// Workflow settings for reproducing Fig 3 from:
// "Somatic depolarization enhances hippocampal CA1 dendritic spike propagation and distal input-driven
// synaptic plasticity" by Tobias Bock, Adrian Negrean, and Steven A. Siegelbaum, 2022, The Journal of Neuroscience.
// relative task output folder w.r.t. simctr.py script (use no ./)
"task_output": "task-output",
// relative folder path to store neuron morphologies w.r.t. simctr.py script (use no ./)
"nrn_morph": "morph",
// relative folder path from which to load NMODL externally compiled mechanism w.r.t. simctr.py script (use no ./)
"nrn_mech": "mechs/main-mech",
// callable tasks
// NEURON model settings
// note, the following model names are reserved:
// "NM<num>" - morphology models
// "SCM<num>" - single compartment morphology
// "CCM<num>" - chained compartment morphology
// "C<num>" - capacitance models
// "RA<num>" - axial resistivity models
// Each model can contain a segment specification attribute "segspec" that can be a dict or a list of dict
// see documentation for set_seg() function in nrnengine/nrn_util.py
// environment specification
// slice recording from present study
// temperature in [degC]
"temp": 35,
// ionic concentrations in [mM]
"nai": 20.8,
"nao": 151.25,
"ki": 140.0,
"ko": 3.0,
"cai": 1e-6, // pipette has 0.2 mM EGTA, actual free Ca2+ is unknown but in the nM range.
"cao": 2.0,
"cli": 7.0,
"clo": 134.0
// single compartment morphology
// section name
"sec_name": "soma",
// number of segments, default is 1
"nseg": 1,
// length in [um], default is 20 um
"L": 20,
// segment diameter, default is 20 um
"diam": 20
// chained compartment morphology
// add here compartment names in the order in which they should be connected
// number of segments, default is 1
"nseg": 1,
// length in [um], default is 20 um
"L": 20,
// segment diameter, default is 20 um
"diam": 20
// number of segments, default is 1
"nseg": 19,
// length in [um], default is 20 um
"L": 400,
// segment diameter, default is 20 um
"diam": 2
// number of segments, default is 1
"nseg": 1,
// length in [um], default is 20 um
"L": 20,
// segment diameter, default is 20 um
"diam": 20
// uniform specific axial resistivity in [Ohm*cm]
// set same for all sections
"Ra": 700
// capacitance setting for a 3 compartment model
"cm": {"soma": 10, "trunk": 4.5, "tuft": 10}
// passive parameters
// passive leak conductance density in [S/cm^2]
"soma": 6e-4,
"type": "lin2",
"refseg": "trunk(0)",
"val_at_refseg": 7e-4,
"val_at_dist": 1e-3,
"dist": 350
"tuft": 1e-3
// reversal potential in [mV]
"soma": -70.0,
"type": "lin2",
"refseg": "trunk(0)",
"val_at_refseg": -70,
"val_at_dist": -62,
"dist": 400
"tuft": -62
// R-type Voltage gated calcium channels (markov model)
// channel density, [/cm^2]
"tuft": 3.1e10,
"type": "loclin",
"refseg": "trunk(0)",
"val_at_refseg": 1e7,
"val_at_end_dist": 2.4e10,
"start_dist": 110,
"end_dist": 160
// T-type Voltage gated calcium channels
"tuft": 2e-6,
"type": "loclin",
"refseg": "trunk(0)",
"val_at_refseg": 1e-7,
"val_at_end_dist": 2e-5,
"start_dist": 100,
"end_dist": 400
// intracellular calcium dynamics
// extrusion rate in [ms]
"cad.taur": 200.0
// medium after-hyperpolarization calcium activated potassium channels
// maximum conductance density in S/cm^2
"mykca.gkbar": {"soma": 1e-6, "trunk": 1e-5, "tuft":3.5e-4}
// A-type potassium channels
"soma": 1e-4,
"type": "lin2",
"refseg": "trunk(0.7)",
"val_at_refseg": 3e-2,
"val_at_dist": 5e-4,
"dist": 200,
"cutoff": 0
"tuft": 5e-4
// delayed rectifyer potassium channels
"soma": 2e-3,
"type": "lin1",
"refseg": "soma(1)",
"slope": -1e-5,
"cutoff": 5e-4
"tuft": 5e-4
// HCN channels
"soma": 8e-4,
"type": "lin2",
"refseg": "trunk(0)",
"val_at_refseg": 8e-4,
"val_at_dist": 6e-3,
"dist": 400
"hq.a0": 0.0024
// current injections
// name here each current clamp and ensure the name of this point process is unique among all models
// for controlling somatic membrane potential
"type": "step",
"delay": 500,
"dur": 600,
"amp": 0.1
"seg": "soma(0.5)"
// for inducing tuft spike
"type": "step",
"delay": 700,
"dur": 200,
"amp": 0.5
"seg": "tuft(0.5)"
// somatic test pulse for input resistance and capacitance
"type": "step",
"delay": 100,
"dur": 100,
"amp": -0.2
"seg": "soma(0.5)"
// tuft test pulse for input resistance and capacitance
"type": "step",
"delay": 300,
"dur": 100,
"amp": -0.2
"seg": "tuft(0.5)"
// current injections, modified so that the dendritic current step is 250 pA instead of 500 pA and thus does not
// result in a dendritic spike
// name here each current clamp and ensure the name of this point process is unique among all models
// for controlling somatic membrane potential
"type": "step",
"delay": 500,
"dur": 600,
"amp": 0.1
"seg": "soma(0.5)"
// no longer inducing tuft spike
"type": "step",
"delay": 700,
"dur": 200,
"amp": 0.25
"seg": "tuft(0.5)"
// somatic test pulse for input resistance and capacitance
"type": "step",
"delay": 100,
"dur": 100,
"amp": -0.2
"seg": "soma(0.5)"
// tuft test pulse for input resistance and capacitance
"type": "step",
"delay": 300,
"dur": 100,
"amp": -0.2
"seg": "tuft(0.5)"
// task steps e.g. setting up models, displaying plots
// load HOC files; use relative file paths w.r.t. simctr.py script (use no ./)
// not needed separately since resegmentation is done automatically after applying
// morphology, capacitance and axial resistivity models in this order
// note 1: do not load morphology here, as this will clear morphology with each loading step
// note 2: loading will be done only once before start of all parameter sweeps (which will rebuild the model on each run)
"load_hoc": ["morph/fixnseg.hoc"],
// model specification
"mspec": "ENV1-CCM1-RA1-C1-GPAS1-CaR1-CaT1-CaD1-mAHP1-KA1-KDR1-HCN1-IC1",
// simulation duration in [ms]
"simdur": 1200,
// if using fixed time step, time step in [ms]
"dt": 0.2,
// optional, frequency at which AC length constant will be computed in [Hz], default 100
"d_lambda_freq": 100,
// optional, AC length constant, default 0.1
"d_lambda": 0.1,
// optional, maximum length of a segment in [um] if d_lambda rule is not used, default is 2 um
"maxLseg": 2,
// optional, for morphology segmentation, if true, use d_lambda rule, otherwise apply maxLseg rule, default is true
"use_d_lambda": true,
// initialize all segments to this membrane potential
"vinit": -65,
// - segment parameters can be recorded as "seg:<par name>", while point process parameters as "pp:<par name>"
// - for each segment or point process parameter, list sources from which these should be measured, e.g.
// "seg:v": ["soma(0.5)"] to measure voltage from the middle of the somatic section or "pp:i": ["ic1"] to
// record the current from a current clamp "ic1" defined in "models" above.
// - segment parameters can be recorded from segments "soma(0.5)", from all segments of a section "soma" and
// section and segment lists defined in morphology models. For section lists, append "~" to the beginning of a
// list name, while for segment lists append "#".
"seg:v": ["soma(0.5)", "trunk(0.33)", "tuft(0.5)"],
// parameter sweeps (cartesian product of parameter vectors); axes order defined by order of parameters
"min": -0.1,
"max": 0.2,
"n": 5
// load HOC files; use relative file paths w.r.t. simctr.py script (use no ./)
// not needed separately since resegmentation is done automatically after applying
// morphology, capacitance and axial resistivity models in this order
// note 1: do not load morphology here, as this will clear morphology with each loading step
// note 2: loading will be done only once before start of all parameter sweeps (which will rebuild the model on each run)
"load_hoc": ["morph/fixnseg.hoc"],
// model specification - A-type K channels (KA) have been removed
"mspec": "ENV1-CCM1-RA1-C1-GPAS1-CaR1-CaT1-CaD1-mAHP1-KDR1-HCN1-IC1",
// simulation duration in [ms]
"simdur": 1200,
// if using fixed time step, time step in [ms]
"dt": 0.2,
// optional, frequency at which AC length constant will be computed in [Hz], default 100
"d_lambda_freq": 100,
// optional, AC length constant, default 0.1
"d_lambda": 0.1,
// optional, maximum length of a segment in [um] if d_lambda rule is not used, default is 2 um
"maxLseg": 2,
// optional, for morphology segmentation, if true, use d_lambda rule, otherwise apply maxLseg rule, default is true
"use_d_lambda": true,
// initialize all segments to this membrane potential
"vinit": -65,
// - segment parameters can be recorded as "seg:<par name>", while point process parameters as "pp:<par name>"
// - for each segment or point process parameter, list sources from which these should be measured, e.g.
// "seg:v": ["soma(0.5)"] to measure voltage from the middle of the somatic section or "pp:i": ["ic1"] to
// record the current from a current clamp "ic1" defined in "models" above.
// - segment parameters can be recorded from segments "soma(0.5)", from all segments of a section "soma" and
// section and segment lists defined in morphology models. For section lists, append "~" to the beginning of a
// list name, while for segment lists append "#".
"seg:v": ["soma(0.5)", "trunk(0.33)", "tuft(0.5)"],
// parameter sweeps (cartesian product of parameter vectors); axes order defined by order of parameters
"min": -0.1,
"max": 0.2,
"n": 5
// load HOC files; use relative file paths w.r.t. simctr.py script (use no ./)
// not needed separately since resegmentation is done automatically after applying
// morphology, capacitance and axial resistivity models in this order
// note 1: do not load morphology here, as this will clear morphology with each loading step
// note 2: loading will be done only once before start of all parameter sweeps (which will rebuild the model on each run)
"load_hoc": ["morph/fixnseg.hoc"],
// model specification - using the modified IC1 with the smaller dendritic current injection
"mspec": "ENV1-CCM1-RA1-C1-GPAS1-CaR1-CaT1-CaD1-mAHP1-KA1-KDR1-HCN1-IC1nodendspike",
// simulation duration in [ms]
"simdur": 1200,
// if using fixed time step, time step in [ms]
"dt": 0.2,
// optional, frequency at which AC length constant will be computed in [Hz], default 100
"d_lambda_freq": 100,
// optional, AC length constant, default 0.1
"d_lambda": 0.1,
// optional, maximum length of a segment in [um] if d_lambda rule is not used, default is 2 um
"maxLseg": 2,
// optional, for morphology segmentation, if true, use d_lambda rule, otherwise apply maxLseg rule, default is true
"use_d_lambda": true,
// initialize all segments to this membrane potential
"vinit": -65,
// - segment parameters can be recorded as "seg:<par name>", while point process parameters as "pp:<par name>"
// - for each segment or point process parameter, list sources from which these should be measured, e.g.
// "seg:v": ["soma(0.5)"] to measure voltage from the middle of the somatic section or "pp:i": ["ic1"] to
// record the current from a current clamp "ic1" defined in "models" above.
// - segment parameters can be recorded from segments "soma(0.5)", from all segments of a section "soma" and
// section and segment lists defined in morphology models. For section lists, append "~" to the beginning of a
// list name, while for segment lists append "#".
"seg:v": ["soma(0.5)", "trunk(0.33)", "tuft(0.5)"],
// parameter sweeps (cartesian product of parameter vectors); axes order defined by order of parameters
"min": -0.1,
"max": 0.2,
"n": 5
// list of plots
// note: for parameter sweeps, the last axis is used to sweep through a color palette
// share left and right y axes respectively between cells as [true/false] (x axis is time and shared by default)
"share_yaxes": [true, true],
// suptitle formatter, insert string specifier {} for formatting custom labels
"suptitle": "",
// shared left y-axis label
// n.b. for including latex symbols, need to escape backslash with another backslash
"shared_left_yaxis_label": "vm (mV)",
// shared right y-axis label
// n.b. for including latex symbols, need to escape backslash with another backslash
"shared_right_yaxis_label": "ic1.i (nA)"
// list of dict describing parameters to plot
// pass here a single recording parameter string, e.g. segment voltage as "seg:v"
"recpar": "seg:v",
// optional, if recorded parameter is from a section, then use recordings only from a single
// segment at given normalized location within the section; default is 0.5
"seg_x_loc": 0.5,
// optional, limit plotting of recorded parameters to certain sections or segments; for default all pass empty list
"secseg": [],
// optional, use either a single color or a color palette across a parameter sweep (last axis of psweep)
// use: pass either an RGB, RGBA list of values, named colors, or predefined color palette name.
"color": "cpal:b",
"axis": "left"