/* ########### Exact simulation of integrate-and-fire models with synaptic conductances ######################
This code is associated with the paper :
"Brette Romain (2006) , Exact simulation of integrate-and-fire models with synaptic conductances" :
Cohen Benjamin
benjamin.cohen _AT_ ens-lyon.fr
Last updated : Jul 2006
If you modify the source file, please don't delete this header
/*---------------NEURON CLASS-----------------------------*/
#include <vector>
#include "annexe.h"
#include "Ncq.h"
using namespace std;
class Neurone
Spike *spike; //Spike of the neuron. If no spike, spike = NULL
vector<Neurone *> voisins; //Synapses
//Constructor & destructor
Neurone(Neurone **table_, Ncq *queue, double Vinit, double Vrinit, double Vtinit,double Elinit,double Eeinit, double Eiinit, double geinit, double giinit, double tausinit, double tauminit ,double dgiinit, double dgeinit, bool inhibiteur_, int id);
/*Constructor :
queue = Queue of spikes
Vinit = initial Potential
Vrinit = Reset Potential
Vtinit = Threshold potential
Elinit = Leak reversal potential
Eeinit = Excitatory reversal potential
Eiinit = Inhibitory reversal potential
geinit = initial Excitatory conductance
giinit = initial Inhibitory conductance
tausinit = Synaptic time constant
tauminit = Membrane time constant
dgiinit = Inhibitory synaptic weight
dgeinit = Excitatory synaptic weight
inhibiteur_ = true if the neuron is inhibitor
id_ = id of the neuron
void ReceivePulse(int sender, double t); //Called if the neuron receive a spike
void pulse(); //Called if the neuron must pulse
void upgrade(); //Call by the network if we need the exact spiking time ( in fact when the "lower bound spike" is on the top of the priority queue )
int id; //id of the neuron ( in the table )
double time; //Current time for the neuron
double V,Vt,Vr; //V = Current potential
double El,Es, Ee, Ei; //see the constructor
double taus,taum;
double g,ge,gi;
double dge,dgi;
Ncq *queue; //Queue of spikes
Neurone **table; //table of neurons
double last_pulse; //time since the last pulse
bool inhibiteur; //true if inhibitor
double calcV(double newtime, double V0, double g0); //compute V at t = newtime ( relative time ) if there is no spike , and if at t = 0, V = V0, g = g0
Spike *update_spike(bool exact); //Return the next spike, otherwise NULL. if exact then we compute the exact spiking time, otherwise only a lowerbound
double findNextSpike(double V0, double g0); //give the time of the next spike using newton-raphson method for (V(t) - Vt) if at t = 0, V = V0, g = g0, if there is no spike
double lowerBound(double V0, double g0); //give a lower bound of the time of the next spike using newton-raphson method for (V(t) - Vt) if at t = 0, V = V0, g = g0, if there is no spike, and with MAX_ITER iterations
double B; //Bound for Newton Raphson Method