # if  mth.check("/network/btdp/enable") and mth.check("/sim/record/gsyn") and not type(mth["/sim/record/gsyn"]) is str:
            # fd["/"+hashline+"/gsyn"] = getWeights()

    if mth.check("/sim/record/spike"):
        yfile = mth["/sim/record/spike"] if type(mth["/sim/record/spike"]) is str else xfile
        with stkdata(yfile) as fd:        
            rGCspks = sorted([ (spt,rid) for us in usespikes if us.shape[0] != 0 for rid,spt in us ])
            fd["/"+hashline+"/rGC/spikes"] = array(rGCspks) if len (rGCspks) != 0 else empty((0,2))

    if  ( mth.check("/network/btdp/enable") or mth.check("/network/home/enable") )and mth.check("/sim/record/gsyn"):
        yfile =  mth["/sim/record/gsyn"] if type(mth["/sim/record/gsyn"]) is str else xfile
        with stkdata(yfile) as fd:
            fd["/"+hashline+"/gsyn"] = getWeights()

def save_anything(t0,t1,nupdt):
    def resizevector(vec):
        return vec[::int( round(mth["/sim/record/cont/dt"]/h.dt) )] if mth.check("/sim/record/cont/dt") else vec
    logging.info(" > Init recording #{} interval {},{}".format(nupdt,t0,t1))
    simpref = "/"+hashline
    if type(mth["/sim/record/save"]) is str:
        xfile = mth["/sim/record/save"] 
    elif mth.check("/sim/record/file"):
        xfile = mth["/sim/record/file"] 
        logging.error("/sim/record/save is not a string and /sim/record/file is not set properly")
    maxbuffersize=mth["/sim/record/buffersize"] if mth.check("/sim/record/buffersize") else 0
    def recordstate(xfile,var,value):
        with stkdata(xfile,maxbuffersize=maxbuffersize) as sd:
            sd[var] = value
    if  ( mth.check("/network/btdp/enable") or mth.check("/network/home/enable") ) and mth.check("/sim/record/gsyn"):
        if type(mth["/sim/record/gsyn"]) is int:
            if nupdt%mth["/sim/record/gsyn"] == 0: recordstate(xfile                  ,simpref+"/gsyn",getWeights() )
        elif type(mth["/sim/record/gsyn"]) is str: recordstate(mth["/sim/record/gsyn"],simpref+"/gsyn",getWeights() )
        else                                     : recordstate(xfile                  ,simpref+"/gsyn",getWeights() )
        logging.info(" > Saved synaptic conductance into the file")
    if mth.check("/sim/record/spike"):
        popspks = []
        for nid,n in enumerate(neurons):
            popspks += [ (spt,nid) for spt in array(n.spks)]
        popspks = empty((0,2)) if len(popspks) == 0 else array(popspks)
        if type(mth["/sim/record/spike"]) is str: recordstate(mth["/sim/record/spike"],simpref+"/spikes", popspks)
        else                                    : recordstate(xfile                   ,simpref+"/spikes", popspks)
        logging.info(" > Saved spikes into the file")
    if not mth.check("/sim/record/cont"):
        logging.info(f" > All continues-variable recordings are disabled")
        logging.info(f" > Finish recording #{nupdt} interval {t0},{t1}")
    xtrec = resizevector( array(trec) )
    xtinc = False
    if mth.check("/sim/record/cont/volt"):
        if type(mth["/sim/record/cont/volt"]) is str:
            with stkdata(mth["/sim/record/cont/volt"],maxbuffersize=maxbuffersize) as sd:
                sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                for nid,n in enumerate(neurons):
                    sd[simpref+f"/cont/volt/{nid:03d}"] = resizevector( array(n.volt) )[:-1]
            with stkdata(xfile,maxbuffersize=maxbuffersize) as sd:
                if not xtinc:
                    sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                    xtinc = True
                    logging.info(" > Saved time into the file")
                for nid,n in enumerate(neurons):
                    sd[simpref+f"/cont/volt/{nid:03d}"] = resizevector( array(n.volt) )[:-1]
        logging.info(" > Saved voltages into the file")

    logging.info(" > Currents")
    meancur = mth.check("/sim/record/cont/meancur")
    ampaenable = mth["/network/syn/AMPA/p"] > 0.
    nmdaenable = mth["/network/syn/NMDA/p"] > 0.
    logging.info("   > "+("Record mean currents" if meancur else "Mean current recordings are disabled"))
    logging.info("   > "+("Record cont currents" if mth.check("/sim/record/cont/cur") else "Continues current recordings are disabled"))
    logging.info("   > "+("AMPA is active" if ampaenable else "AMPA is blocked"))
    logging.info("   > "+("NMDA is active" if nmdaenable else "NMDA is blocked"))
    if mth.check("/sim/record/cont/cur") or meancur:
        if not mth.check("/block/syncon"):
            if mth.check("/sim/record/cont/cur"):
                if type(mth["/sim/record/cont/cur"]) is str:
                    cfile, themainfile = mth["/sim/record/cont/cur"], False
                    cfile, themainfile = xfile                      , True
                with stkdata(cfile,maxbuffersize=maxbuffersize) as sd:
                    if not xtinc and themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                        xtinc = True
                        logging.info(" > Saved time into the file")
                    elif not themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                    for nid,n in enumerate(neurons):
                        if ampaenable:
                            amparec = resizevector( array(n.ampairec) )[:-1]
                            sd[simpref+f"/cont/cur/syn/ampa/{nid:03d}"] = amparec
                            if meancur:
                                if nid == 0: meanampa  = copy(amparec)
                                else       : meanampa += amparec

                        if nmdaenable:
                            nmdarec =  resizevector( array(n.nmdairec) )[:-1]
                            sd[simpref+f"/cont/cur/syn/nmda/{nid:03d}"] = nmdarec
                            if meancur:
                                if nid == 0: meannmda  = copy(nmdarec)
                                else       : meannmda += nmdarec
                    if not ampaenable: sd[simpref+f"/cont/cur/syn/ampa"] = None
                    if not nmdaenable: sd[simpref+f"/cont/cur/syn/nmda"] = None
                logging.info("   > Saved continues currents" )
                for nid,n in enumerate(neurons):
                    if ampaenable:
                        if nid == 0: meanampa  = resizevector( array(n.ampairec) )[:-1]
                        else       : meanampa += resizevector( array(n.ampairec) )[:-1]
                    if nmdaenable:
                        if nid == 0: meannmda  = resizevector( array(n.nmdairec) )[:-1]
                        else       : meannmda += resizevector( array(n.nmdairec) )[:-1]
            if meancur:
                if type(mth["/sim/record/cont/meancur"]) is str:
                    cfile, themainfile = mth["/sim/record/cont/meancur"], False
                    cfile, themainfile = xfile                          , True
                with stkdata(cfile,maxbuffersize=maxbuffersize) as sd:
                    if not xtinc and themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                        xtinc = True
                        logging.info(" > Saved time into the file")
                    elif not themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]  
                    sd[simpref+"/cont/cur/syn/mean/ampa" ] =\
                        meanampa/len(neurons) if ampaenable else None
                    sd[simpref+"/cont/cur/syn/mean/nmda" ] =\
                        meannmda/len(neurons) if nmdaenable else None
                logging.info("   > Saved mean currents" )
            if mth.check("/sim/record/cont/cur"):
                if type(mth["/sim/record/cont/cur"]) is str:
                    cfile, themainfile = mth["/sim/record/cont/cur"], False
                    cfile, themainfile = xfile                      , True
                with stkdata(cfile,maxbuffersize=maxbuffersize) as sd:
                    if not xtinc and themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                        xtinc = True
                        logging.info(" > Saved time into the file")
                    elif not themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                    sd[simpref+"/cont/cur/syn/ampa"] = None
                    sd[simpref+"/cont/cur/syn/nmda"] = None
            if meancur:
                if type(mth["/sim/record/cont/meancur"]) is str:
                    cfile, themainfile = mth["/sim/record/cont/meancur"], False
                    cfile, themainfile = xfile                          , True
                with stkdata(cfile,maxbuffersize=maxbuffersize) as sd:
                    if not xtinc and themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                        xtinc = True
                        logging.info(" > Saved time into the file")
                    elif not themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]  
                    sd[simpref+"/cont/cur/syn/mean/ampa" ] = None
                    sd[simpref+"/cont/cur/syn/mean/nmda" ] = None
        if not mth.check("/block/gjcon"):
            logging.info("   > GJ are active")
            if meancur: meangj = None
            if mth.check("/sim/record/cont/cur"):
                if type(mth["/sim/record/cont/cur"]) is str:
                    cfile, themainfile = mth["/sim/record/cont/cur"], False
                    cfile, themainfile = xfile                      , True
                with stkdata(cfile,maxbuffersize=maxbuffersize) as sd:
                    if not xtinc and themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                        xtinc = True
                        logging.info(" > Saved time into the file")
                    elif not themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                    for ngj,(_,_,i,j,recigj) in enumerate(gj):
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/cur/gj/{:03d}x{:03d}".format(i,j)] = abs( resizevector( array(recigj) )[:-1] )
                        if meancur:
                            if meangj is None:
                                meangj  = copy( abs( resizevector( array(recigj) )[:-1] ) )
                                meangj += abs( resizevector( array(recigj) )[:-1] )
            elif meancur:
                for ngj,(_,_,i,j,recigj) in enumerate(gj):
                    if meangj is None:
                        meangj  = copy( abs( resizevector( array(recigj) )[:-1] ) )
                        meangj += abs( resizevector( array(recigj) )[:-1] )

            if meancur:
                if type(mth["/sim/record/cont/meancur"]) is str:
                    cfile, themainfile = mth["/sim/record/cont/meancur"], False
                    cfile, themainfile = xfile                          , True
                with stkdata(cfile,maxbuffersize=maxbuffersize) as sd:
                    if not xtinc and themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                        xtinc = True
                        logging.info(" > Saved time into the file")
                    elif not themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                    sd[simpref+"/cont/cur/gj/mean" ] = meangj/len(gj)
            logging.info("   > Saved GJ current into the file")
            logging.info("   > GJ are blocked - no recs")
            if mth.check("/sim/record/cont/cur"):
                if type(mth["/sim/record/cont/cur"]) is str:
                    cfile, themainfile = mth["/sim/record/cont/cur"], False
                    cfile, themainfile = xfile                      , True
                with stkdata(cfile,maxbuffersize=maxbuffersize) as sd:
                    if not xtinc and themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                        xtinc = True
                        logging.info(" > Saved time into the file")
                    elif not themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                    sd[simpref+"/cont/cur/gj"] = None 
            if meancur:
                if type(mth["/sim/record/cont/meancur"]) is str:
                    cfile, themainfile = mth["/sim/record/cont/meancur"], False
                    cfile, themainfile = xfile                          , True
                with stkdata(cfile,maxbuffersize=maxbuffersize) as sd:
                    if not xtinc and themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                        xtinc = True
                        logging.info(" > Saved time into the file")
                    elif not themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                    sd[simpref+"/cont/cur/gj/mean" ] = None

        if mth.check("/network/cx/enable"):
            cxampaenable = mth["/network/cx/AMPA/p"] > 0.
            cxnmdaenable = mth["/network/cx/NMDA/p"] > 0.
            if mth.check("/sim/record/cont/cur"):
                if type(mth["/sim/record/cont/cur"]) is str:
                    cfile, themainfile = mth["/sim/record/cont/cur"], False
                    cfile, themainfile = xfile                      , True
                with stkdata(cfile,maxbuffersize=maxbuffersize) as sd:
                    if not xtinc and themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                        xtinc = True
                        logging.info(" > Saved time into the file")
                    elif not themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                    for nid,n in enumerate(neurons):
                        if cxampaenable:
                            amparec = resizevector( array(n.cxampairec) )[:-1]
                            sd[simpref+f"/cont/cur/cxsyn/ampa/{nid:03d}"] = amparec
                            if meancur:
                                if nid == 0: cxmeanampa  = copy(amparec)
                                else       : cxmeanampa += amparec

                        if cxnmdaenable:
                            nmdarec =  resizevector( array(n.cxnmdairec) )[:-1]
                            sd[simpref+f"/cont/cur/cxsyn/nmda/{nid:03d}"] = nmdarec
                            if meancur:
                                if nid == 0: cxmeannmda  = copy(nmdarec)
                                else       : cxmeannmda += nmdarec
                    if not cxampaenable: sd[simpref+f"/cont/cur/cxsyn/ampa"] = None
                    if not cxnmdaenable: sd[simpref+f"/cont/cur/cxsyn/nmda"] = None
                for nid,n in enumerate(neurons):
                    if cxampaenable:
                        if nid == 0: cxmeanampa  = resizevector( array(n.cxampairec) )[:-1]
                        else       : cxmeanampa += resizevector( array(n.cxampairec) )[:-1]
                    if cxnmdaenable:
                        if nid == 0: cxmeannmda  = resizevector( array(n.cxnmdairec) )[:-1]
                        else       : cxmeannmda += resizevector( array(n.cxnmdairec) )[:-1]
            if meancur:
                if type(mth["/sim/record/cont/meancur"]) is str:
                    cfile, themainfile = mth["/sim/record/cont/meancur"], False
                    cfile, themainfile = xfile                          , True
                with stkdata(cfile,maxbuffersize=maxbuffersize) as sd:
                    if not xtinc and themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                        xtinc = True
                        logging.info(" > Saved time into the file")
                    elif not themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]  
                    sd[simpref+"/cont/cur/cxsyn/mean/ampa" ] =\
                        cxmeanampa/len(neurons) if cxampaenable else None
                    sd[simpref+"/cont/cur/cxsyn/mean/nmda" ] =\
                        cxmeannmda/len(neurons) if cxnmdaenable else None
            logging.info("   > Saved cortical current into the file")
            logging.info("   > Cortex isn't active")
            if mth.check("/sim/record/cont/cur"):
                if type(mth["/sim/record/cont/cur"]) is str:
                    cfile, themainfile = mth["/sim/record/cont/cur"], False
                    cfile, themainfile = xfile                      , True
                with stkdata(cfile,maxbuffersize=maxbuffersize) as sd:
                    if not xtinc and themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                        xtinc = True
                        logging.info(" > Saved time into the file")
                    elif not themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                    sd[simpref+"/cont/cur/cxsyn/ampa"] = None
                    sd[simpref+"/cont/cur/cxsyn/nmda"] = None
            if meancur:
                if type(mth["/sim/record/cont/meancur"]) is str:
                    cfile, themainfile = mth["/sim/record/cont/meancur"], False
                    cfile, themainfile = xfile                          , True
                with stkdata(cfile,maxbuffersize=maxbuffersize) as sd:
                    if not xtinc and themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                        xtinc = True
                        logging.info(" > Saved time into the file")
                    elif not themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]  
                    sd[simpref+"/cont/cur/cxsyn/mean/ampa" ] = None
                    sd[simpref+"/cont/cur/cxsyn/mean/nmda" ] = None

        if mth.check("/network/trn/enable"):
            if mth.check("/sim/record/cont/cur"):
                if type(mth["/sim/record/cont/cur"]) is str:
                    cfile, themainfile = mth["/sim/record/cont/cur"], False
                    cfile, themainfile = xfile                      , True
                with stkdata(cfile,maxbuffersize=maxbuffersize) as sd:
                    if not xtinc and themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                        xtinc = True
                        logging.info(" > Saved time into the file")
                    elif not themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                    for nid,n in enumerate(neurons):
                        gabarec = resizevector( array(n.trngabairec) )[:-1]
                        sd[simpref+f"/cont/cur/trmsyn/gaba/{nid:03d}"] = gabarec
                        if meancur:
                            if nid == 0: trnmeangaba  = copy(gabarec)
                            else       : trnmeangaba += gabarec

                for nid,n in enumerate(neurons):
                    gabarec = resizevector( array(n.trngabairec) )[:-1]
                    if nid == 0: trnmeangaba  = copy(gabarec)
                    else       : trnmeangaba += gabarec
            if meancur:
                if type(mth["/sim/record/cont/meancur"]) is str:
                    cfile, themainfile = mth["/sim/record/cont/meancur"], False
                    cfile, themainfile = xfile                          , True
                with stkdata(cfile,maxbuffersize=maxbuffersize) as sd:
                    if not xtinc and themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                        xtinc = True
                        logging.info(" > Saved time into the file")
                    elif not themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]  
                    sd[simpref+"/cont/cur/trnsyn/mean/gaba" ] = trnmeangaba/len(neurons)
            logging.info("   > Saved TRN current into the file")
            logging.info("   > TRN isn't active")
            if mth.check("/sim/record/cont/cur"):
                if type(mth["/sim/record/cont/cur"]) is str:
                    cfile, themainfile = mth["/sim/record/cont/cur"], False
                    cfile, themainfile = xfile                      , True
                with stkdata(cfile,maxbuffersize=maxbuffersize) as sd:
                    if not xtinc and themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                        xtinc = True
                        logging.info(" > Saved time into the file")
                    elif not themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                    sd[simpref+"/cont/cur/trnsyn/gaba"] = None
            if meancur:
                if type(mth["/sim/record/cont/meancur"]) is str:
                    cfile, themainfile = mth["/sim/record/cont/meancur"], False
                    cfile, themainfile = xfile                          , True
                with stkdata(cfile,maxbuffersize=maxbuffersize) as sd:
                    if not xtinc and themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]
                        xtinc = True
                        logging.info(" > Saved time into the file")
                    elif not themainfile:
                        sd[simpref+"/cont/time"] = xtrec[:-1]  
                    sd[simpref+"/cont/cur/trnsyn/mean/gaba" ] = None


    logging.info(" > Finish recording #{} interval {},{}".format(nupdt,t0,t1))

if mth.check("/network/btdp/enable") and not( mth.check("/network/btdp/frkernel") and mth.check("/network/btdp/frsmwidth") ):
    logging.error("Parameters /network/btdp/frkernel and /network/btdp/frsmwidth are needed for firing rate convolution")
    kernel  = arange(-mth["/network/btdp/frsmwidth"],mth["/network/btdp/frsmwidth"],1.)
    kernel  = exp(- kernel**2/mth["/network/btdp/frkernel"]**2)
    kernel /= sum(kernel)

def compute_corr(t0,t1):
    wsyn = getdWeights()    

    pre_fr= zeros( (nGCs,int(ceil(mth["/network/btdp/update"])+2)) )
    for usid,us in enumerate(usespikes):
        fsp =  us[where(us  >  t0)]
        fsp = fsp[where(fsp <= t1)] - t0
        if fsp.shape[0] < 1:continue
        for tsp in fsp:
            pre_fr[usid,int( ceil(tsp) )] += 1
        pre_fr[usid,:] = convolve(pre_fr[usid,:],kernel,mode='same')
    mpre_fr = sum(pre_fr,axis=1)*1000./mth["/network/btdp/update"]
    logging.debug("Update [{},{}] presynaptic FR={}".format(t0,t1,mpre_fr.tolist()))
    postfr= zeros( (len(neurons)  ,int(ceil(mth["/network/btdp/update"])+2)) )
    for nid,n in enumerate(neurons):
        fsp = array(n.spks)
        fsp = fsp[where(fsp > t0)] - t0
        if fsp.shape[0] < 1:continue
        for tsp in fsp:
            postfr[nid,int( ceil(tsp) )] += 1
        postfr[nid,:] = convolve(postfr[nid,:],kernel,mode='same')
    mpostfr = sum(postfr,axis=1)*1000./mth["/network/btdp/update"]
    logging.debug("Update [{},{}] postsynaptic FR={}".format(t0,t1,mpostfr.tolist()))
    if mth.check("/network/btdp/frthr"):
        pre_id = where(mpre_fr > mth["/network/btdp/frthr"])[0]
        postid = where(mpostfr > mth["/network/btdp/frthr"])[0]
        logging.debug("FR threshold presynaptic  ID : {}".format(pre_id.tolist()))
        logging.debug("FR threshold postsynaptic ID : {}".format(postid.tolist()))
        pre_id = [ i for i in range(len(usespikes))]
        postid = [ i for i in range(len(neurons  ))]
    for nid in postid:
        cc = corrcoef(postfr[nid,:],pre_fr[pre_id,:])[0,1:]
        logging.debug("Neuron {:03d} correlation: {}".format(nid,",".join(["{:0.02f}".format(c) for c in cc]) ) )
        logging.debug("       weights before: {}".format(wsyn[nid,pre_id].tolist() ) )
        synidx        = [cid for cid,(rid,xnid) in enumerate(xsyncon) if xnid == nid and rid in pre_id]
        wsyn[synidx] += wsyn[synidx]*cc
        logging.debug("       prescale      : {}".format(wsyn[nid,:].tolist() ) )

        synidx,       = where(xsyncon[:,1] == nid)
        wsyn[synidx]  = norm_neuron_weights(wsyn[synidx],nid)
        logging.debug("       postscale     : {}".format(wsyn[nid,:].tolist() ) )
        logging.debug("       active weights: {}".format(wsyn[nid,pre_id].tolist() ) )
    # if mth.check("/network/btdp/stimNF"):
        # if mth["/network/btdp/stimNF"] > 0.:
            # for nid,(s,ming) in enumerate(syn):
                # if not nid in postid:
                    # wsyn[nid,:] += mth["/network/btdp/stimNF"]
        # if mth["/network/btdp/stimNF"] < 0.:
            # for nid,(s,ming) in enumerate(syn):
                # if not nid in postid:
                    # wsyn[nid,:] -= mth["/network/btdp/stimNF"]*ming

def homeostasis(t0,t1):
    if (t1-t0)<1e-3: return
    logging.debug(" > Homeostatic weight adjustment! ")
    decay = exp(-(t1-t0)/mth["/network/home/tau"])
    slope = mth["/network/home/slope"]
    wsyn = getWeights()
    if mth.check("/network/cx/enable"):
        cxwsyn,cxsynidx = getCXweights()
    for nid,n in enumerate(neurons):
        #--- g min/max
        gmax,gmin,gdelta = n.ming,0,n.ming/10
        if mth.check("/network/home/gmax"):
            gmax = mth["/network/home/gmax"]\
                if mth["/network/home/gmax"] > 0 else\
        if mth.check("/network/home/gmin"):
            gmin = mth["/network/home/gmin"]\
                if mth["/network/home/gmin"] > 0 else\
        if mth.check("/network/home/delta"):
            gdelta = mth["/network/home/delta"]\
                if mth["/network/home/delta"] > 0 else\

        #--- firing rate and weight decay
        fsk = array(n.spks)
        fsp = float(fsk[where(fsk > t0)].shape[0])*1000./(t1-t0)
        dlt = mth["/network/home/target_fr"] - fsp
        hact = tanh(slope*dlt)
        #--- estimation for weight = 1
        synidx, = where(xsyncon[:,1] == nid)
        totpre = sum(wsyn[synidx])
        #if mth.check("/network/home/decay"):
            #wsyn[synidx]  = clip( wsyn[synidx]*decay+hact*gdelta,gmin,gmax )
            #wsyn[synidx]  = clip( wsyn[synidx]      +hact*gdelta,gmin,gmax )
        wsyn[synidx]  = clip( wsyn[synidx]*(1+hact),gmin,gmax )

        totpst = sum(wsyn[synidx])
        logging.debug(f"    > Neuron #{nid}")
        logging.debug(f"      > spikes = {fsk.tolist()}")
        logging.debug(f"      > valid  = {fsk[where(fsk > t0)].tolist()}")
        logging.debug(f"      > count  = {fsk[where(fsk > t0)].shape}")
        #logging.debug(f"      > Fr     = {fsp}, Delta={dlt}, decay={decay}")
        #logging.debug(f"      > tanh   = {hact}, active={hact*gdelta}")
        #logging.debug(f"      > tanh   = {hact}, active={1+hact}")
        #logging.debug(f"      > gdelta = {gdelta}, gmin   = {n.ming}, clipped between [{gmin}, {gmax}]")
        logging.debug(f"      > Fr     = {fsp},  Delta  = {dlt}, slope =  {slope}")
        logging.debug(f"      > tanh   = {hact}, active = {1+hact}")
        logging.debug(f"      > gmin   = {n.ming},     clipped between = [{gmin}, {gmax}]")
        logging.debug(f"      > total  = {totpre} -> {totpst}")
        if mth.check("/network/cx/enable"):
            logging.debug(f"      > CORTEX ENABLE")
            synidx, = where(cxsynidx[:,1] == nid)
            totpre = sum(cxwsyn[synidx])
            cxwsyn[synidx]  = clip( cxwsyn[synidx]*(1+hact),gmin,gmax )
            totpst = sum(cxwsyn[synidx])
            logging.debug(f"         > total  = {totpre} -> {totpst}")
    if mth.check("/network/cx/enable"): setCXweights(cxwsyn)

if mth.check("/FR/Overall"):
    logging.info(" > Overall Fring rate is enabled")
    TotalFR = [ 0 for n in neurons ]


if mth.check("/sim/disable"):
    logging.info(" > Simulations are canceled: relax!")

logging.info( "======================================")
logging.info( "===          SIMULATION            ===")
if mth.check("/sim/parallel"):
    hpc  = h.ParallelContext()
    ncpu = mth["/sim/parallel"]\
        if type(mth["/sim/parallel"]) is int else\
    logging.info(" > Utilize    : {} CPUs ".format(ncpu))
if   mth.check("/network/btdp/enable") and mth.check("/network/btdp/update"):
    mth["/sim/record/interval"] = mth["/network/btdp/update"]
    logging.info(" > BTDP is active : set /sim/record/interval = /network/btdp/update = {}".format(mth["/network/btdp/update"]) )
elif mth.check("/network/home/enable") and mth.check("/network/home/update"):
    mth["/sim/record/interval"] = mth["/network/home/update"]
    logging.info(" > Homeostasis is active : set /sim/record/interval = /network/home/update = {}".format(mth["/network/home/update"]) )
if mth.check("/sim/record/interval"):
    stoppoints = arange(0,mth["/sim/Tmax"],mth["/sim/record/interval"])
    stoppoints += stoppoints[1] if stoppoints.shape[0] > 1 else mth["/sim/Tmax"]
    if stoppoints[-1] > mth["/sim/Tmax"]:
        stoppoints[-1] = mth["/sim/Tmax"]
    stoppoints = [mth["/sim/Tmax"]]

if mth.check("/sim/record/cont/volt") or mth.check("/sim/record/cont/cur") or mth.check("/sim/record/cont/meancur"):
    trec = h.Vector()


tprev = 0
logging.info(" > Duration   : {} ms ".format(mth["/sim/Tmax"]))
logging.info(" > with       : {} stops ".format(len(stoppoints)-1))

# if mth.check("/sim/state/load"):
    # with stkdata(mth["/sim/state/load"]) as sd:
        # nrnstate  = sd["nrnstate",mth["/sim/state/id"]]
    # logging.info(" > nrnstate is loaded from {}:{}".format(mth["/sim/state/load"],mth["/sim/state/id"]))
    # for n,(v,
    # SK_E2.z, TC_HH.m, TC_HH.h, TC_HH.n,
    # TC_iT_Dec98.m, TC_iT_Dec98.h,
    # TC_ih_Bud97.m,
    # TC_Nap_Et2.m, TC_Nap_Et2.h,
    # TC_cad.cai,
    # TC_iA.m1,TC_iA.m2,TC_iA.h1,TC_iA.h2,
    # s.ampaA, s.ampaB, s.nmdaA, s.nmdaB

for nupdt,trenorm in enumerate(stoppoints):
    if nupdt != 0: logging.info(" > resume simulations")
    while h.t < trenorm :h.fadvance()
    logging.info(" > Update at {}".format(trenorm) )
    if mth.check("/network/btdp/enable"): compute_corr(tprev,trenorm)
    if mth.check("/network/home/enable"): homeostasis(tprev,trenorm)
    #Release memory and reinit recordings
    if mth.check("/sim/record/cont/volt") or mth.check("/sim/record/cont/cur") or mth.check("/sim/record/cont/meancur"):
    if mth.check("/FR/Overall"):
        for nid,n in enumerate(neurons):
            fsk           = array(n.spks)
            TotalFR[nid] += fsk[where(fsk > tprev)].shape[0]
    for n in neurons:
        if mth.check("/sim/record/cont/volt"):
            #logging.debug("resize voltage")
        if mth.check("/sim/record/cont/cur") or mth.check("/sim/record/cont/meancur"):
            if not mth.check("/block/syncon"):
                if mth["/network/syn/AMPA/p"] > 0.:
                if mth["/network/syn/NMDA/p"] > 0.:
            if not mth.check("/block/gjcon"):
                for _,_,_,_,recigj in gj:
            if mth.check("/network/cx/enable"):
                if mth["/network/cx/AMPA/p"] > 0.:
                if mth["/network/cx/NMDA/p"] > 0.:
    tprev = trenorm
    logging.info(" > reinit vectors")

if mth.check("/network/btdp/enable"):
if mth.check("/FR/Overall"):
    TotalFR = [ nspk*1000/h.t for nspk in TotalFR ]
    if type(mth["/FR/Overall"]) is str:
        with open(mth["/FR/Overall"],"a") as fd:
        logging.info(" > Overall Faring rate is saved into {}".format(mth["/FR/Overall"]) )
        mth["/FR/Overall"] = TotalFR
    logging.info(f" > Overall Firing rate : {TotalFR} spikes/second")
logging.info(" > saved final synaptic conductance into {}".format(xfile) )
logging.info("===             DONE               ===")
if mth.check("/sim/state/save"):
    with stkdata(mth["/sim/state/save"]) as sd:
        sd["hash"     ] = hashline
        sd["timestamp"] = timestamp
        sd["posxy"    ] = posxy
        sd["nprms"    ] = xnprms
        sd["gjcon"    ] = xgjcon if not mth.check("/block/gjcon") else None
        sd["syncon"   ] = xsyncon
        sd["gsyncond" ] = array([
            [c.weight[0], c.delay]
            for c in con
        sd["gsynstate"] = array([
            [c.weight[1], c.weight[2], c.weight[3]]
            for c in con
        if mth.check("/network/cx/enable"):
            sd["cxsynstate"] = array([
                [c.weight[0],c.weight[1], c.weight[2], c.weight[3], c.delay]
                for c in cxfeedback
        if mth.check("/network/trn/enable"):
            sd["trnsynstate"] = array([
                for c in trnfeedback
    logging.info(" > States are saved into {}".format(mth["/sim/state/save"]))

if options.rc:
    mth["/CMD"]=" ".join(sys.argv)+"\n"

logging.info( "===           ANALYSIS             ===")
from dLGNanalysis import mkanalysis
mth = mkanalysis(mth=mth,hashline=hashline)
logging.info("===             DONE               ===")

if not mth.check("/Figures/enable"): 
    if not options.rd in 'None . _ :'.split() :
        if options.rm is not None :
            logging.info("===     SimToolKit Data Base       ===")
            logging.info(" >  DataBase    : {}".format(options.rd) )
            logging.info(" >  HASH        : {}".format(hashline) )
            logging.info(" >  Time Stamp  : {}".format(timestamp) )
            logging.info(" > MODEL PREFIX : {}".format(mth["/sim/timestamp"] ) )
            logging.info("===Has been recorded with no figures===")
            logging.warning("Figures and GUI are disabled but message for DB was not provided")
            logging.warning("EXIT without stkdb recording")
        logging.warning("SKIP stkdb recording")

logging.info( "===            GRAPHS              ===")    
from dLGNgraphs import mkgraphs, savegraphs
(f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6),(f1data,f2data,f3data,f4data,f5data,f6data) = mkgraphs(mth=mth,hashline=hashline)
logging.info("===             DONE               ===")

if mth.check("/sim/Belly"):

# STKDB record
if options.rm is not None:
    logging.info("===     SimToolKit Data Base       ===")
    logging.info(" > DataBase     : {}".format(options.rd) )
    logging.info(" > HASH         : {}".format(hashline) )
    logging.info(" > Time Stamp   : {}".format(timestamp) )
    logging.info(" > MODEL PREFIX : {}".format(mth["/sim/timestamp"] ) )
    logging.info(" > MESSAGE      : {}".format(options.rm) )
    if mth.check("/Figures/STKDB-Record"):
        if not f1data is None:
            logging.info(" >  Figure 1     : Connectivity" )
        if not f2data is None:
            logging.info(" >  Figure 2     : Raster" )
        if not f3data is None:
            logging.info(" >  Figure 3     : Voltage" )
        if not f4data is None:
            logging.info(" >  Figure 4     : Currents" )
        if not f5data is None:
            logging.info(" >  Figure 5     : Correlation" )
        if not f6data is None:
            logging.info(" >  Figure 6     : Spectrum" )
    logging.info("===      Has been recorded         ===")
    rec = None
    from simtoolkit import __config__
    if   "/STKDB/editor" in __config__.stk_config:
        editor = __config__.stk_config["/STKDB/editor"]
    elif "/GENERAL/editor" in __config__.stk_config:
        editor = __config__.stk_config["/GENERAL/editor"]
        editor = "gedit"
    # print(editor)
    rec = {
        "hash"        : hashline,
        "timestamp"   : timestamp,
        "tree"        : mth.methods,
        'messagefile' : ".stkdb-"+hashline+".msg"
    with open(rec['messagefile'],"w") as fd:
        fd.write("\n\n#HASH:{} TIMESTAMP:{}\n#Please enter a message for this simulation here.\n#Lines starting with '#' will be ignored.\n#An empty message aborts the database record. \n".format(
            hashline,timestamp) )
    rec['message-timestamp'] = os.stat(rec['messagefile']).st_mtime
    os.system( editor + " " + rec['messagefile'] + " 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null &")

if mth.check("/Figures/X-term"):

    if not rec is None:
        logging.error("Cannot record into STKDB - there is no message and GUI is killed")

if rec is not None:
        nstp = os.stat(rec['messagefile']).st_mtime
        if nstp == rec['message-timestamp']:
            logging.error("--- Cannot record stkdb. No message was provided ---")
            raise ValueError("Cannot record stkdb: No message was provided")
        fsize = os.path.getsize(rec['messagefile'])
        with open(rec['messagefile']) as fd:
            rec["message"] = fd.read(fsize)
        rec["message"] = re.sub(r"\r", r"",\
                        ).strip(' \t\n\r')
        logging.info("===     SimToolKit Data Base       ===")
        logging.info(" >  DataBase     : {}".format(options.rd) )
        logging.info(" >  HASH         : {}".format(rec["hash"]) )
        logging.info(" >  Time Stamp   : {}".format(rec["timestamp"]) )
        logging.info(" >  MODEL PREFIX : {}".format(mth["/sim/timestamp"] ) )
        if mth.check("/Figures/STKDB-Record"):
            if not f1data is None:
                logging.info(" >  Figure 1     : Connectivity" )
            if not f2data is None:
                logging.info(" >  Figure 2     : Raster plot and firing rates" )
            if not f3data is None:
                logging.info(" >  Figure 3     : Voltages " )
            if not f4data is None:
                logging.info(" >  Figure 4     : Currents" )
            if not f5data is None:
                logging.info(" >  Figure 5     : Correlation" )
            if not f6data is None:
                logging.info(" >  Figure 6     : Spectrum" )
        logging.info("===      Has been recorded         ===")
