

	Simulations of a detailed compartmental model of thalamic relay
	cell, reconstructed from a ventrobasal neuron from a young rat,
	recorded in slices by John Huguenard.  The reconstruction was done
	by Alain Destexhe on a Eutectic tracing system and the 3-dim 
	information was integrated into the NEURON simulation environment.

	This model is described in the following paper:
	   Destexhe A, Neubig M, Ulrich D and Huguenard JR.  Dendritic
	   low-threshold calcium currents in thalamic relay cells.  
	   Journal of Neuroscience 18: 3574-3588, 1998.

	Please cite this reference if use that model.

	All details about the morphology and the physiology of that cell,
	its passive cable properties and its intrinsic (burst) firing 
	properties, are described in this article.

	The present program reproduces a voltage-clamp experiment on
	the TC cell (as shown in Fig. 6 of the paper)

	See also:

	Alain Destexhe, Laval University, 1997


//  load and define general graphical procedures

// xopen("$(NEURONHOME)/lib/hoc/nrngui.hoc")
load_file("nrngui.hoc")		// updated command version of above
nrncontrolmenu()		// create control menu

objectvar g[20]			// max 20 graphs
ngraph = 0

proc addgraph() { local ii	// define subroutine to add a new graph
				// addgraph("variable", minvalue, maxvalue)
	ngraph = ngraph+1
	ii = ngraph-1
	g[ii] = new Graph()

proc addshape() { local ii	// define subroutine to add a new shape
				// addshape()
	ngraph = ngraph+1
	ii = ngraph-1
	g[ii] = new PlotShape()

//  transient time

trans = 1000

print " "
print ">> Transient time of ",trans," ms"
print " "

//  create multi-compartment geometry and insert currents

xopen("cells/tc200.geo")		// read geometry file

corrD = 1			// no dendritic surface correction

G_pas = 3.79e-5
E_pas = -73			// to fit current-clamp data (was -71 to -73)
E_pas = -76.5			// within 3 mV error

forall { 			// insert passive current everywhere
	insert pas
	g_pas = G_pas * corrD
	e_pas = E_pas
	cm = 0.88 * corrD
	Ra = 173
	L = L

soma {
	g_pas = G_pas
	cm = 0.88

forall {
	insert itGHK		// T-current everywhere
	cai = 2.4e-4 
	cao = 2 
	eca = 120 
	shift_itGHK = -1	// screening charge shift + 3 mV error
	gcabar_itGHK = corrD * 0.0002
	qm_itGHK = 2.5
	qh_itGHK = 2.5

	insert cad		// calcium diffusion everywhere
	depth_cad = 0.1 * corrD
	kt_cad = 0		// no pump
	kd_cad = 1e-4
	taur_cad = 5
	cainf_cad = 2.4e-4	

xopen("loc200.oc")		// load procedures for localizing T-current

// uniform T-current with same density as in dissociated cells (Fig 6A)
// localize(1.7e-5,corrD*1.7e-5,corrD*1.7e-5)

// high distal density of T-current (Fig 6B)

//  insert electrodes in the soma

if(ismenu==0) {
  xopen("El.oc")		// Electrode with series resistance
  ismenu = 1

access soma

objectvar El			// insert electrode
El = new Electrode()
electrodes_present = 1


	forall { g_pas = 0 }		// remove passive current everywhere

	soma El.vc.loc(0.5)		// put electrode in voltage-clamp mode
	El.vc.dur[0] = trans
	El.vc.dur[1] = 1000
	El.vc.dur[2] = 1000
	El.vc.amp[0] = -115
	El.vc.amp[1] = -65
	El.vc.amp[2] = -65
	El.vc.rs = 5	 		// series resistance

//  setup simulation parameters

Dt = 0.2
npoints = 1000

dt = 0.1			// must be submultiple of Dt
tstart = trans
tstop = trans + npoints * Dt
runStopAt = tstop
steps_per_ms = 1/Dt

celsius = 24			// temperature of John's experiments in VC
v_init = -70

//  add graphs

addgraph("El.vc.i",-10,0.001)		// current
addgraph("soma.v(0.5)",-120,40)		// soma voltage
addgraph("dend10[26].v(0.5)",-120,40)	// distal voltage