//  Procedures to add a simplified axon directly to the soma
//  (no axon hillock, no initial segment, no nodes of ranvier)
//  A. Destexhe, Laval University, 1996

  // initial segment
  // Farinas & DeFelipe J Comp Neurol 1991: 
  //                L                 diam
  // cocallosal     21.6 +- 4.10      1.06 +- 0.18
  // ispsilateral   22.24 +- 1.58     1.06 +- 0.12

print " "
print "Adding axon ..."
print " "

create axon		// create axon

soma connect axon (0), 0.5	// connect them

axon { 				// axon
	nseg = 10
	L = 1000
	diam = 0.5