/*---------------------------------------------------------------- Geometry file for thalamocortical neuron - 1 compartment (soma) Length and diameters: --------------------- Soma : L=100 diam=76.58 => total dendritic surface = 24058 um2 Reconstructed cell was of 23980.547 um2 The determination of the size of this single-compartment neuron, the evaluation of its passive parameters, its cable properties and how this neuron matches the physiology of thalamic relay cells are described in: Destexhe A, Neubig M, Ulrich D and Huguenard JR. Dendritic low-threshold calcium currents in thalamic relay cells. J. Neurosci. 18: 3574-3588, 1998. http://cns.fmed.ulaval.ca ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ print "----------------------------------------------" print " Single-compartment TC cell model" print "----------------------------------------------" /* create compartments (sections) */ create soma[1] soma { nseg = 1 diam = 76.58 // obtained by fitting passive responses L = 100 cm = 1 }