: Na current 
: modified from Jeff Magee. M.Migliore may97
: added sh to account for higher threshold M.Migliore, Apr.2002

    SUFFIX na3
    USEION na READ ena WRITE ina
    RANGE  gbar, ar, sh
    GLOBAL qinf, thinf

    sh      = 8        (mV)
    gbar    = 0.010    (mho/cm2)    
    tha     = -30     (mV)          : v 1/2 for act 
    qa      = 7.2      (mV)         : act slope (4.5)       
    Ra      = 0.4      (/ms)        : open (v)      
    Rb      = 0.124    (/ms)        : close (v)     

    thi1    = -45      (mV)         : v 1/2 for inact   
    thi2    = -45      (mV)         : v 1/2 for inact   
    qd      = 1.5      (mV)         : inact tau slope
    qg      = 1.5      (mV)
    mmin    = 0.02  
    hmin    = 0.5           
    q10     = 2
    Rg      = 0.01     (/ms)        : inact recov (v)   
    Rd      = .03      (/ms)        : inact (v) 
    qq      = 10       (mV)
    tq      = -55      (mV)

    thinf   = -50      (mV)         : inact inf slope   
    qinf    = 4        (mV)         : inact inf slope 

    vhalfs  = -60      (mV)         : slow inact.
    a0s     = 0.0003   (ms)         : a0s=b0s
    zetas   = 12       (1)
    gms     = 0.2      (1)
    smin    = 10       (ms)
    vvh     = -58      (mV) 
    vvs     = 2        (mV)
    ar      = 1        (1)          : 1=no inact., 0=max inact.
    mscale  = 1        (1)
    hscale  = 1        (1)
    sscale  = 1        (1)
    temp    = 24       (degC)       : temperature at which gating parameters were determined; gating at other temp is adjusted through q10 
    ena                (mV)         : must be explicitly def. in hoc
    v                  (mV)

    (mA) = (milliamp)
    (mV) = (millivolt)
    (pS) = (picosiemens)
    (um) = (micron)

    ina         (mA/cm2)
    thegna      (mho/cm2)
    minf        hinf        
    mtau (ms)   htau (ms)   
    sinf (ms)   stau (ms)

STATE { m h s}

    SOLVE states METHOD cnexp
    thegna = gbar*m*m*m*h*s
    ina = thegna * (v - ena)

    m = minf  
    h = hinf
    s = sinf

FUNCTION alpv(v(mV)) {
    alpv = 1/(1+exp((v-vvh-sh)/vvs))
FUNCTION alps(v(mV)) {  
    alps = exp(1.e-3*zetas*(v-vhalfs-sh)*9.648e4/(8.315*(273.16+celsius)))

FUNCTION bets(v(mV)) {
    bets = exp(1.e-3*zetas*gms*(v-vhalfs-sh)*9.648e4/(8.315*(273.16+celsius)))

LOCAL mexp, hexp, sexp

DERIVATIVE states {   
    m' = (minf-m)/mtau
    h' = (hinf-h)/htau
    s' = (sinf - s)/stau

PROCEDURE trates(vm,a2,sh2) {  
    LOCAL  a, b, c, qt
    qt = q10^((celsius-temp)/10)
    a = trap0(vm,tha+sh2,Ra,qa)
    b = trap0(-vm,-tha-sh2,Rb,qa)
    mtau = 1/(a+b)/qt*mscale
    if (mtau<mmin) {mtau=mmin}
    minf = a/(a+b)

    a = trap0(vm,thi1+sh2,Rd,qd)
    b = trap0(-vm,-thi2-sh2,Rg,qg)
    htau =  1/(a+b)/qt*hscale
    if (htau<hmin) {htau=hmin}
    hinf = 1/(1+exp((vm-thinf-sh2)/qinf))
    c = alpv(vm)
    sinf = c+a2*(1-c)
    stau = bets(vm)/(a0s*(1+alps(vm)))*sscale
    if (stau<smin) {stau=smin}

FUNCTION trap0(v,th,a,q) {
    if (fabs(v-th) > 1e-6) {
            trap0 = a * (v - th) / (1 - exp(-(v - th)/q))
    } else {
            trap0 = a * q