/* ########### Exact simulation of integrate-and-fire models with exponential currents ######################
This code is associated with the paper :
"Brette Romain (2006) , Exact simulation of integrate-and-fire models with exponential currents " :
Cohen Benjamin
benjamin.cohen _AT_ ens-lyon.fr
Last updated : Jul 2006
If you modify the source file, please don't delete this header
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
class Polynomial{
Polynomial(int d); //create the polynomial X^d
Polynomial(int d, double ad); //create the polynomial ad*X^d
bool empty();
void coeff(int c, double ac); //coeff a_c <- ac
double coeff(int c); //return a_c
int deg(); //degree
void deg(int n); //change the degree ( troncature )
Polynomial operator+(Polynomial &);
Polynomial operator+(double q);
Polynomial operator*(Polynomial &);
Polynomial operator*(double q);
Polynomial operator-(Polynomial &);
Polynomial operator/(Polynomial &);
Polynomial operator%(Polynomial &);
void operator=(Polynomial P);
bool operator==(Polynomial &);
double eval(double x);
Polynomial deriv(); //return the derivate Polynomial
int descartes(); //return M >= Card{ k , ak*a(k+1) < 0 }
void *sturmseq(); //return the Sturm sequence of the Polynomial, the return type is (void *) because ::Polynomial doesn't know PolynomialSeq
int sturm(void *s,double u, double v); //return the number of root in [u,v]
double largestRoot(void *s, double u, double v); //give the largest root in [u,v] using a simple bissetion method
void view(); //print the polynomial
int n; //degree of P
std::vector<double> P;
void normalize();
class PolynomialSeq{
PolynomialSeq(){n = 0;};
int n; //number of polynomials in the sequence
vector<Polynomial> suite;