# target values of the file 'vm_trace.txt'
# ge=0.032057
# gi=0.096171
# se=0.008014
# si=0.024043
vmFile = 'vm_trace.txt' # input file
resfile = 'g_dist_parms.txt' # output file
Iext = 0. # constant injected current in nA
gtot = 0.146928 # total input conductance in uS
C = 0.33 # capacitance in nF
gl = 0.0187 # leak conductance in uS
Vl = -99. # leak reversal potential in mV
Ve = 0. # rev. potential of exc. in mV
Vi = -75. # rev. potential of inh. in mV
te = 2.728 # exc. corr. time constant in ms
ti = 10.49 # inh. corr. time constant in ms
vt=-20. # threshold for spike detection
dt=0.048 # time step in ms
t_pre = 5. # excluded time preceding spike
t_post = 10. # excluded time after spike
n_smooth = 3
n_ival = 100 # nb of intervals analysed
n_minISI = 1000 # min nb of datapoints in interval
n_maxISI = 10000 # max nb of datapoints in interval
g_start = [0.03, 0.001, 0.001]
pre=int(t_pre/dt) # excluded pre spike steps
ahp=int(t_post/dt) # excluded post spike steps
he1 = 1.-dt/te
he2 = dt/te
hi1 = 1.-dt/ti
hi2 = dt/ti