/*     ###########     Exact simulation of integrate-and-fire models with synaptic conductances ######################

This code is associated with the paper :
"Brette Romain (2006) , Exact simulation of integrate-and-fire models with synaptic conductances" :
Cohen Benjamin
benjamin.cohen _AT_ ens-lyon.fr
Last updated : Jul 2006 

If you modify the source file, please don't delete this header


//##########	NETWORK		#######
#define NEURONS 4000				//number of neurons		
#define LTH 1000.					//Length of the simulation in ms
#define AVERAGE_SYNAPSES 80			//Average number of synapses ( linked oriented neurons ) per neuron
#define INHIBITORY_PROPORTION 0.2	//Inhibitor neurons proportion, Warning !! : 0 <= INHIBITORY_PROPORTION <= 1 , type = double

//#################  OUTPUT   ##################
		//Comment next line to see results in the terminal	
#define NO_TERM
#define FILE_OUT "Network.log"  //OUTPUT FILE

//####################  Constants ##############
#define REFRACT_ 5.		//Length of the refract. Period , ms. 
#define Taum 20.		//Membrane time constant , ms
#define Dge_ 0.6		//Excitatory synaptic weight
#define Dgi_ 6.7		//Inhibitory synaptic weight

//Be carrefull, you must write next values between ( ) 
#define El__ (-60.)		//Leak reversal potential, mV
#define Vt__ (-50.)		//Threshold  potential, mV
#define Vr__ (-60.)		//Reset potential, mV
#define Ee__ (0.)		//Excitatory reversal potential, mV
#define El__ (-60.)		//Leak reversal potential, mV
#define Ei__ (-80.)		//Inhibitory reversal potential, mV



//################For EXPERIMENTED USERS##########################################

/*Uncomment next line to use lower bound spiking time to insert a spike in the queue. 
As soon as the spike is pop(), the network computes the exact spiking time and insert the spike. 
If the line is commented, the network computes the exact spiking time each time.*/


/*Don'T MODIFY next line*/

#define MAX_ITER 1	//# Max of iterations for computing the lower bound in the newton raphson method

/*Don't Modify Next Line*/

#define AVERAGE_DAY_LENGTH (0.12) //Experimental value founded such as : in the queue, at less 80% of spikes must be in [t,t+AVERAGE_DAY_LENGTH] where t is a relative time
/*This option optimizes the computation time, but cannot modify the simulation*/

//################################## DON'T MODIFY NEXT LINES: #######################################"
#define SYNAPSES_ (((double)NEURONS)/(double)AVERAGE_SYNAPSES)
#define EPS 0.00000001
#define REFRACT REFRACT_/taum	 
#define Taue (5./Taum) //***
#define Taui Taue	//***
#define SIM_LENGTH LTH/Taum //Double

#define Vt_ (Vt__- El__)   
#define Vr_ (Vr__- El__ )	
#define Ee_ (Ee__-El__)	
#define El_ 0.	
#define Ei_ (Ei__-El__)	