Network of IF cells - Sustained Activity
Cortical network consisting of N=500 EX and IN cells, with
80-20% proportion, and random connectivity
The excitatory cells also include a proportion of LTS cells
calculate the nb of spikes for each cell -> "numspikes_cx05_LTS500b.dat"
calculate spiketimes -> "spiketimes_cx05_LTS500b.dat"
write the Vm of one cell to "Vm170_cx05_LTS500b.dat" for control
print the values of the connectivity
cortical excitatory inputs 61.03425 -> from 1.9 % of exc cells
cortical inhibitory inputs 14.465 -> from 1.8 % of inh cells
This file: all cells described by IF-BG4 mechanism (RS + FS cells
for cortex), with correct storage of spike times (also faster)
This file: interneurons are FS, adaptation of 0.005 for RS.
Proportion of LTS cells: 5%
=> sustained activity (AI state)
Refactoring of original Python conversion of Alain's Hoc file, putting more
of the code into the cell classes.
Replaced multiStimexp, multiAMPAexp and multiGABAAexp with ExpSyn
Replaced IF_BG4 with AdExpIF
Replaced gen mechanism with NetSimFD
Replaced locally-defined AdExp cell class with BretteGerstnerIF from pyNN.neuron
Replaced list of cells and list of spike sources by PyNN Populations
Replaced direct NetCon creation with pyNN.connect()
Can now run with any PyNN-supported simulator.
Original Hoc version by Alain Destexhe
Python version by Andrew Davison
License: Modified BSD (see LICENSE.txt)
Updated for PyNN 0.8, 2016
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
from math import sqrt, pi
from pyNN.random import NumpyRNG, RandomDistribution
SIMULATOR = sys.argv[-1]
exec("import pyNN.%s as pyNN" % SIMULATOR)
# Parameters
# General parameters
SEED_LTS = 428577
SEED_CONN = 193566
SEED_GEN = 983651
DT = 0.1 # (ms) Time step
TSTOP = 5000
V_INIT = -60.0
# Cell parameters
LENGTH = sqrt(20000/pi) # in um
DIAMETER = sqrt(20000/pi) # in um
AREA = 1e-8 * pi * LENGTH * DIAMETER # membrane area in cm2
TAU = 20 # time constant in ms
CAPACITANCE = 1 # capacitance in muF/cm2
G_L = 1e-3 * CAPACITANCE / TAU # leak conductance in S/cm2
V_REST = -60 # resting potential
a_RS = 0.001
b_RS = 0.1 # full adaptation
b_RS = 0.005 # weaker adaptation
a_LTS = 0.02
b_LTS = 0.0
a_FS = 0.001
b_FS = 0.0
TAU_W = 600
DELTA = 2.5
# Spike parameters
VTR = -50 # threshold in mV
VTOP = 40 # top voltage during spike in mV
VBOT = -60 # reset voltage in mV
REFRACTORY = 5.0/2 # refractory period in ms (correction for a bug in IF_CG4)
# Synapse parameters
scale = 1 # scaling factor (>1 = more synapses)
TAU_E = 5 # excitation time constant in ms
TAU_I = 10 # inhibition time constant in ms
V_E = 0 # excitatory reversal potential
V_I = -80 # inhibitory reversal potential
AMPA_GMAX = 0.006/scale
GABA_GMAX = 0.067/scale
# Network parameters
# Cortex
N_CX = 500 # Number of cortical cells
N_I = int(N_CX/5.0) # Number of Cx inibitory cells
N_E = N_CX - N_I # Number of excitatory cells
PROB_CONNECT = 0.02*scale # Connection probability in cortex
PROB_CONNECT = 0.02*2000/N_CX # prob renormalized to size
C_I = int(N_I*PROB_CONNECT) # nb inh synapses per neuron
C_E = int(N_E*PROB_CONNECT) # nb exc synapses per neuron
N_GEN = N_CX # total number of cells
PROP = 0.05 # proportion of cortical LTS cells
# Stimulation parameters
N_STIM = int(N_CX/5) # number of neurons stimulated
STOPSTIM = 50 # duration of stimulation (ms)
NSYN_STIM = 20 # nb of stim (exc) synapses per neuron
STIM_INTERVAL = 70 # mean interval between stims (ms)
MODEL_ID = "cx05_LTS500b_%s" % SIMULATOR
# NEURON-specific parameters
NEURONS_TO_PLOT = [0, 10, 20, 30, N_E, N_E+10]
USE_GUI = False # } NEURON-specific
USE_CVODE = False # }
# Create cells
# we now use a standard cell model from PyNN, so there is nothing to do here
# Create Network
rLTS = NumpyRNG(seed=SEED_LTS)
nLTS = 0
def netCreate ():
global nLTS, neurons
RS_parameters = {
'cm': 1000*AREA*CAPACITANCE, 'tau_m': TAU, 'v_rest': V_REST,
'v_thresh': VTR, 'tau_refrac': REFRACTORY+DT,
'v_reset': VBOT, 'v_spike': VTR+1e-6, 'a': 1000.0*a_RS, 'b': b_RS,
'tau_w': TAU_W, 'delta_T': DELTA, 'tau_syn_E': TAU_E, 'e_rev_E': V_E,
'tau_syn_I': TAU_I, 'e_rev_I': V_I
LTS_parameters = RS_parameters.copy()
LTS_parameters.update({'a': 1000.0*a_LTS, 'b': b_LTS}) # 1000 is for uS --> nS
FS_parameters = RS_parameters.copy()
FS_parameters.update({'a': 1000.0*a_FS, 'b': b_FS})
neurons = pyNN.Population(N_CX, pyNN.EIF_cond_exp_isfa_ista, RS_parameters)
for nbactual in range(0, N_E): # create cortical cells (excitatory)
# check if LTS cell
if rLTS.uniform(0,1) < PROP:
print("Cell", nbactual, "is LTS")
nLTS = nLTS + 1
for nbactual in range(N_E, N_CX): # create cortical cells (inhibitory)
neurons.initialize(v=V_INIT, w=0.0)
# Connect cells
rCon = NumpyRNG(seed=SEED_CONN)
PRINT = 2 # flag to print; 0=minimal, 1=verbose, 2=summary
ampa_list = []
gabaa_list = []
stimsyn_list = []
def netConnect(): # local i, j, rand, distvert, nbconn
ne = 0
ni = 0
ie = 0
ii = 0
print("Calculate connectivity of cortical cells...")
# scan cortical cells
for i in range(0, N_CX):
if PRINT==1:
if i<N_E:
print("Cortical EX cell ", i)
print("Cortical IN cell ", i)
nbconex = 0
nbconin = 0
# Insert excitatory inputs
j = 0
while (nbconex < C_E) and (j < N_E):
rand = rCon.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
if (i != j) and (rand <= PROB_CONNECT):
nc = pyNN.connect(neurons[j], neurons[i], weight=AMPA_GMAX,
delay=DT, receptor_type="excitatory")
nbconex = nbconex + 1
j = j + 1
if PRINT==1:
print(" - exc inputs from CX:", nbconex)
ne = ne + nbconex
ie = ie + 1
# Insert inhibitory inputs
j = N_E
while (nbconin < C_I) and (j < N_CX):
rand = rCon.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
if (i != j) and (rand <= PROB_CONNECT):
nc = pyNN.connect(neurons[j], neurons[i], weight=GABA_GMAX,
delay=DT, receptor_type="inhibitory")
nbconin = nbconin + 1
j = j + 1
if PRINT==1:
print(" - inh inputs from CX:", nbconin)
ni= ni + nbconin
ii = ii + 1
if PRINT==2:
print("cortical excitatory inputs ", float(ne)/ie)
print("cortical inhibitory inputs ", float(ni)/ii)
# External Input
nstim = NSYN_STIM
rStim = NumpyRNG(seed=SEED_GEN)
stim = []
def generate_stimulus(start, stop, interval):
rd = RandomDistribution('exponential', [interval], rng=rStim)
t = start
times = []
while t < stop:
t += rd.next()
if t < stop:
return times
def insertStimulation():
print("Add stimulation of cortical neurons...")
for i in range(0, N_STIM):
G = pyNN.Population(nstim, pyNN.SpikeSourceArray())
for cell in G:
spike_times = generate_stimulus(TSTART, STOPSTIM, STIM_INTERVAL)
cell.spike_times = spike_times
ncs = pyNN.connect(G, neurons[i], weight=AMPA_GMAX*scale, delay=DT,
# Simulation settings
pyNN.setup(DT, min_delay=DT, use_cvode=USE_CVODE, rng_seeds_seed=SEED_GEN)
# Add graphs
g = [None]*20
ngraph = 0
def addgraph(v_min, v_max, label, colour):
global ngraph
ngraph = ngraph+1
ii = ngraph-1
g[ii] = h.Graph()
g[ii].size(TSTART, h.tstop, v_min, v_max)
g[ii].addexpr(label, colour, 0)
print(" Network of ",N_GEN,"IF neurons in an active state")
# creating cells
print("----[ CREATING CELLS ]----")
# creating network
print("----[ CREATING NETWORK ]----")
# adding network input
print("----[ ADDING NETWORK INPUT ]----")
# procedures to write spike times
nspikes = []
def write_numspikes():
f = open("numspikes_%s.dat" % MODEL_ID, 'w')
f.write("%g %g\n" % (N_GEN, pyNN.get_current_time())) # write nb of cells and time
sum1 = 0
sum2 = 0
sum3 = 0
sum4 = 0
spike_counts = neurons.get_spike_counts()
for i in range(0, N_GEN):
nspikes = spike_counts.get(i, 0)
f.write("%g\n" % nspikes) # write tot number of spikes
rate = nspikes * 1000.0 / TSTOP
if i<N_E:
sum1 = sum1 + rate
sum2 = sum2 + rate**2
sum3 = sum3 + rate
sum4 = sum4 + rate**2
sum1 = float(sum1) / N_E
sum2 = sqrt( float(sum2)/N_E - sum1**2 )
sum3 = float(sum3) / N_I
sum4 = sqrt( float(sum4)/N_I - sum3**2 )
return sum1, sum2, sum3, sum4
# Graphs
def create_graphs():
h('objref py')
h.py = h.PythonObject() # lets Hoc access Python
h.steps_per_ms = 1.0/DT
# adding graphs
for id in NEURONS_TO_PLOT:
addgraph(-80, 40, "py.neurons[%d]._cell.seg.v" % id, 4)
# record spikes
# record the Vm
# Procedure to run simulation and menu
def run_sim(with_graphs=False):
if with_graphs and SIMULATOR == 'neuron':
from neuron import h, gui
h.v_init = V_INIT
h.tstop = TSTOP
print("Writing spikes to file...")
rate_RS, std_RS, rate_FS, std_FS = write_numspikes()
neurons.write_data("data_%s.pkl" % MODEL_ID)
print("Mean rate per RS cell (Hz) = ", rate_RS)
print(" standard deviation = ", std_RS)
print("Mean rate per FS cell (Hz) = ", rate_FS)
print(" standard deviation = ", std_FS)
def make_Vpanel(): # make panel
h.xpanel("Brette-Gerstner network")
h.xbutton("Run simulation", "py.run_sim(1)")
if USE_GUI and SIMULATOR == 'neuron':